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    • R
      Ron replied to the thread Capacitor uses.
      I first read about capacitors when reading about power fluctuations damaging HF invertors. I figured if something helped smooth out the...
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      Ron reacted to bolhuijo's post in the thread Capacitor uses with Like Like.
      Capacitors are used in single phase AC motors to start them rotating in the desired direction. In this application the capacitor is...
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      Ron replied to the thread Capacitor uses.
      If it does almost nothing why do they put start and run capacitors on AC units?
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      Ron replied to the thread Capacitor uses.
      So it would help, in an AC circuit?
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      Ron replied to the thread Capacitor uses.
      I didn't know it was this easy.
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      Ron replied to the thread Capacitor uses.
      So much for the free lunch. Thanks for the replies.
    • R
      I've been researching capacitors and wonder if they could be used to store and release energy extending solar use after dark. Or with...
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      Ron reacted to Capt. Joel's post in the thread Super Capacitor with Like Like.
      Jim, This makes a lot of sense to me, small capacitors at line voltage pack-a-punch, use the leverage!
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      Ron reacted to JimJr's post in the thread Super Capacitor with Like Like.
      Starting AC motors is the same as starting DC motors, they need the power now. A 3000F capacitor has @ 3watts capacity , a ac capacitor...
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      Ron replied to the thread 220 inverter.
      I can run 120 with my Chinese inverter for the moment. I have done more research and better inverters are low-frequency transformer...
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      Ron replied to the thread 220 inverter.
      Maybe 500 to 800. Yeah, I did notice many over a thousand, Many Chinese models for a few hundred. Grow Watt has been mentioned a lot but...
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      Ron replied to the thread 220 inverter.
      So many ads show this same setup. they advertise 240v. almost every inverter looks like they come from the same factory. the expensive...
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      Ron replied to the thread 220 inverter.
      Will the two outlets feed a breaker box 220?
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      I keep learning and my 48v/110v inverter needs to be a 220 inverter to feed my breaker box and most inverters are similar with two...
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      Ron replied to the thread sub panel.
      I've looked at that 70s, and considered that with a double pole breaker to feed the sub panel 220. I just wonder about the neutral. My...
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    • R
      Hi, I have a Homeline sub panel and I am wondering if I can hardwire it from an inverter to the sub panel or do I need a main panel with...
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diy solar

diy solar