diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Save the planet, kill everyone on the road.

    Ill check your mama when shes done eating my shorts, smurph. Of course I know what it means. Did your parents have any children that lived?
  • Post in thread: The portrayal of Israel as innocent victims of palestinian animals is absurd.

    Ill say right out that terrorist actions are wrong and so is targeting civilians. However we are seeing one side of this conflict portrayed with complete ignorance of the hundred year old backstory, and Ill title this rant as "IT'S ABOUT THE ZIONISTS, STUPID!"; OR HOW THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    I completely owned you on the central park 5 and you dont even acknowledge that and change the subject now. I will agree youre a troll, and not even a competent one.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Thats all dickhead has to offer in reply to a slew of facts he cannot begin to refute. Make fun of my screen name. Are you 8 years old or what. Why are you even here, to look like a jackhole... By intent?
  • Post in thread: Begin to swim

    When I was in the Navy going to Avionics A school at NAS Memphis in 1980, I ponied up several months worth of discretionary income for a big fast RC car at the base exchange. IIRC it was about $200 which was a lot of money then. Top speed was actual (not scale) about 40 mph. If memory serves it...
  • Post in thread: Preparing for WW3

    Well they can join the (alleged) 79 million voters who put Biden/Harris in the White House. They were clearly in Gary Busey Beast mode of TBI to select those bumbling fools over the greatest president in modern history. Thats right. DJT- the greatest president in modern history. Not just for...
  • Post in thread: More trouble for Trump

    The family probably exiled him to another state cuz they couldnt stand to be around him. Whether its his arrogance, bad breath, or maggots infesting an open head wound, we can only guess.
  • Post in thread: Now Trump wants to defund the FBI and Justice Dept

    I absolutely agree with this prediction and we can thank Joe Biden, his war on fossil fuels, and idiot liberals calling for radical climate change policies for launching it. Look at how the Saudis kicked him to the curb when he went begging for a little oil. And look at Murphyguy who just...
  • Post in thread: Get ready for the coming little ice age!

    You are in denial if you dont understand that solving overpopulation is critical in mitigating climate change.
  • Post in thread: Trump

  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Pretty sure they had better things to do.
  • Post in thread: Biden

    Since youre not even American why dont you just mind your own fucking business, stop insulting us with your bullshit trolling and dishonest arguments.
  • Post in thread: This may be a prudent time to get spares.

    I can dye my hair purple and skip like an 8 yo girl with a hello kitty backpack. Will that suffice? Im going to pick up a machete from walmart and put a razor edge on it. Might want to cut some flowers and make daisy chains. If the liberals are taking over Ill have to blend in.
  • Post in thread: Watching 'Stupid' In Action...

    They flat out admit that they dont even have an accurate estimate of the extent of the Oort Cloud. Youre criticizing others quoting reliable references, but its obvious all youve done is shop Google results until you found the article which supports your position, even if it contradicts an...
  • Post in thread: Hunter Biden's Laptop is Russian Disinformation.

    This is the post of a man who eats a big bag of dicks for breakfast every day. If you have something topically relevent to post, please, dont hold back.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Donald Trump is the presumptive nominee of the republican party. If you dont support him right here and now youre not a republican. Thats just the way a 2 party system works.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Good god what does that prove besides perhaps that Biden stopped having them arrested so they can stay here? Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both made statements while campaigning to outright invite them to come. And they came in droves. Stop gaslighting us. The border is beyond a mess, its insane...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Im not surprised you havent answered any of the relevent questions and are now posting exactly the kind of abuse I knew you would. "I cant refute your points so youre stupid."
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Because he is completely ignorant of any facts.
  • Post in thread: Gasoline cars 60 TIMES more likely to catch fire.

    Thats great. One EV catches fire, takes the whole ship and 3500 other cars with it
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Oort cloud. Thats pretty funny. "Indeed, the need for a source for “long period” comets – bodies that pass us less than once every 200 years – is the only evidence we have for the Oort cloud’s existence, and that is circumstantial to say the least."...
  • Post in thread: Car audio... Lol

    Car audio ate my life. SoCal division champion, IASCA nov. 601+ 1998.
  • Post in thread: Biden

    "And for what it is worth, both Trump and Biden have been accused of influence peddling, are you willing to have the FBI investigate both and represent the evidence to the courts?" You mean the FBI whose top investigators answered directly to Obama and exchanged emails assuring each other they...
  • Post in thread: What is the next big Battery breakthrough you are waiting for?

