diy solar

diy solar

What will be your next purchase? Living on a budget


Aspiring apprentice
Feb 25, 2021
Ok. Bitten by the bug. Planning on adding battery cases and updated BMS and screens to my build. Will be adding an 8s battery (can you really have enough?) and reconfiguring my build wall.

Then there is reality. Paying for everything. Since we enjoy such luxuries such as food, clothing, shelter and transportation there is the careful saving of funds for the next purchase.

What is your next planned purchase? Panels? Batteries? Main power generation? Other?
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Just got done adding some new panels and my budget is a bit depleted. Unfortunately I start paying for medicare next month and I lose $175 from my monthly worthless old guy pension payment. May be awhile before any other purchases can be made. I will just have to wait and see what the wind and tides brings me.
What is your next planned purchase?
The next planned purchase will be 4 more panels and another charge controller. My Midnite Classic 200 is maxed out and by adding another battery (17.76 kwh total) I could use the boost.
I just received 21 panels to go with the 10 I already have and that will be it because those are all I can fit on my property.
I have 1600 AH of battery so my next purchase will be a Victron 48-5000 and a Victron 450-200.
I will also get a cerbo gx so I can monitor the system.
Hoping for a really good July 4th sale or a good black Friday sale.
I picked up a couple 24v cell packs a while back, my next purchase will be the steel and shunts and fuses and heaters and all to build those out for my cabin's 24v system.

After that and a LOT of time with a chainsaw and skid steer I'm planning on getting a 6kw 48v setup to backup my pump house.
Well heck, I just purchased a Ampinvt 24vDC, 5000w split phase inverter charger. They had one for special sale of Used -Like New on their website for such a good price ($460 with free shipping) I decided I could not pass it up. I had been thinking of having a 240vAC split phase supply for those few times that I need to power a 240vAC item.

I guess Ramen noodles will be my meals for the next few weeks. :(
Victron Quattro 10000VA. Right now my panels can fully charge my batteries by 11AM on a sunny day. My issue mainly is I only have a Victron 48/1200VA. Which I have seen it go up to 1000 watts. So I need more inverting power I guess. Which will lead me to get more batteries. I only have about 9600 watts of storage.

I'm still recovering from all the other stuff I purchased earlier in the year. Mostly, solar stuff. Getting to the mail before my wife and hiding the bills is become a challenge.
Just went to CED Greentech yesterday and picked up 8 more panels to add to the system. No more solar budget for the foreseeable future but we shouldn't need anything else. Just wanted some extra production for the two months during fall/winter where we fall a little short, but there is that new AIO from Midnight that's about to drop.......