diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Trump

    Dummy democrats have no critical thinking skills. Trumps businesses are real. Payments to them are returned in goods and services. In most cases the reason these entities did business with Trumps businesses is because of convenience. Trump stays at one of his properties, foreign dignitaries meet...
  • Post in thread: A different way to think about climate change

    A problem is that people are pushing policies based upon emotions not logic and arent thinking about the long term effects of these policies. The current administration has decided that the market wasnt moving fast enough and created legislation intended to get most of us out of our ICE cars...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    I heard a radio podcast with a prominent wisconsin physician, an expert in respiratory ailments, that described how some in the medical field, prodded by big pharma, conspired to coverup the successes doctors were recording treating patients with Ivermectin. Big pharma wanted this suppressed...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    The rioters were prosecuted and jailed. Dont pretend that soils the reputation of Trump or republicans in general. Im sure there are 20 million democrats who would like to execute all republicans merely for party affiliation. We dont care. Its obvious Jan. 6 is being used to intimidate...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Seen his ilk. He will say "I dont like Biden, but hes better than Trump!" Cant believe the dishonesty of these democrat pretenders. Misquote everything Trump says. Make up shit about him. Cant just let their party run on their candidates strengths. Just throw their personal integrity in the...
  • Post in thread: Biden

    Total bullshit manipulated cherry picked figures. Gasoline up 55%. Costs twice as much to buy a house. Real income/ wages down. Rents are off the page. Municipal govts having huge budget shortfalls. The job creation numbers are about the same as the number of illegal entries!!! Did that escape you?
  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

    Sure youre okay with it. Thats what you say. The reality is that the people who would prosecute it, and are prosecuting Donald Trump for things Joe Biden has also done, are not prosecuting Humter or any other democrat for and have done their best to cover them up. Therefore your words and...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    We shouldnt be surprised your rebuttal to your dishonest trolling and persistent harassment of another user fails to refute or even acknowledge any of it and consists of a mere feeble personal attack after erroneus assumptions about my knowledge of astronomy. Hey dipshit, since our solar system...
  • Post in thread: Biden

  • Post in thread: Fighting Disinformation ..... or Censoring Oppostion.

    In the case of you and your house, anyone doing so would obviously be telling the stone cold truth. Whatever your reaction would be.
  • Post in thread: Gasoline cars 60 TIMES more likely to catch fire.

    Damn.... You dont know what WRONG means, do you?
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Funny enough many of the things you offered up for discussion in covid threads and were ridiculed for, are being revealed to be somewhat valid, and in some cases completely true. Scientific arguments aside, its obvious now the lockdowns werent really necessary, in some aspects causing...
  • Post in thread: Shokin seized Burisma owner's assets almost 2 months before Crooked Joe got him fired.

    Im not sure why Murphy keeps entering threads and steering the discussion around to how smart he is, or how only he is good at saving money, and the rest of us just blow through cash like the son of the guy he voted for. I mean who doesnt love ⁹being around someone so conceited? This guy is so...
  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

    What a dope. That $2bil isnt a gift, its a legitimate business investment. Trumps son has no official government power and Trump left office. Why would this be interpreted as bribery? Hunter toured the world on air force one with his father who was vice president at the time. Joe made policy...
  • Post in thread: Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

    Ah. Expected. When called out on an outright bullshit lie, he deflects with a personal attack. Just one of the many lies posted by you and your biden humping sycophants here.
  • Post in thread: Shokin seized Burisma owner's assets almost 2 months before Crooked Joe got him fired.

    So just like the "laptop is russian disinfo" propaganda, it seems virtually the entire media has been complicit with Joes criminal activity. They all reported that Shokin wasnt investigating. The first impeachment of Trump was a scam...
  • Post in thread: Shokin seized Burisma owner's assets almost 2 months before Crooked Joe got him fired.

    55 gallon drums full of his hot air in one end, the other will be tanks of methane from all his bullshit.
  • Post in thread: Biden

    Oh would YOU cut with the goddamn bullshit about how great you think the economy is and suggesting I am making things up when I provided a credible source that explained that it sucks? Which you didnt seem to get a damn thing out of except something you could cherry pick to support your...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    The most on topic post in many pages.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    The only thing up for discussion is... Was Trump the best president since Lincoln... Or Washington? His economic policies were sound. He owns any room he is in. He was able to negotiate with our rivals and adversaries, while gaining their respect and a little bit of fear. We wouldnt have wars...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Only in non political articles. Wiki is a leftist cesspool. So bad even leftist universities dont allow it as a reference. Did you forget about that?
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Virtually none of those cases were heard on their merits. They were dismissed because of process, i. e; the courts lacked the authority to overturn the elections. Dont try and pretend there isnt evidence the election was sketchy when I just provided it.
  • Post in thread: Shokin seized Burisma owner's assets almost 2 months before Crooked Joe got him fired.

