diy solar

diy solar

Victron Gear for sale (SOLD)

I already was voted to be a moderator, did it for a few weeks and handed my badge back in/resigned, too many no common sense people with nothing better to do than cause drama... If I wanted to babysit grown ass men, I'd have stayed married, I deal with enough of that garbage at work, sure don't want to deal with it in my recreation time. That combined with the fact I couldn't talk @Will Prowse into letting me implement capital punishment, took all the fun out of being a bit*h... but I still manage now and then, ya have to stay in practice. ;)

Being a moderator myself, on two different forums, neither of which is related to solar power/battery type stuff, you don't have the temperament (resigned after two weeks) to be a moderator. I obviously do not know you, but you come across as brash with an attitude, and certainly not very tolerant of members that in your opinion, have no common sense. A moderator's role is not to intimidate the members or belittle them, it is to keep order and insure, as best they can, that the forum runs smoothly and the members treat each other with respect....and follow the forum rules. Warnings can be given, and follow up PMs to a member that is in violation of forum rules, and why something is not allowed or why they were warned. If you don't have the temperament to do that, in my opinion, you made a good choice in resigning the role of moderator.
I've had some good success selling used gear locally on Craigslist and Facebook marketplace.

That 450/100 that's still new in the box could do very well on eBay.
That is a smoking hot deal.
I already finished buying my upgrade equipment (all Victron).
Had I seen your deal...BINGO! done, I would have bought yours in a heart beat!
good evening,
is this still available? sorry if this was already answered, will you sell only parts of the system?
thank you.

diy solar

diy solar