diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    That last statement, word for word, summarizes my agnostic anti theist ideologies. If I could add to it I would say "there is little scientific evidence for a God, but plenty for humans' propensity to bull**** and mislead each other for ulterior motives." I dont go out of my way to question...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    How about the right or privilege of the entire liberal MSM spandering Trump declaring Trump colluded with Russia? Oh but its okay its your side.
  • Post in thread: FBI feelgood post on X about MLK backfires.

    I know theres good people in that agency and its in poor taste to make light in any form of the civil rights leaders death but reading this story was jaw dropping. FBI posts typical canned PR piece...
  • Post in thread: I am always fantasizing about having a energy efficient air conditioner for van life, anyone seen any concepts in tech news or anything?

    It would have to be mounted outside of course but it isnt that big and with just one hose of cold air entering the vehicle would create a positive air pressure situation pushing/keeping hot ambient air out of the space. On a minivan you could put it on a hitch cargo rack with a generator right...
  • Post in thread: Alternative Fasteners for low compressive forces?

  • Post in thread: Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

    I should have expected you to post some stupid shit and pretend it was profound. "Trump discussed a military plan to attack Iran and waved a classified map of Afghanistan in front of a staffer in 2021 at the New Jersey property." It was a contingency plan in Iran- an option never used. Since...
  • Post in thread: Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

    If it relieved us from the horrible fate of the Biden Harris train wreck I think Id support Bozo the Clown.
  • Post in thread: Pictures: Look What a Few Punishing Minutes of Baseball-Sized Hail Did to Massive Nebraska Solar Farm

    He thinks Zuckerbucks was him exercising free speech. Did you look at a single one of those links? He bought the fucking election you numbskull. Paid democrat activists to infiltrate election offices, and gave public officials slush funds to spend as they please so theyd look the other way. More...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Yes youre the problem. The election was RIGGED just as he deecribes why do you think you can pretend it isnt documented? The letter by 51? That didnt happen? Social media didnt conspire with the DOJ to censor info about the laptop? ZUCKERBUCKS corrupted election offices in every swing state...
  • Post in thread: DIY bus bars using twisted copper cable

    Get some copper pipe couplers, insert wire, smash them with a hammer and solder them. Youll have no issues other than lacking foo foo prettiness.
  • Post in thread: Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

    This is a good summary of the audacity of their gaslighting and hypocrisy: Globally, our country has no greater enemy or threat to our future, like the enemy within.
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Okay Mr. Supergenius... If there was never any chance of Voyager reaching a place which can support life... WHY DID THEY PUT THE GOLDEN RECORD ON IT? Just stop posting. Or I will. Your claims go against everything NASA has done and contradict your own statement. "of less concern, is that...
  • Post in thread: Tesla car charging stations.

    Not sure what that has to do with the cable conductor size. The whole thing sounds typical of what the EV industry and proponents have been doing, which is completely bullshitting the public about the charging infrastructure capabilities. Telling people they neednt worry because they can charge...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Go down a little further. He certainly is a PITA.
  • Post in thread: You might want to pay attention this time...

    Service jobs replaced lost manufacturing jobs. Why am I not surprised at your complete lack of integrity helping to cover for Clintons failures? Blue koolaid drinking loser. Suck it.
  • Post in thread: Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

    Oh just stop it. Even in the extremely unlikely event with us 3000 miles apart youtube put that video in your feed at the same time as mine, there is zero reason you would have had to come here and post 2 replies to me about it with no previous mention by me about youtube, tropical storms, or...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Well heres something your TDS fact checker tried to minimize. " A year into the pandemic, up to 46.2 million people had received at least one week of (federal)benefits, amounting to about 1 in 4 workers, according to an estimate from The Century Foundation." See title: Pandemic's $794 billion...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    All you have is an ad hominem. Nobody comes here to talk about me. Damn youre bad at this.
  • Post in thread: Car audio... Lol

    Pictured is the 10" sub, I had the 6.5" component mids in black plexi pods in the doors. I knew right off the way to impress the SQ judges was midbass so I had 4 of the p840s 8 channels dedicated to those 2 drivers. 120w each side and the a/d/s plate amps are very tightly regulated with nearly...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Stay on topic. Prefacing your topical reply with rambling irrelevence and implied personal attacks is a cheap debate tactic and only reveals your lack of confidence in your position. Anyway... Thats all you got out of that expose, and youre questioning MY intellectual honesty. THEYRE NOT...
  • Post in thread: Save the planet, kill everyone on the road.

