diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    The solar system is part of the larger entity of the galaxy. If you spread something in the solar system, youre spreading it in the galaxy. Im pretty sure bob DOES know the difference between the two, and its obvious youre pursuing a semantics argument. And lets not forget he posed it as a...
  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

    In which states were court cases heard on their merits, and not dismissed for lack of jurisdiction? How much evidence could be gathered when all the major social media outlets banned any discussion or dissemination of evidence of voter fraud?
  • Post in thread: "Ukraine's Nazi problem is real, even if Putin's 'denazification' claim isn't"

    Werent Nazis socialists?
  • Post in thread: Fighting Disinformation ..... or Censoring Oppostion.

    First Fauci said dont wear masks, they dont do anything. Then he made us wear masks. People were arrested if they didnt. Then we find research concluded masks didnt help. Someone was lying
  • Post in thread: If you take a loan, you pay it back.

    How many illegal aliens' children from central america, mexico, haiti, etc, are being educated in schools in china and japan?
  • Post in thread: Trump

    I think a good question to ask democrats parroting this "convicted felon" line would be this. OJ Simpson was found NOT guilty in a jury trial for the murders of Ron Goldman and the mother of his children, Nicole Brown Simpson. By a jury of people, some with their own agendas, others under...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    I didnt miss the point youre deflecting from answering the question. Nikki Haley cant "solve the problem" either. The problem you cite doesnt need fixing by congress. Joe Biden merely has to rescind his sweeping executive order of Feb 2, 2021. (More evidence youre a democrat. Shifting...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Murphyguy attempted this same lame dismissal. This is entirely different. These werent campaign contributions. You either dont understand what zuckerberg did or youre intentionally confusing the issue.
  • Post in thread: Just had the world's greatest assassin visit me

    "populations declined primarily due to direct killing by humans." Did they stop to think that the reason why was direct killing of humans by bears? Before the invention of the repeating rifle it was nearly impossible to defend yourself against a large brown bear. Killing it at all even if you...
  • Post in thread: rules for thee but not for me? or why politicians are getting to be universally hated

    "While stereotypes exist for a reason we still have to treat each person as an individual." Nobody controls Trump, or Reagan for that matter. W. took orders from Cheney. Bidens every breath is controlled by a cabal prolly consisting of Soros, Obama, Clinton, Gates, Xi, various globalists. And...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Youre so dishonest you pretend we didnt already discuss this point where you were proven wrong. Your definition of our solar systems boundaries is not the scientific concensus and included a far reaching theoretical layer that has zero observational evidence for, and is only assumed as no other...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Interesting that I keep pinning you down with rational points of why its absurd you could actually be a republican given your arguments, and all you do is keep changing the subject with stupid shit attacking the nominee of your alleged party. Youre not a republican. You couldnt be more...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Tell ya what smart guy. Lets take your childish argument and start jailing political opponents for rhetoric like the word "fight". Its as if you slept in the morning they tried that before and it failed. If nothing else it shows the perverse double standard of justice. 11 minutes of...
  • Post in thread: You might want to pay attention this time...

    Its worse than that. Note that every time Al Qaeda attacked our assets, Clinton talked tough but didnt actually lift a finger to take action. Remember the Khobar Towers bombing? Clinton promised justice to victims families but it took Bush to actually do something. Or the USS Cole. He just left...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Biden and Trump the same yeah right we can tell by the way MSM and permenent washington have been so fair to Trump. Biden 47 years in Washington Trump 0 when he started. Oh theyre the same tho. Stop insulting us.
  • Post in thread: You might want to pay attention this time...

    You make it sound as if Republicans are equally responsible for the problem just for making political fodder out of the issue when it arises. Obviously if Democrats werent throwing money around like a drunken sailor the issue wouldnt exist. Bidens policies have been insane. And that crazy...
  • Post in thread: Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

    Umm... How are impeaching joe biden and working on inflation mutually exclusive goals? I just love it when the white house insults our intelligence with their claims biden is fighting inflation. Just about everything he does causes it. The week it was announced he won the election, gasoline...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Falsifying business records was a misdemeanor whose statute of limitations had long past. Trying to magnify it under federal election laws as election interference to a felony was far outside the scope of jurisdiction and the judge even excluded the testimony of federal election officials which...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Im sure all you dummycrabs are all broken up that there isnt free health care for all the illegals! Youre using CNN and now WaPo for sources? Democrat! A goddamn, motherfucking, liberal, butt sniffing, commie pinko, democrat! Probably got a portrait of Che Guevara or Chairman Mao on the wall...
  • Post in thread: Pictures: Look What a Few Punishing Minutes of Baseball-Sized Hail Did to Massive Nebraska Solar Farm

