diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Best gas generator for a backup battery charging?

    Thats funny (weird not humorous) around 2007 i got the most severe injuries in my life from a bicycle wreck. And I totalled 2 mcs, 2 cars, several other serious wrecks. I had spent over a year building this ti hardtail one exotic part at a time as I found on ebay. Chainrings were ti, the wheels...
  • Post in thread: This man while holding a USA Govt job got paid by a Foreign Govt

    Wait you said WMD was the reason for the war. But you also said it was a lie. So obviously there was another reason, and congress knew it. What do you think it was?
  • Post in thread: Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

    You just proved my point. I asked you to calculate the carbon cost, you just replied "upgrade the infrastructure" (problem solved). You dont give a rats ass about global warming, if you did you would stop and consider the outrageous amount of industrial activity thats going to have to take...
  • Post in thread: A different way to think about climate change

    You mean like poor people? I dont care what powers the car I drive but I am not going to be happy if its performance, cost, reliability and ease of use are compromised by some peoples' emotion driven misguided political agenda. Why would you care if people drive electric vehicles or not by...
  • Post in thread: 1 awg battery cables that turned out to be 4 awg.

    If its not a mobile application theyre probably fine. However thermal expansion can loosen stuff too. If I had a powerful home system I would scan it regularly with a thermal cam.
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    If I had really said what you claimed you wouldnt need that long convoluted post dodging the issue. You lied.
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence Some information about how liberal elites have welcomed covid restructions to further their goals. No surprise how many posters in this thread have fallen in line as good little foot soldiers for this despicable movement.
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Thats funny. After my pointing out that your description of the article's content and claims was an outright lie, quoting you and providing the preview of the article to show exactly how you lied, you ignore this and now shift your argument to questioning the credibility of the source. No this...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    LOL thats bizarre. Police hesitant to do their jobs effectively and protect the public based upon the race of the suspect is positive? Well that confirms what I often think might be the agenda of some activists. They think blacks should be be given a free pass on crime. This is also the result...
  • Post in thread: WAS: LifeP04 meltdown in a Sprinter van ?

    Haha. Hail the king of the internet bullshytters. Your evidence is all classified, thats too rich. Everyone making this claim on the internet gets destroyed. You still havent responded to the point: The PLAT camera footage from that day clearly shows McCains aircraft parked opposite the F-4...
  • Post in thread: Cable bender and stripper

    Klein also makes an auto adjust auto stripper: Or I should say its made for them since its chinese. It was $20 at home depot. Once I removed the annoying wire length gauge it works well. I have one like yours, its...
  • Post in thread: WAS: LifeP04 meltdown in a Sprinter van ?

    Prove they werent. I mean here you are stalking me, months later still obsessed just because you got owned making false claims about CA covid shutdowns, its not so preposterous.
  • Post in thread: A different way to think about climate change

    The first week in office Brandon took a number of executive actions to curtail domestic petroleum production, and shut down the Canadian pipeline. Under the previous administration the US had achieved energy independence for the first time in 50 years. These are well documented facts. OPEC took...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Official health agencies from multiple countries have published that a significant number of healthy young people with no obvious underlying conditions have died. Your disbelief in this is not my problem to rectify. "Learn to read"??? Your condescending remarks only make you look rude and...
  • Post in thread: I am always fantasizing about having a energy efficient air conditioner for van life, anyone seen any concepts in tech news or anything?

    " It is only 8-inches tall on roof and freezes us out when needed." We are now starting the ~3 months where its miserable to be in a metal box in san diego. Not south FL miserable but bad enough. Humidity kicks in and every day is blazing sun. That sounds delightful. I used to keep a 10k btu...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Lol, sure they will. Because the DOJ is completely free from political influence, right? Because Joe Biden wasnt a direct superior to upper management in that agency for 8 years prior, and isnt again. Funny you talk about propaganda, when the media now is virtually a propaganda arm of the DNC...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Utterly false stats. The official case numbers do not at all reflect actual numbers of people that had the virus with minimal symptoms. In the first months of the pandemic you couldnt even get a test with symptoms. But do continue your scare tactics in your effort to make a mockery of the...
  • Post in thread: Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

    Youre of course aware that while Al Gore was globe trotting in a private jet touting his alarmist movie, (accompanied by secret service with 4 Cadillac Escalades flown by a C-130), he pocketed almost $100 million in profits from his investment in a silicon valley smart utility meter company? But...
  • Post in thread: Please critique my electrical diagram (12v | 3.6-4.8kw bank | 2kw inverter | DC-DC charging)

    Jensen 40": 12v tvs are plentiful in 24" and smaller however larger sizes are rare. Its hard to discern from online specs what the...
  • Post in thread: PFAS

    Wrong thread, deleted.
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Flu shots are not very effective.
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    So you admit you like to talk about ME. Thats incredibly petty and small of you. Most people like to get on the internet and read about interesting things. Discuss matters of a global or international scope. Not you. You have what, dozens, maybe a hundred posts now, all about some guy you dont...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    I dont think Congress had Fauci on the hot seat being grilled over fox news conspiracy theories as you imply they should be dismissed as.
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Says the poster who cannot figure out how to use the reply button to address other users. Since you also didnt copy and paste any alleged "lies" we will have to wait for you to actually prove something that someone said is a lie to take you seriously.
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    I will concede to taking the bait and being unable to ignore his posts up until this time. Youre right. Where your point falls short is I have never lost an argument to him, then been so annoyed by that that I spent time stalking him on the internet looking at everything hes ever posted...
  • Post in thread: Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

    What, you dont know how to use search engines? This is all common...
  • Post in thread: Save the planet, kill everyone on the road.

