diy solar

diy solar

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  • ANT BMS questions

    I hate having to start a new thread, but as the Forum won't permit me to edit the old one to update it, I have no choice. At least I can name it the same. 210814: To continue, I have given up trying to use the MaYi admin BMS app, which pairs with my Samsung android 7.0 phone and reports cell...
  • ANT BMS Hardware change wreaking havoc?

    I may be wrong about this, but I think ANT (MaYi) introduced a new model which is activated by a switch rather than placing a voltage across two leads. Some of us can find NO Bluetooth app that will successfully interact with it.
  • ANT BMS questions

    1) android app ANT BMS? Answer: MaYi BMS app Password may be 0000 or 1234. The blinking light indicates ON, changes to solid when connected to BT. 210809: Unit is displaying valid cell voltage and temp values, but any entry in...