diy solar

diy solar

What happened to my panel??


New Member
Nov 27, 2021
Noticed damage to one of my panels a while back. It looks like a small projectile hit it, but there is nothing above the panels, like trees, a neighbor on hill overlooking them, etc. Is it possible for a panel to do this on its own (a short circuit or something)?

Alien poop ejection seems most likely. ? Second most likely is that I live in a rural area and people shoot guns often out here. Neighbor also likes to scare away animals by firing a gun into the air.
Alien poop ejection seems most likely. ? Second most likely is that I live in a rural area and people shoot guns often out here. Neighbor also likes to scare away animals by firing a gun into the air.
Here too!

I had to look this up "Instead, a falling bullet comes back down with a speed of only around 150 miles-per-hour (241 kilometers per hour), which is just 10% of the speed it was fired with."

That would be 220 feet per second and I don't know if that is fast enough to break through a solar panel with safety glass?

Added: Most monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels are rated to withstand 25 millimeter (0.98 inches) diameter hail falling at 50 miles per hour. Flexible thin film panels have a lower hail rating due to the nature of their construction.
Added: Most monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels are rated to withstand 25 millimeter (0.98 inches) diameter hail falling at 50 miles per hour. Flexible thin film panels have a lower hail rating due to the nature of their construction.

Good to know. The stress from a bullet would be notably higher due to the smaller size and higher velocity.

Through some Google-Fu and conversions, a 1" dia ball of hail weighs 126gr, so it's within the realm of a lead slug (like 1gr more than my favorite .357 JHP!) :)
It looks like something big (baseball, big stone) etc hit it rather than something small and fast.
Yep...or bullet shot into the air came down or maybe a rogue hailstone.... Pretty serious impact though.
I have a home repair and improvement company in southeast Georgia. I have fixed several holes in roofs after New Years Eve for 6 years straight. Bullet holes. I usually find the bullet in the attic but one time the bullet went through the ceiling and landed on the person's kitchen floor. It was a pretty large 45 caliber bullet.