diy solar

diy solar

UPS and APL modes fail to go back to normal.


New Member
Jun 15, 2024
El Salvador
I wanted to share the following situation since it is not something that you can read on the manual and I can't find an explanation... maybe firmware update? It applies to ASF48100U200-H inverters and other popular clones. Export function enabled but shouldnt be key to the problem. You can tell it bothers me a lot to waste sunny days.
UPS and APL failures.png
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I was blaming the battery charging/discharging cicle for this random behaviour.... til I read something on some other thread about UPS/APL settings. Here I plotted 48h from the moment we had a power interruption til the moment I rebooted the inverter manually (UPS mode all the time). You can see switching to (Mains) and off the grid (contravariant) was totally random.

UPS mode failure.png
Sounds like a bug you will need to take up with the manufacturer.

diy solar

diy solar