    Time for todays episode of "murphy is so obsessed on proving his superiority he cant see he looks worse every time".
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Imagine the disingenuous nature of thinking the political party so formidable youre trying to imprison its candidate to prevent him from winning, is merely a cult. Its also as if you have no idea how bad Biden is. Lets go ahead and choose our leader on his geriatric symptoms.
  • Post in thread: A different way to think about climate change

    Re: doing something is better than nothing. Its hardly that simple when those who advocate doing something are driven by a confused ideology. This is evident in UN IPCC literature mentioning "carbon equity" and "climate justice". Ideologues who insist we need to reduce carbon emissions but...
  • Post in thread: Cell compression: zip ties and lexan?

    Naw I read the first two pages then the last two. Went back one more to see a post someone quoted. Nevertheless your post came to a useful conclusion, enough so I didnt have to read any more. Long threads are like that. Someone usually owns it near the end, and its pointless to keep posting. So...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    We can be assured that unlike 2020 the number of anti trump rinos that will back joe biden will be very, very small. In 2020 they took a chance and probably had no idea how destructive Bidens policies would be or how frail he would become. The last 3.5 years have shown them the fallacy of voting...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Yeah that peacefully and patriotically thing was so criminal. I mean its as if Trump wasnt acquitted in an impeachment trial for exactly what youre now claiming he did. To hell with due process, hes a witch and we will prove it some day by golly. Well since he was right and the election WAS...
  • Post in thread: When not to neglect the resistance of a car body

    I used to do car audio competition, and this was always a highly debated subject. 1. When you say through the BODY, you want the conductor to be the unibody or the frame, not the body pieces of a body on frane vehicle. 2. A fundamental people get wrong is that the ground point of your circuit...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    If you think mean tweets are damage i guess you wouldnt like trump. Bidens pretty much fucked everything he has touched right into the ground, and hes going to campaign on the "finish the job" message. China is walking all over us in that region, inflation is much worse than they admit, the...
  • Post in thread: "Ukraine's Nazi problem is real, even if Putin's 'denazification' claim isn't"

    You, who are on the side politically of the party and politician being justifiably accused of a number of crimes and corrupt activities, actually think that these charges need to be proven to your personal satisfaction for them to be true. The hubris and audacity are incredible here. Its as...
  • Post in thread: This man while holding a USA Govt job got paid by a Foreign Govt

    Every talking point you and other conspiracy theorists have ever brought up, were repeatedly debunked years ago. Yet you keep repeating them, unwilling to recognize anything contradicting your beliefs. Between the four above videos, virtually all the arguments you and other truthers...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Thanks I have a lot of things I should be doing today besides pointless arguing
  • Post in thread: I suspect a Mouse is going to give the conservatives a beat down.

    That happened in Louisiana in 1960. DeSantis must have had a hell of.a throwing arm to hit that little girl from several states away and years before he was born. Oh wait I get it... The people who threw rocks were white.... And DeSantis is white, and so are people opposed to teaching CRT...
  • Post in thread: Project Farm tested product list

    I put one of those together for a friend using a $99 walmart beach cruiser. Sorry the pics arent better but you get the idea. Those kits are junk but if youre a good hillbilly engineer and can afford to put another $150 or so into upgrades you can make them work reliably. At virtually every...
  • Post in thread: Full Electric Drive Conversion of Tri-Axle Coach 21700 or prismatic? Battery cycle Testers..?

    Go big or go home just got bigger.
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    "of less concern, is that such a bacteria could possibly multiply on the planet. Theoretically it might be possible." You could have saved yourself a lot of trouble and admitted Bobs question was not so absurd at all. You agree with it right there. Maybe youd be a more constructive poster if...
  • Post in thread: Best gas generator for a backup battery charging?

    A friend had the 850 custom version of that yamaha. No issues. Ive ridden the 500 interceptor, it was heralded for its handling but the 750 would have been a better fit for me. Before I had that FJ11, I had this abomination: The purchase of which was motivated because it was a deal and Id...
  • Post in thread: Best gas generator for a backup battery charging?

    Been looking at that one, if I didnt have the predator and wasnt moving up to a honda (Im not) that would be my choice. From reviews on youtube the champion (dont know if its dual fuel but its the 2500) is actually lighter than that at 39 lbs dry, more compact than almost all its competitors...
  • Post in thread: More trouble for Trump

    Oh thats right they just rolled out articles of impeachment on Biden. Must be time for another distraction.
  • Post in thread: Cause of Battery Fire

    Some things converted well some did not. C for temp measurement is awkward unless its all you know. "Its a hundred degrees out there" isnt the same. The foot and yard will always be superior to metric because nothing human visually relates to a meter. For most males at least, a foot is their...
  • Post in thread: Gasoline cars 60 TIMES more likely to catch fire.

    Study is flawed as fuck also using number of recalls, not actual number if fires.

diy solar

diy solar