diy solar

diy solar

Growatt SPF 5000ES parallel charge controller w/ dynamic scale-up


New Member
Sep 25, 2021
EZPZ question - I'm looking at expanding my GW5kES setup to _two_ AIOs in parallel.

  • Unit #1 (primary):
    • Tied to array1
    • Tied to battery bank1
    • Primary single phase AC output to load panel1. (On at all times.)
  • Unit #2 (secondary):
    • Tied to array2
    • Tied to battery bank1
    • Secondary (dynamic scale-up) single phase AC output to load panel1. (On conditionally if Unit #1's output > ~4.5kW)

The goal here is to have Unit #2 serve mainly as a charge controller (to charge battery bank1), and to turn on (begin inverting) during high load demand. I can control this via the rocker switch on the unit (on/off), while using current draw on the AC load panel as my triggering/decision signal. The benefit of this (hopefully) is that I can reduce some of my inverter idle load by only spinning up the number of units I need to meet the load demands. Wanted to see if anybody else had executed this and what their experience is. Thanks!

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