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diy solar


There is a right and left, but there is no difference between MOST republicans and democrats,
IMO them differences are superficial. both put on their pants one leg at a time.
@Bob B You laugh but I mean it. Take care of yourself and those you love/love you
and as Ryujin points out, they both want the same thing for their loved ones.

IMO two sides of the same coin.


“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” This country's greatness and true genius lies in its diversity

my grandparents understood the meaning. chances are good yours's did also.

the right needs to do the same as the lift, remove the welcome signs.
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I think you accidentally told the truth, lift everyone up
Ryujin, but it was messy even in my grandparent's time ,even more so now. In their time 90% of
the population didn't even know about the issued faced in the big apple or Chicago, not that way no more.
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Even if this is 100% true .... Isn't that the definition of money laundering? More Fani and Wade scumbaggery discovered every day now.

Proof that Obama asked a foreign spy agency to spy on Trump ..... Before and after he was elected in 2016. What's the word for that?
Karma maybe.

probable cause is two words so may not fit, but could explain.
Trump airlines forced to close
Trump casino forced to close
Trump university forced to close
Trump foundation forced to close

unlike you or me he was given a free ride, so seems logical that he should run the free world:rolleyes:
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Trump’s jan 2025 inauguration day
that seems to be a great time for a large number of people.

Trump's DOJ forced to close
Trump's department of education forced to close
Trump's EPA forced to close
Trump's FBI forced to close

sweet times for the USA
I would define more accurately as authoritarians and libertarians.
Unfortunately there are way too many of the first. (Both right and left)
Anyone in the middle trying to listen to the ideas/ opinions of both sides is demonized by both sides.
Anyone in the middle trying to listen to the ideas/ opinions of both sides is demonized by both sides.
Starex, I think that's only true if you voice(text) an opinion, you could play it safe.

for some of us J6th was a bridge too far, to stay silent.
Starex, I think that's only true if you voice(text) an opinion, you could play it safe.
I really don’t want to sit back and watch people kill each other. All people do on these forum is talk about others and never with others
I really don’t want to sit back and watch people kill each other.
the problems we face today are not new, when this country was formed only male land owners could vote.
there are a large number of people even today that feel this country is theirs's, everyone else is a squatter

even if they can pull this off in 2024

Trump's DOJ forced to close
Trump's department of education forced to close
Trump's EPA forced to close
Trump's FBI forced to close

you or I may not feel a sting, it'll be with weak and the victims of crime that get hurt and they can't fight back.
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the problems we face today are not new, when this country was formed only male land owners could vote.
there are a large number of people even today that feel this country is theirs's, everyone else is a squatter
I think a mob attacking the capital is pretty new. Building a scaffold to hang the VP is pretty new.
Maybe you’re older than me.
I think a mob attacking the capital is pretty new. Building a scaffold to hang the VP is pretty new.
Maybe you’re older than me.
I think all the people siding with Putin should go live in Russia for a year.
Maybe you’re older than me.
possible, but I remember hearing the capital got burned and moved at one point. in 1962 you could be walking
some street on you way to a ben frankin store, and pass a young black kid hanging from a street post.
we've been here before.
I think all the people siding with Putin should go live in Russia for a year.
that too seems like a bridge too far to me, at least here you should be able to think or even say what ever you think

I think it's going to be one of our current immigrates that finally cures cancer.(This country's greatness and true genius lies in its diversity)

IMO we also need D71's thinking, if we are to solve the biggest problem we face.
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Liberal Democrat Panic: Fani was the water over the dam. Bow breaks. Down will go democrats, pedo, and all. Time for the rest. Everything that was done to Trump is now fair for the former presidentS and Former Politicians. Rut ro

Obama is guilty of a whole lot of things…. It will come out in near future. Immunities are gone and it was result of them going after Trump. Thanks. Rut Ro Biden’s retirement stay will soon be transferred to Gitmo. He can battle imaginary .. corn pop in their cell.
Obama didn’t do all this himself.

Lets start with politic landscaping as an obuma example:

Military grooming in his dreams but the Remaining Top Staff swung like that… Milley will be court martial. Vindman court martial.
FBI grooming we are going to need a whole new fresh group of conservatives to fill all those vacated openings.. no democrats.
DOJ grooming eric holder fast furious guns to mexico gangs killed border guard and many others with those guns. Murder no statute limitations.
Obama Education signs up book company to provide core student indoctrination get $60 + million book deal biden jill too follow up crt.

Gonna be tough when Obama is hauled in and put on the stand…. NO IMMUNITY. Martha Vineyard will be deporting him and his so-called wife. You realize if they raise Michelle's dress and find a weiner then they will go to prison for fraud just on that… homo marriages weren’t allowed when they claimed it. The ppl - doctors that did the pap smear on michelle hmmmm….probably had shit as the sample. No immunity then we will get into political landscaping done in places like MN that got them around 80,000 Somali voters resulting in Ilhan Omar. We won’t stop there because the 2% population here that control 6+% congress are next - Vindman type - court martial coming up.
Probably best way forward is military tribunalS.

Mass immigrants that bring nothing are a negative and a drain on an already depleted resources and monies. Bringing as many in as The Democrats and Republicans has allowed is like burning down a home after robbing it. They robbed it. Trying to cover the crime of robbery by doing the crime of arson. The democrats have already admitted 11 million illegals or how ever many there are - Senate leader Schumer. Can they support themselves? No? Mass illegal immigration is a financial war and burden by itself that will break the system. If anyone can’t understand economics $34 trillion dollars in debt means we are broke and only idiots can’t see that.
Grand Childrens grand children will be paying this as just interest if they have any money at all. Debt Enslavement.

Don’t worry they will shut off entitled payments like retirements ppl have invested in their whole life, social security that was also a required investment, medicare, and so on. The ppl that did not pay into social security will be cut off too - welfare over.

Now for non entitled free loaders charity welfare: Medicaid food stamps section 8 housing monthly checks will be last then the police will be told their retirement accounts are broke too.

The military and police will eventually fold. Patriotism only goes so far. The rich will be jetting out of here to their dual passport origins and other places like Maui.

Congress is going to give Ukraine - Israel money as soon as they cut social security and all the other Entitled programs. Why Republicians didn’t sign it. Cuts rob peter to pay paul.

Welcome to hell. Better pray Trump can fix it. Hmmmm he is just 1 man.

Wake up call modern coins are clad… a $1 dollar silver bullion coin cost much more now with Inflation. Ppl just have no idea they will when you need 2 of those silver bullion coins for a loaf of bread.