    Weight doesnt matter. Are you serious or just trolling me. A car that outweighs yours by 2000 lbs will kill you. The negative Gs turn your internal organs to mush. The article directly quotes the NTSB head. "NTSB head warns of risks posed by heavy electric vehicles colliding with lighter cars"...
  • Post in thread: Best gas generator for a backup battery charging?

    Have you priced those lately? Theyre pushing close to $2500 now if you can find one. A fine machine but thats a lot of money for his power demands, and is a lot of weight to move around. The EU2000/2200 and 3000 have both been the industry standard. Meanwhile the industry has evolved and a lot...
  • Post in thread: PFAS

  • Post in thread: Inverter-charger or Inverter+charger? Honda Odyssey with 560ah 12v lifepo

    I have a Honda Odyssey with golf cart batteries I am soon upgrading to 2 4cell 272/280 ah diy lifepo banks. Running a National Luna fridge/freezer, some fans/blowers, an LG projector, phone chargers etc. Adding 200 watts solar. Been using a Redarc 50a dc-dc charger that the solar will plug into...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    How about your experience merely proves cop misbehavior is colorblind? "Had I not been dizzy or sick, that would have never worked..." Had you been black youd have been swinging back, gone for their gun, and been shot.
  • Post in thread: Save the planet, kill everyone on the road.

    I should have expected this intellectual dishonesty from a cockmonger like you. Cars against concrete? FUCK YOU. The danger is to occupants of the car the EV hits, not to the EVs occupants. You know this of course but youre just here to troll. Eat my shorts you insignificant fuckstick. So I...
  • Post in thread: 1 awg battery cables that turned out to be 4 awg.

    I picked up a roll of 12g CCA speaker wire at a thrift store without noticing the CCA on the label. I would have known what it meant but just didnt critically inspect my purchase as I should have. Im not going to use it on anything for any reason. Dont even want to give it away. The pitfalls of...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    What am I wrong about?
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    That bloomberg piece is labelled OPINION which allows the author to make out of context claims like that of its sole mention of covid: "If anything, Covid-19 accelerated California’s record productivity. Quarterly revenue per employee of the publicly traded companies based in the state climbed...
  • Post in thread: Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

    Asshole. As it appears in the document: Whereas in 1990 in response to Iraq’s war of aggression against and illegal occupation of Kuwait, the United States forged a coalition of nations to liberate Kuwait and its people in order to defend the national security of the United States and enforce...
  • Post in thread: Which Crimp Connectors For Overkill BMS?

    Heres a crude image of what i did with my jbd bms harness. I didnt have black heat shrink in the right size so the negative is wrapped in 3m super 88, thats the only tape I use. Id have preferred sealant impregnated heat shrink but this will do. The grey jacket is some very cool silicone covered...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Its a well practiced psy ops tactic to label something a conspiracy theory when you'd like it covered up. So youre just as corrupt and bereft of integrity as the people who did it. I posted evidence, about 2/3 of Republicans believe it, your persistent denial of reality doesnt make me crazy...
  • Post in thread: Gas-Powered Lawn Equipment Will Soon Be Banned In Cali, a broad category that includes generators.

    It was the monday after then, so I should have said "virtually" not "exactly". A few days hardly diminishes the point. After most of the states economy was ground to a halt for 10 months, long after most other states had allowed business to resume and people were wondering why newsom was...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    I suppose that factors in all the areas where despite local lockdown orders BLM protestors gathered in huge crowds then took the virus home to their families, then democrats who encouraged this blamed trump for failing to stop its spread? Just want to see how much more stupid youll get. Does...
  • Post in thread: LifeP04 meltdown in a Sprinter van ?

    Since you havent mentioned this again I assume it was just a passing thought. While initially that might seem smart and safe I can only imagine the pandoras box of liabilities that would introduce on several fronts. The most obvious being integrity of electrical connections, how would you get...
  • Post in thread: Van Life - Sleeping Above / Near Batteries Inverter etc

    Really. The one 280ah lifepo4 pack I built already and obssessed over every detail, nearly caught fire last month because the way I secured the negative out post to the enclosure allowed it to get a tad loose. The heat softened the ABS enclosure wall, allowing the post to get REALLY loose and...
  • Post in thread: Democrats on Jan 6th committee destroyed 50% of the evidence.

    The election could not be legally overrurned. Can you explain how a case could possibly reach the supreme court if they have no jurisdiction to take action on it? Why would you bring up such a point except to introduce something pointless?
  • Post in thread: Save the planet, kill everyone on the road.

    Heres the insurance institute on highway safety. The authority on the issue. "As heavy EVs proliferate, their weight may be a drag on safety Electric vehicles are just as safe as other vehicles for...
  • Post in thread: Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

    "It makes me feel like Im feeding the hungry... without giving them any food. Thank you, Tesla."

diy solar

diy solar