diy solar

diy solar


They are the actions of someone who doesn't really like the United States and who's affections lie with a different country. 😊
You got the first part right.

He doesn’t like the US but not because he’s Jewish it’s because he’s a Globalist and you can’t have a one world Government with an independent Government and people.
You got the first part right.

He doesn’t like the US but not because he’s Jewish it’s because he’s a Globalist and you can’t have a one world Government with an independent Government and people.
you both are splitting hairs... the primary concern is that he is an enemy of the United states, a trojan horse. I dont care if its because he is jewish and space lasers shoot out of his ass, or if he is a george soros funded BLM Antifa supporter... the man needs to be executed post haste.
I think its obvious. And the elections were stolen (at least in coastal states) for probably decades. Its just that in 2020 they did it right in the open, to test for peoples reaction. (Not because it would matter, but because the wanted to see if people are ready to be shitted upon in the open)
They like what they saw - i.e. lots of talk in the kitchen with closed doors (USSR reference for people criticizing the govt) but ultimately doing absolutely nothing.

A lot of my collegues always ask, what was the biggest difference between USA and Russia/USSR.

Answer is simple.

Before 2020
In Russa/USSR the elites shit on your head
In USA/West, the elites first wrap the shit in a pretty candy paper and then feed it to you on a silver platter.

After 2020:
In Russia/USSR/USA/West the elites shit on your head.

I live in a west coastal state and believe me, the people here are just looney tunes.

Their votes for lefties are 100% legit, I promise you that.
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You got the first part right.

He doesn’t like the US but not because he’s Jewish it’s because he’s a Globalist and you can’t have a one world Government with an independent Government and people.

Your scolding and moral preening is getting old.

Sorry, globalist gets you in trouble too.

"Much like dual loyalty, globalist is used to promote the antisemitic conspiracy that Jewish people do not have allegiance to their countries of origin, like the United States, but to some worldwide order—like a global economy or international political system—that will enhance their control over the world’s banks, governments, and media (see"
Your scolding and moral preening is getting old.

yep thats why i say kill them all. i often suggest nukes as I see no reason to endanger a single US citizens life when you can decisively end the engagement without it.

everybody is like its the end of the world.... not if you do not shoot at china or russia with it. do you think they care if the "ragheads" die? they do nto, as long as we divvy up the oil with them they could care two fuck less. same goes for most of the world

everybody else with nukes are small potatoes and we could take out their nukes before we fire ours. this includes india, france, pakistan israel and north korea and any other small potatoes countries. fuck most of them do nto have the early warning systems in place to stop us and they know it.
you both are splitting hairs... the primary concern is that he is an enemy of the United states, a trojan horse. I dont care if its because he is jewish and space lasers shoot out of his ass, or if he is a george soros funded BLM Antifa supporter... the man needs to be executed post haste.
No arguments here but the point I was trying to makes is he’s not doing those because he’s a Jew.
I am sorry, dud I hurt some feelz again? is any part fo the middle east a US sovereign territory? have we lost too many people in that shithole?

I said it multiple time nuke the entire middle east, the world would have less problems in general. between the sunni, the shia and israelites are why that area is in an uproar, the coptic christians get fucked by all three sides and not a single fucking person gives two shits, so yes including the israelites.

I do not care about any of their religions personally, I don't care which side thinks they are gods chosen ones, they can all die and I would not loose one wink of sleep. Remember according to all three of their beliefs its all in gods hands and its all Gods plan.

So if I was president for a day and pushed the button it would have been gods plan by their very own admission. Trust me we have carbide tipped drill bits that can take care of any supposed issues.
"Kill them all. The Lord will know his own."
"Today, globalist is a coded word for Jews who are seen as international elites conspiring to weaken or dismantle “Western” society using their international connections and control over big corporations (see New World Order)—all echoing the destructive theory that Jews hold greed and tribe above country"

I'm going to hypothesize that from here on out, you and aenyc will be be very mindful of not using any of the above terms.
You said he did those things because hes a globalist, which according to the article, the term globalist is anti-semitic.

Now you're backpedaling.
No I’m just not arguing with a poorly thought out article.

Which is more likely.

He wants the US to fail because he wants a totalitarian One world Government.


