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diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Watching 'Stupid' In Action...

    The biggest issue as I see it is that at least in cities, EVs are only practical for people wealthy enough to be homeowners. Over half of working age Americans rent in multi family housing. Only a small percentage could ever be accomodated with a parking spot with its own charging station. These...
  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

    No that was a non topical jab. The burn is what you avoided responding to: The lawsuits were filed within days of the election. They had to be. It took months until they uncovered what Zuckerbucks had done, too late to do anything in court about it. The election could not be overturned now so...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    "Putin “says that Biden’s, and this is a quote, politically motivated persecution of his political rival is very good for Russia because it shows the rottenness of the American political system, which cannot pretend to teach others about democracy.” Since you posted that then youre admitting...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Wiki is a leftist cesspool. I have over 1000 edits there until I was topic banned for opposing the cabal in a civil, by the rules way. No doubt Tommy trusts it as a source. I recently compared the Trump and Biden articles and its so obviously biased its infuriating. Trump article, 100%...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    I watched the video. He said march to the capital. What is the problem with that? I questioned your sanity because youve offered that as a "gotcha" moment but theres no there there. Why not offer the video where he says "peacefully and patriotically"? And Ive seen the real footage of 1/6, the...
  • Post in thread: Biden

    Biden is the worst president in history. Worse is his supporters think he is the best. Explain how letting up to 18 million illegals into the country would be of any benefit. Many of them on public assistance. Please tell me.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Umm... Congressional Republicans do not control the DOJ, are not conducting a bogus investigation in secret, and there is in fact plenty of validity to concerns about Bidens corruption. Let me guess. You still think the laptop is Russian disinfo. You dont realize Biden has backpedalled with lie...
  • Post in thread: Democrats on Jan 6th committee destroyed 50% of the evidence.

    And then there are those whose stupidity just comes naturally as part of their arrogance and conceit.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    It isnt MY feelings talking, we have seen endless legal experts- from both sides of the political spectrum- point out the specific reasons this bizarre unprecedented case had no legal standing to be heard in the first place. And that Alvin Bragg ran on a platform of getting Trump for any crime...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    These assholes should just get it over and switch party affiliation and stop lying they were ever republicans. Im seeing a lot of this. "Lifelong Republicans" so...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    What does Clooneys concerns as a voter have to do with mine or virtually any other American's? He is a multmultimillionaire with several mansions in gated communities. Why do I care who he votes for? Are democrats really this childish, that they make their voting choices according to hollywood...
  • Post in thread: A different way to think about climate change

    1. Im an agnostic antitheist, but nice try with the ad hominem. 2. Youre asking me to prove what every alarmist has been claiming?."its much worse than we thought, and its happening faster!" 3. I dont have the solution, but YOU CANT MITIGATE A PROBLEM CAUSED BY HUMAN INDUSTRIALIZATION WITH...
  • Post in thread: Half price electric cars

    Funny you equate impracticality, expense, and being sold a false premise on environmental benefits with "resistance to change". If a product really is better nobody resists it. It doesnt need government mandates, incentives, or shills on the internet pushing propaganda.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Let me know when legitimate, constitutionally allowed challenges to a clearly shady election are actually attempts to overturn an election. This is more of the bullshit being spread by democrats. Donald Trump was fully within his legal rights to challenge election results. He didnt incite a...
  • Post in thread: 1 awg battery cables that turned out to be 4 awg.

    If you really dont want to f*** around any city bigger than Podunk will have a welding supply dealer... Like we have Airgas here in San Diego. Welding cable is the best thing you can use, you can put a 2500 degree torch to the insulation and it wont immediately burn. They sell it in black and...
  • Post in thread: Fighting Disinformation ..... or Censoring Oppostion.

    The government does not have the right to secretly partner with private companies to censor citizens to promote agendas. Thats pretty fucking simple and they got caught doing just that. Why is this even up for discussion? Youre an evill little cocksucking turd burglar for defending this. Why do...
  • Post in thread: Watching 'Stupid' In Action...

    Im sorry I didnt realize I was in a discussion with a complete jackass. Currently, EV ownership is only practical for HOMEOWNERS because only single family homes have charging stations. My city is building thousands of apartments every year, and they arent requiring developers to include...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    I would say he realized the left was done using him.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Obama directed the bogus crossfire hurricane investigation directly. Strozk and Page reported daily to the oval office. There was no basis or legitimacy to the steele dossier and they knew it. They tried to keep trump from winning the election and when they failed they spent two full years...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    These latest charges are comical, like a third grader came up with them. Whats going on is democrats are scared shitless that Trump might get a fair trial in Florida. So brought these charges up in DC where they can expect an all democrat Trump hating jury. This is unprecedented corruption. A...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    What political candidate did Zuckerberg donate money to through his CCTL group? You dont have a fucking clue what youre talking about. I wont blame you because the media has worked overtime to cover this up. These were not campaign contributions at all. They were grants to government...
  • Post in thread: Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

    Its worse now that theyre chasing after Trump for a misdemeanor. Using a prosecutor who lets felons walk free. Can you imaging W. Bush having his attorney general arrest John Kerry before the 2004 election... Banana republics pull this stuff. And amazingly democrats call Trump a threat to...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Thanks for this, Im spreading this far and wide. This is bigger than watergate not that the media will cover it.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Dont be so sure. It wont be politicians or people whose names you are familiar with. The most dangerous people are those with nothing to lose and they often make the war heroes we know in history. A lot of people arent going to sit back and watch this continuous slide. It must be done with no...
  • Post in thread: Democrats on Jan 6th committee destroyed 50% of the evidence.

