diy solar

diy solar

What's the point?

09:00... Lovely clear skies.... Perfect day for the solar panels...
No, there's already a lot of high cirrus clouds starting to form in that first picture. It's just a lot fuller by 10:30. And I'm not referring to the contrails.
Same thing for me. Clear skies in the early morning and then it goes full cloudy, followed by some rain in the late afternoon. It's Spring time weather just a bit later.
Well I guess the average Joe will never have any hard fast evidence as to what are 'real clouds' and what are engineered but it's just a case of what you believe to be true...

(Not endorsing that article, just something I found whilst looking up cirrus clouds as I'd not heard that term before)
Aw come on… this is the solar forum, let’s keep on topic.
Hey not stirring up anything... Just very frustrating as somebody trying to get started with solar to very rarely see a blue sky any more and when you do some planes fly over and it's gone. It's not just today. And that's me as an absolute amateur with 300w worth of panels... I can't imagine the impact on those who've seriously invested in solar.
Hey not stirring up anything... Just very frustrating as somebody trying to get started with solar to very rarely see a blue sky any more and when you do some planes fly over and it's gone. It's not just today. And that's me as an absolute amateur with 300w worth of panels... I can't imagine the impact on those who've seriously invested in solar.
We have had completely cloudy and wet weather here where it is normally much more drier. Aircraft had nothing to do with it. In fact, we are thankful for not having scorching weather like others are.

Many thousands of aircraft fly over the entire U.S. every single day, even where skies are clear all day long and for days on end. Funny how that happens.

So, is this a 'pity party' post or what? Is there an actual iota of factual information, or just anecdotal conspiracy theory silliness?
Yeah, it's been 105 highs with 90% humidity for weeks here... normal design temps are low 90's... sooo hottt...
Thunderstorms randomly appear...
No cloudy days...

Hey, no need to be defensive. I just believe what I see (well, some of the time...).

People can make up their own minds as to whether these are natural cloud formations or not... Either way I'm pretty sure they're detrimental to solar efficiency.

*Pic taken this morning with the others* (And no... It's not Scotland ?)
and when you do some planes fly over and it's gone.

Actually, very visible contrails go quite together with cirrus clouds as an indicator of rapidly worsening weather.
Well, at least here in the Mediterranean they do... the point ;·) being that the weather got worse not because of the planes, you just could see more of them because is was getting worse :·)

[EDIT] Oh, and that's the main reason those like me who live off grid on solar only usually have backup generators, for prolonged bad weather spells.
Same here in Newport, South Wales. Starting to cloud over now, just as I turn on the aircon too ?
Ha Ha Stuart I’m an ex Alway boy living in now, sunny at the moment Australia :cool:. You don’t need aircon there but I’m coming over in August so get rid of them clouds.

diy solar

diy solar