He wants Israel to be #1 because he’s a Jew.
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They own the system bruh.

That's why its so wealthy out here.

Micro-payments from around the globe coalesce here into one giant ball of libtarded goop.
Bruh it’s doesn’t really matter when it all breaks down.
The strongest survive.

Let the food stop or Gas or electricity or anything for a month and see what happens.
Which is why when the system collapses they will be the first to go..
No great loss, the coasts have been the purveyors of filth since the start.
They own the system bruh.

That's why its so wealthy out here.

Micro-payments from around the globe coalesce here into one giant ball of libtarded goop.
this will not save them when there is nothing to buy, no power to run their a/c or charge their cars, or pump the fuel out of the tanks for their ICE vehicles. and the minute they head inland the people there will not play with them, not when it involves survival. if it does go down, expect it to be very messy, really quickly.
Bruh it’s doesn’t really matter when it all breaks down.
The strongest survive.

Let the food stop or Gas or electricity or anything for a month and see what happens.
exactly. even the military is helpless if our economy crashes, you can have all of the weapons systems you want but when you do not have the ability to move them anywhere it will get you nothing except privates shooting generals.
No great loss, the coasts have been the purveyors of filth since the start.

this will not save them when there is nothing to buy, no power to run their a/c or charge their cars, or pump the fuel out of the tanks for their ICE vehicles. and the minute they head inland the people there will not play with them, not when it involves survival. if it does go down, expect it to be very messy, really quickly.

exactly. even the military is helpless if our economy crashes, you can have all of the weapons systems you want but when you do not have the ability to move them anywhere it will get you nothing except privates shooting generals.
No arguments here but the point I was trying to makes is he’s not doing those because he’s a Jew.
If we had as many Chinese in our govt as we do jews pushing for Israel with AIPAC which is a BRIBE system that rewards USA politicians for rewarding Israel and their goals would you say it is a problem. The ppl in Bidens appointments are not America 1st or border would be closed for one thing. When you call an employee to the carpet because of their shit obvious bad performance and they scream holocaust story they are done in my book. Like a black screaming they can't do the job assigned because some great great grand parent was a friggin slave.

Jews - Israeli are 2%-3% USA population. Yet they are way over represented. Listening to jews always talk about how they have been mistreated is horse shit and an excuse to antisemitism laws a special treatment that is usually done after they have taken over newly acquired communist countries like after Russia went red in 1900's Lenin and Trotsky and guy over Holodomor were mass murderers were Jewish. Hell Haber a german jew gassed our soldiers in WW1 even gassed Hitler by accident. Haber did a lot of things good and bad. Haber wanted to be "a Good NAZI."

Their BS is Like listening to blacks complain about slavery which ended ~160 years ago. The whites in USA fought to save and free both. They need to get together which they do and have a huge cry party. Most black groups have Jewish roots so they can gain control. Be honest and look at the slave trade for Jewish involvement. WallStreet set up run by Dutch jews traded slaves as the first STOCK and they still control much of WallStreet Exchange to this day. Look at FINK.

You obviously know little of nothing about jewish history of meddling and communism either. Nor the Bible to which God has punished them time and time again as recorded history. I can understand why some of them hate God and act out - can't you?

Israel is a foreign country. It is not part of the USA. When we have a disaster in USA We send more money to Israel and shit like their ppl aka Zelensky in UKRAINE. VS taking care of USA 1st. Biden and his representatives have done that with help of most all our politicians which even Carter said was controlled by Israel - AIPAC. Even Trump has admitted that in videos Israel controls our govt. Trump than lied and made it sound like AOC had busted the Israeli hold on our GOVT. I've posted videos of trump saying these things in the past then TRUMP was called Antisemitic for his statements. If when we get the desired ADL AIPAC Antisemitism Laws - Trump would be put in jail or at least charged over that too.

Wise up. Learn your battle field before you beat on the War Drums. BTW breaking up the USA into fractured Countries is not gonna happen in my book. I am 100% against busting up the USA. Why because I am USA 1st. If jews do USA 1st have no problem. Mayorkas and the Garland Types are a problem Yellen saying we can fund wars is another one. We are fucking broke. We have been robbed of $30+trillion. Israel is a welthy country we don't owe them shit. We need to stop paying them money to not cause trouble in the middle east and here.