    Youre in denial. Most climate change mitigation penalizes developed countries and even rewards 3rd world countries with measures that seek to industrialize them. How are you fighting climate change by increasing industrialization of the larger 3rd world populations? This is why IPCC publishes...
  • Post in thread: Cell compression: zip ties and lexan?

    I think you meant more than I ever wanted to know. Page 27: "12 or 15 inch pounds at full charge should stop the bulge Now we can lay this to rest ⚰️" The other day i went thru that lengthy spring compression thread. Whew. I think a lot of people overthink things here. Easy to do, a lot of...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Notice how that article doesnt refute Trumps claims. They were NOT "found innocent" or "exonerated". They were in fact committing violent crimes in the park that night. And some of the police investigators maintain that these boys were guilty, and made statements of facts only the perpetrators...
  • Post in thread: RE+ solar conference is fast approaching! What new products or booths are you interested in?

    I used to stand on my head and do hits of magnesium from a 5 foot bong at parties. Now I dont f*ck around with that. Im straight up mainlining it. My neighbor caught me scraping powder off the engine block of his old VW beetle the other day and called the cops on me. I think I have a problem.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Thats crazy!!!! WTF?
  • Post in thread: Pictures: Look What a Few Punishing Minutes of Baseball-Sized Hail Did to Massive Nebraska Solar Farm

    "Here’s how it worked. Zuckerberg gifted nearly half a billion dollars to two left-wing groups that then gave the money to government election offices. One of these two groups was the Center for Technology and Civic Life. By the September before the election, Zuckerberg and his wife had given it...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    From the other link: "She took the opportunity to explain that she would not get a vaccine pushed by Trump." Im not here to play games with you. I dont have to provide references for the statement as YOU are now framing it. Get over yourself.
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    "Then, Voyager 2 will silently continue its eternal journey among the stars." Everyone seems to agree on this but Smurphy who continues his eternal journey of utter ignorance he mistakes for...
  • Post in thread: A huge reason this forum was created

    Brown noser IMO is a super tool, but has that right in this unmoderated section. I see no reason to believe he isnt what he appears, a hypocritical petty man child pretending to be here for progressive discourse but instead intent on a political agenda, squashing any opinion not lockstep with...
  • Post in thread: Watching 'Stupid' In Action...

    Pretty typical posting from that fucking asshat reprobate. Hes absolutely ridiculing someone as ignorant when theyre absolutely right. Tried to make an argument of something irrelevent and he will never admit he is wrong. On the point its kind of like the first Star Trek movie. What if a germ...
  • Post in thread: Rationale for Bidens intentional invasion.

    Republicans AKA anyone with a brain have tried to rationalize just why Biden has pursued such a terribly destructive policy regarding our southern border. The first probability may be future democrat voters, but something else may be going on. Consider the definition of a recession is at least 2...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    This is what I said. They urged people to not take "Trumps vaccine". The links and history reflect my claim accurately.
  • Post in thread: Watching 'Stupid' In Action...

    "Voyager 1 has left the Solar System. Will we ever overtake it?" Mr. Wrong couldnt be more wrong if he tried but I guess thats what happens when you have shit for brains. Your daddy must have jerked off in a flower pot cuz he...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    If you realize that some of these grants were simply given as slush fund payouts given so officials would look the other way as CCTL operatives rigged the election, it explains why so many republican officials were quick to certify and declare it safe and secure. They were given the freedom to...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    OMG he told them to march to the capital! At what point did he encourage or even suggest violence? Are you sane?
  • Post in thread: 1 awg battery cables that turned out to be 4 awg.

    Yeah you musta got a cheap fake. I got a real one years ago in TJ for $175. If you wanna be a baller you gotta have the cash. (lol)
  • Post in thread: Biden

    So when Joe Biden says I'm working hard for American people you tell them fuck you

diy solar

diy solar