diy solar

diy solar

Understanding and controlling inverter "working mode"


New Member
Mar 24, 2023
Does anybody know of a good beginners guide to configuring the mode/priorities of a (Deye) inverter? What I can find in the manual, on youtube, etc. is a bit hard to grasp, and does not seem to correspond with the actual behaviour I am seeing.

What I am looking for put into questions:

1) With "Zero export to CT", according to the manual, the power should first go to the backup and home load, then charge the battery, and only when there is still surplus, export the rest to the grid. But I see for example PV production 2 kW, battery charging with 2 kW, load 3 kW, import from grid 3 kW.

How can I configure it to actually always first use PV power if possible, then charge batteries, and only after that export to grid? (So in my example only import 1 kW from grid).

2) I am not yet using the "time of day" configuration. But the battery is charging. So where can I control to what SoC it charges and discharges?

3) How are alerts/faults acknowledged/dismissed? It seems to just continue beeping for a long time no matter what. For example if I turned off the batteries for a short while.

Thanks in advance from a newbie on this topic :)

diy solar

diy solar