    Dilithium Crystals.
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Give it a rest. Youre like a five year old who just heard their first dirty word, and now repeat it hundreds of times a day for weeks. "of less concern, is that such a bacteria could possibly multiply on the planet. Theoretically it might be possible." ----Smurphy
  • Post in thread: Watching 'Stupid' In Action...

    This is why I feel the need to be abusive to this cocksucking prick. Im not really interested in him redefining the parameters of an issue, when all the references say hes wrong. He just looks for opportunities to be condescending.
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Copy and paste the specific points you believe I am wrong about and we will go from there. Support your claims with references because I will when required. Racist by implication, huh? I never mentioned their race and neither did Trump, anywhere in that ad. Thats a leftist tactic. Any time a...
  • Post in thread: Car audio... Lol

    This is the equipment card I displayed on my dash. Those are image dynamics horns on my dash. I ran them through my table saw and shaved off the bottoms so the dash became the bottom of the horn. Worked great and made em 5/8" thinner. Image Dynamics headquarters was in Los Angeles near me. When...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    You dont think these 4 prosecutions are political in nature, to disrupt his candidacy? Just the normal wheels of justice turning? Credit to aenyc: CNN Senior Legal Analyst Describes How The Trump Conviction Was A Political Hit Job 1. "The judge donated money... in plain violation of a rule...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Why do you keep bringing up a subject you were thoroughly embarrassed over? If you dont think thats an issue I am sure NASA would like to hear from you. They spend hundreds of millions of dollars hoping to reduce the chances of such comtamination, both inbound and outbound. Youre just a troll...
  • Post in thread: Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

    Haha. Any Floridians here unfortunate to have bought into Bidens EV mandate BS? Surprise! Youre Dead! (Ode to the greatest band in the universe) While most normal people are evacuating to safety with a simple fill up at the gas station, EV owners are stuck fighting for the few recharge stations...
  • Post in thread: Car audio... Lol

    65 cadillac. You could stand up in back there was a disco dance floor a fog machine and neon everywhere. Had 5 amps, veritas aluminum horns, 8"s in the kicks, pair of 15s in a sand jacketed box. That absorbed all mechanical vibration so the bass was pure air movement. The floors had rust...
  • Post in thread: Just had the world's greatest assassin visit me

    Bears are assholes. I heard japan is going to use robotic wolves or something like that to scare bears away from populated areas. So bears are stupid assholes.
  • Post in thread: Just had the world's greatest assassin visit me

  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    This is some real dickhead arrogance talking. Hes got this fantasy going on in his head that the reason people on the internet disagree with him is because theyre all on drugs. Well Im not and theres no evidence anyone else who posts here is yet he has repeatedly made this assertion as fact...
  • Post in thread: I am always fantasizing about having a energy efficient air conditioner for van life, anyone seen any concepts in tech news or anything?

    Almost any automotive application I can imagine ties the HVAC into multiple aspects of the cars operation. The compressor is definitely connected to the ecm, youll have to power up the car to use the blower... The amount of re engineering would be staggering. Thats an end your marriage project...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Youre reaching for a distinction that doesnt exist. How could a doctor approved vaccine be intruduced while Trump was president, that he personally accelerated the process for, BUT Trump didnt tell people to take? Its impossible. Fuck you, if you cant admit when youre clearly wrong, why should...
  • Post in thread: I suspect a Mouse is going to give the conservatives a beat down.

    Where oh where, are children not educated about slavery in america? How would you even know? You dont have kids in our schools? You think children arent taught about slavery? Why would you even think such a thing other than for race baiting? How stupid and ignorant of you. Stay out of our...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Then again we have Trump hating democrats who are batshit crazy in their attempts to stop Trump any way they can and are using their positions of power to do it. If that judge was doing his job he would have tossed this case out for a dozen reasons. And dont pretend your alleged bias against a...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    THIS forum. Not the site. You have no previous posts in the chit chat forum. DIYsolar is a SITE with many forums. Now youre splitting hairs about statistically democrat. You claimed it was a jury of his peers. Thats insane. Every source we can find suggests they were all democrats. Your line...
  • Post in thread: Get ready for the coming little ice age!

    You think this statement is an attack upon you? "You are in denial if you dont understand that solving overpopulation is critical in mitigating climate change." Go ahead and put me on ignore, I dont need to waste time with people who play victim when their position is revealed to be indefensible.
  • Post in thread: I suspect a Mouse is going to give the conservatives a beat down.

    Have a laugh about Leos leftist utopia, then remember Joe Biden wouldnt budge to cut government spending one dollar. This is the result...

diy solar

diy solar