Soros is literally the BOOGEYMAN another one to wit they now cover for him. BTW lately the Democrats are ones trying to stop the War in GAZA....the House Mike Johnson and friends paid by AIPAC are fighting for Israel.

Is it all jews? Ask which ones are USA 1st VS Israel 1st. You have your answer.

Now how about we install as many foreign communist Chinese as we have for Israeli Jewish reps and financial ties? I bet you would say something then and thus that is the problem for OBVIOUS
Bruh it’s doesn’t really matter when it all breaks down.
The strongest survive.

Let the food stop or Gas or electricity or anything for a month and see what happens.

Parts for EG4's will stop flowing and all electronics will brick.

We won't fair any better than them, we'll just be more amused.
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When you call an employee to the carpet because of their shit obvious bad performance and they scream holocaust story they are done in my book.
Convenient excuse.

Still a Marxist using that as a shield because they have nothing else.

They don’t give a shit about Israel. All they care about is one world government.

BTW breaking up the USA into fractured Countries
Who said this nonsense?

I don’t want them in office because they are Marxist not because they are Jews.

Marxist Jew, Marxist Whites, Marxist Blacks, Marxist Chinese.
Could care less about their religion, Ethnicity or anything else.
Get them out.

It’s Marxist who have taken over the Government.
Some of them Jews, white, black, Hindu,etc etc etc.
All to usher in 1 world government.
Convenient excuse.

Still a Marxist using that as a shield because they have nothing else.

They don’t give a shit about Israel. All they care about is one world government.

Who said this nonsense?

I don’t want them in office because they are Marxist not because they are Jews.

Marxist Jew, Marxist Whites, Marxist Blacks, Marxist Chinese.
Could care less about their religion, Ethnicity or anything else.
Get them out.

It’s Marxist who have taken over the Government.
Some of them Jews, white, black, Hindu,etc etc etc.
All to usher in 1 world government.
Hitler had jews locked up because they were either Marx communist and or antifa or were Rothschild workers. Hitler while not a good guy in my book held Rothschild for ransom made them reimburse Germany money they had stolen. Hitler had about 160,000 jews openly serving him. Haber was a good nazi. The guy started ss was jew. The banker that set it up was banker after ww2 probably jew. The Ford plant manager that ran it before during and after in Germany was probably a jew. Germany military had Ford engines in trucks. If we bomb damaged german plants Ford got paid. Shsss lot of deals like that. Rockefeller standard oil too. Shsss ... we got played like sucker's.

Marx was a jew convert to Lutheran. Not really he gave up religion for communism. When hear a jew say not religious usually means communist. They are communist. As hell. Primary reason I don't like them. I lived in Israel when was in usa military .... I don't really like arab or jew. The talk of nuking the middle east is good with me except start major nuke global war.

There are several ppl on Right that want to destroy America and break it up. That is the dumbest shit ever heard or read. Go read other forums - gun groups and such. Destroying America and breaking it up is pointless. - it is not how we save it.
I don't know where that thinking came from but seen it a lot. It is retarded.

You have to watch what you say online. End up like this guy.

A war of conquest would help lift things up.

Mexico as the 51st state?
Why not we bought paid their debt 3 or 4 times over the years in my lifetime. Why we owe $30÷trillion dollars. China doesn't do debt loan forgiveness they take shit. Go look Sri lanke and what will happen to low iq Africa as higher iq chinese take advantage of them in trade. with loans and sea ports.

Far as that goes look at Chinese goods being used to take America in trade.
aenyc, was this what Sidney Powell/rudy Giulian working on in courts or 2000 mules :unsure:

this shows how convoluted my question is, you or I can see a video of a truck carrying ballets
but we lack a way of seeing if they were all for biden or not :unsure: we can only assume/guess

I'm seeing talk of dropping vance for Nikki :love:
Tommy the vote tally of them coming in were announced mostly biden by the ppl counting them.

The old basic saying goes about likethis: to win an election you must do the counting. So..... we know the ppl counting votes did all kinds of shady shit. Come On Man as Joe would say. :rolleyes:

Haley's puss probably smells like bad sardines and mustard potato salad left in the sun.

diy solar

diy solar