    You prove that every time you post.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    So lets hear your list of Trumps policies either past or proposed which are polarized with Republican values, and then explain how Joe Bidens policies on the same issues more closely match the GOP platform. This is where we reveal youre either lying or deranged.
  • Post in thread: This man while holding a USA Govt job got paid by a Foreign Govt

    Youd better tell OBL about these "Saudis that were let off scot free". He and his ghost never got the memo. Meanwhile the Saudis that mattered, meaning the Royal Family, have been vital for all of Americas prosperity for FIFTY YEARS now, why on earth would we do anything to them. The war in...
  • Post in thread: I smell a rat...

    There might be other things at play there. Lower income countries have shorter life expectancies, worse health care, and are less likely to perform autopsies or even know what the cause of death actually was.
  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

    Unearthed and exposed by whom? The media? Ha.
  • Post in thread: America's melting pot

    Thats possible maybe because christianity is such a wide umbrella of different organizations often grouped by race and ethnicity.
  • Post in thread: Starlink is a game-changer

    When you order that pump get a lot of replacement seals... Hydraulics that dont get used will leak like crazy...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    LOL, google translated to english then back to this: "Merfigay, ozark tinkler i dayva, rybnaya bryuchnaya forel', poymali svoy pingus na kolyuchey provoloke i v veterinarnoy klinike."
  • Post in thread: Trump

    IMO youll never prove fraud because it was rigged beforehand and after the fact they conspired for a complete coverup.
  • Post in thread: Cell compression: zip ties and lexan?

    Im gonna file that in the "truisms to never forget" catagory. Next to "if you dont know what it is... you dont need it."
  • Post in thread: Been meaning to post this for a while “cooktop review”

    In the last year ive added a few appliances. Iwave cube. AFAIK smallest microwave in history. 10"x10" x12". Rare as hens teeth. Mini grill. Cooks a burger quick. butane camp stove. Itll probably blow up in my face someday but it puts out a lot of heat.
  • Post in thread: Biden

  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    The audacity of you low life democrats... Youre virtually admitting that these actions taken against our partys leading candidate are solely to leverage the election. You arent even bothering trying to hide it now. You think this is funny?
  • Post in thread: U.S. Electric grid

    "While the plan relies on the moderate and uncontroversial term “infrastructure,” less than 5% would actually go toward traditional road infrastructure projects. Rather, it will be spent on corporate welfare, tax credits, and the left's radical “green” agenda... ...most of that 5% of spending...
  • Post in thread: Shokin seized Burisma owner's assets almost 2 months before Crooked Joe got him fired.

    How is building a barn frugal?
  • Post in thread: Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

  • Post in thread: Supreme Court to take on Vaccine Mandates.

    Its hilarious, it seems he is now obsessed with me. I dont even know or care who he is. What did I say that got him so butt hurt? Im not sure what he is trying to accomplish by turning threads into discussions about me, but I addressed this previously and like an ankle biter he ran away. I...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    The fact a probe may take 30,000 more years to reach another solar system negates the concern, how? Again, why does NASA go to such great lengths if theyres nothing to worry about because its so far? If its so far it happens 30,000 years in the future we still did it didnt we? Why dont you...
  • Post in thread: Half price electric cars

    Sure they will. Count the number of electronics devices in your possession now that are over 10 years old. Now go price any 60s muscle car on ebay motors. You lost the internet today.
  • Post in thread: Gasoline cars 60 TIMES more likely to catch fire.

    How much of the institutes funding is from the oil industry? Can you document this with proof? So far its just you ranting. The wiki article didnt say a thing about it.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Explain what the benefit is to allowing all these illegals and security risks into America please do stay on topic. You know they're closing New York schools and sending kids home to make room to house illegals in schools believe that.
  • Post in thread: LOCK HIM UP!

    Thats rich. Saying that the man youre trying to lock up because youre afraid he might win the next election is a threat to democracy. Do you not see the optics of this shit?

diy solar

diy solar