    "I didn't say you denied climate change.. I said "climate denier"... Haha. Youre fucking hilarious. That whole paragraph is an exercise in mental gymnastics where you back pedal your statement to criticizing our opposition to questionable policies that claim to mitigate climate change but are...
  • Post in thread: You might want to pay attention this time...

    Note that in 1992 everything you bought said "us patent x, xxx, xxx" on it somewhere. By 2000 everything said made in china. Patents evaporated. Chinagate. Clintons legacy.
  • Post in thread: Pictures: Look What a Few Punishing Minutes of Baseball-Sized Hail Did to Massive Nebraska Solar Farm

    Is china throwing money at the problem by building one coal fired power plant every week? We dont doubt problems can be solved by throwing money at them but thats not exactly whats happening. We are throwing money at poor countries that will continue to pollute at obscene levels while we cut...
  • Post in thread: Pictures: Look What a Few Punishing Minutes of Baseball-Sized Hail Did to Massive Nebraska Solar Farm

    Who decides what is misinformation? Thats what they labelled any discussion of election fraud on social media. It prevented dissemination of actual evidence, of which some did exist. Theres a problem when anything which opposes one sides agenda is called misinformation.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    That may be the case but it doesnt mean Biden was a better choice. Hate can make you blind. Ill be the first to admit Trump can be a toad but Im not picking a new sunday school teacher for my child. We are picking someone to represent our country on the world stage and Mr. Nice Guy doesnt get...
  • Post in thread: Just had the world's greatest assassin visit me

    If I had the possibility of bears- grizzlies, especially- on my property then nothing less than a barrett .50 cal would make me feel secure. And Id want a sidearm too.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    So who did you vote for in 2020, and who in 2024. If not Trump then Biden, if youre not voting then get out of the discussion, youre too weak to participate in democracy. Youve been attacking Trump consistently. You just say you dont support biden to avoid association with his disatrous...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    The common sense flaw in assuring us about the position of "experts" is this: Climate change research was a tiny niche field before it became popular to assert humans were ruining the planet. Science depends wholly on the objectivity and non bias of researchers for its conclusions' accuracy...
  • Post in thread: Shipping demand plumments (DIY members go off deep end)

    Yup thats what happens when the toughest questions you ask your presidential candidate involve what flavor of ice cream he likes. This administration is a bad joke, only doubles down when its policies are quickly revealed as the obvious disasters they are, but his supporters just keep the faith...
  • Post in thread: Lead acid scares me now

    What they really mean to say is no charging cheap electric scooters with sketchy battery packs subject to zero quality control. But they ran out of space on the sign.
  • Post in thread: Democrats on Jan 6th committee destroyed 50% of the evidence. Its pretty clear that the democrat lead committee destroyed any evidence that didnt further the agenda of blaming Trump for the riots. Charges need to be...
  • Post in thread: Illegal Immigrants just ffs

    Equating Flat Earthers with people who voted for Trump is just a stupid fucking asshole thing to do. Is that your position? Really? I wont stop you from being a stupid fucking asshole if you want to, but there are good and valid reasons tens of millions voted for Trump. You dont have to agree...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Every dictionary imaginable also includes the following definitions: "to contend in any manner; strive vigorously for or against something: He fought bravely against despair. to have an angry argument or disagreement: I'm not happy about my wife bringing a surprise dog home, but I don't want...
  • Post in thread: Illegal Immigrants just ffs

    The immigrant as well as the authorities who saw his record and let him stay. Lets face it these countries are not sending their best citizens. In fact lets say youre the town dickhead, owe everyone money. Always drunk, stealing stuff, wrecking cars, foul mouth, whats a good way to seek...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Thats really a beautiful passage in that song because Rogers characters despair has built to a crescendo at that point, as did the music at the end of the guitar solo. I had the pleasure of seeing Pink Floyd on their last US tour in 1994, at San Diegos Jack Murphy Stadium. (Now gone) The so...
  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

    Whats stupid about criticizing Kushner over the Saudi investment is what he was really doing by developing a friendship with the prince was strengthening our alliance which has historically been very beneficial to our economy. To me thats what our leaders are supposed to be doing. All Biden...

diy solar

diy solar