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  • Design Review - Growatt SPF 5000 ES Grid Backup & Neutral Bonding

    This seems to be a very popular setup, but thus far, nobody seems to have cracked the DaVinci code of safely using a Growatt SPF 5000 ES with a SEAUTO-TX-5000 Auto-Transformer and using the AC input of the Growatt in a 'utility first' configuration. Signature Solar has posted a schematic that...
  • Growatt SPF 5000ES parallel charge controller w/ dynamic scale-up

    EZPZ question - I'm looking at expanding my GW5kES setup to _two_ AIOs in parallel. Unit #1 (primary): Tied to array1 Tied to battery bank1 Primary single phase AC output to load panel1. (On at all times.) Unit #2 (secondary): Tied to array2 Tied to battery bank1 Secondary (dynamic...
  • Chargerverter Current Ramp (Slew Rate / Rise Time)

    There's been a bit of discussion about the chargeverter current ramp rate being too fast, so I wanted to post my experience with my gen 1 CV (yellow enclosure), purchased circa Mar 2024 from Signature Solar. I believe this was the very last of the gen 1 CVs. X-axis gridlines are in 15s...

diy solar

diy solar