diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: WAS: LifeP04 meltdown in a Sprinter van ?

    Well youre trying to ridicule me as if its impossible. Are you claiming people dont get stalked? Are you claimimg directed energy weapons dont exist, in either conventionally produced or DIY form? I seem to recall you mention some mmw radar experience, so you know damn well similar frequencies...
  • Post in thread: Bragg probably - just got Trump Elected so when does the Left get their indictments? Fair is fair.

    They wont be. Democrats cover for each other and the leftist media ignores their crimes. This indictment is pure politics.
  • Post in thread: LOCK HIM UP!

    This is amusing but you got the label wrong. Thats Joe Bidens platform.
  • Post in thread: Buying an EV battery from a half-burned car?

    Hey they say lightning never strikes twice... (Which is complete BS, ask any skyscraper)
  • Post in thread: Easy Things That Help You Fight Covid

    Here is supporting evidence for zinc lozenges.
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Here I thought you were going to back up your bullshit claim I was "changing words". Ha. Silly me. Thinking you had integrity. So your point now is what... That the earth, and our solar system, is NOT part of the Milky Way galaxy? Wow. Stupid AND a liar AND a democrat. Oh thats a redundant...
  • Post in thread: Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

    So much bullshit, still doesnt get the point. The DOJ is the one that brings it to court and they have no desire to prosecute a democrat. Dont pretend youre here for honest discussion. As for Trump "oozing hate" only an idiot selects the leader of the free world because he only says nice...
  • Post in thread: Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

    Its long been proven that Zuckerberg bought the election. Just stop. Every jurisdiction in every battleground state had their election results tainted by partisan private dollars allegedly for covid PPE, afterwards it was revealed about 3% was spent on that. It was a partisan slush fund with...
  • Post in thread: A different way to think about climate change

    Great, youve switched to solar and are proud of how right you are. How moral you are. How ethical you are. You might have to add ignorant to that list of accolades. This information has been out there for a long time, but...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    I suppose they will quote Bill Barr claiming his justice dept looked into reports of fraud and found nothing. Little problem... He never conducted any such thing. The rationale for these charges is absurd.
  • Post in thread: Renogy inverter/charger not working on shore

    Bingo. Downloaded the manual from their site. If there were user controls theyd mention it. Theyve got a way to interface with it, we obviously dont want to attempt it since its in warranty. Nice battery BTW.
  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

    ⅞ Do you really believe that there wasnt a single employee on an entire floor of one of the largest department stores in NYC? Did you see her CNN interview where she described rape fantasies? Do you think you can penetrate a woman standing up by just pulling her pantyhose down?
  • Post in thread: Trump

    "Somehow"? We know exactly how. He campaigned on a promise to END THE USE OF FOSSIL FUELS. Period. The first week in office he signed several executive orders to implement that agenda. The facts are quite clear. In december 2020, right after he was elected, the markets began a rise on the...
  • Post in thread: LOCK HIM UP!

    So you think it was a good thing that Joe Biden went begging to the Saudis, and they kicked him to the curb and did exactly the opposite of our best interests? Whats the point, that democrats think its good foreign policy to alienate our arguably most important economic ally? Oh boy, that Trump...
  • Post in thread: Best gas generator for a backup battery charging?

    I think a bigger benefit would be the ability of running propane as long as tank size allows. For myself I dont think I have the required experience with a wide variety of gennys I assume would be a prerequisite to detecting faults which are often intermittent. Im mechanically inclined and have...
  • Post in thread: Fields of unused EVs in China

    Ive learned youre a festering pustular boil on the posterior of humanity.
  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

    The fact remains that its widespread consensus that kamala harris slept with powerful men to get where she is today.
  • Post in thread: Cheap Chinese junk: I'll trow my 3 Daly controllers in the garbage bin. ANGRY!!!

    Thats probably an unavoidable by product of their real agenda which is getting rich and ensuring their ability to do so indefinitely by increasing their grip on power. Maybe the more left leaning ones would include self defeatism.
  • Post in thread: changing world

    Why do you ask? You dont have google? Or are you just being argumentive and you want people to jump rhrough hoops for you?
  • Post in thread: Trump

    I think not. Hes saying TRUMP didnt build ALL the border wall because REPUBLICANS OTHER THAN TRUMP didnt approve the funding. So how exactly is this an argument against Trump? Theres plenty of useless jerks in the GOP, thats why we support Trump. This thread isnt the "everything republicans...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    The fact is Bill Barr claimed his justice dept investigated claims of voter fraud and found none. A number of FOIA requests were later made looking for evidence of this investigation Barr claimed happened, and they all turned up empty. Barr lied, simple as that. Hes a Swamp Monster. Worse, its...
  • Post in thread: Redarc dc-dc charger says no breaker?

    Yeah thats what I did on the previous setup, but I wanted the breaker so I could have a switch to seperate the accessory circuit from the vehicle system if necessary.
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Why do grand juries always indict? Grand Juries Often Return an Indictment In part because there's no one on the "other side" to contest the prosecutor's evidence, grand juries almost always return an indictment as requested by the prosecutor. › why-prosec... Why...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Sure then he can pardon himself and proceed with cleaning house at the DOJ and having Bill Barr tarred and feathered. Donald J Trump is a wonderful human being, a great patriot, and a national treasure and hero. The way he has been treated is disgraceful, we will be lucky to have him if he still...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Its unknown that A. they have the legal authority to stop him B. He didnt follow their sterilization protocols C. His vehicle is going somewhere they are worried about.
  • Post in thread: I wonder what kind of batteries are used in this bus

    Thats a splendid story and we are all proud of your engineering prowess. How is that relevant toward billion dollar corporations if they focused their engineering resources on maximum efficiency vehicles? As a side note, where is this car today? When you sold it, did it pass an emissions test...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    You know what else is made in China? Covid 19. I was more bashing Joe than China. The point is how convenient that his son took fat payments from Chinese businessmen, and now his father is pushing many policies that serve to enrich China. We will go through billions of chinese masks before this...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    She is crazy hard to use her as an example. Poor Brad he must have gone through hell!
  • Post in thread: What happend to the prices of lifepo4

    As I understand it either: They were moved to syria before the war possibly with help from russia... OR according to Scott Ritter which means nothing but just name dropping, Saddam had converted his programs to dual use breakout systems which could be hidden in plain sight but ready in a few...
  • Post in thread: Someone posted this... Now its getting real..

    I thought you didnt own a cell phone. You finally figure out how to use one? Im sure liberal democrats will figure out some way to give it to China and make the US their doormat.
  • Post in thread: (SOLVED) Solving the climate control crises

    When I bought the '16 ody the sienna was on my list of possibilities and one of the biggest draws was its ability to run the AC nearly indefinitely. Supposedly after the initial charge wears down, it starts the engine every 15 minutes and runs it for 6 minutes to make enough juice for the AC...
  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Theyre walking a fine line with Sleepy Joe trying to feign an economic recovery so dont assume theyre trying to wreak irreversible havoc on this one issue. That stage passed at the end of 2020. Its hard to say what dog every faction has in this fight but theres certainly a lot of them. The...
  • Post in thread: I am always fantasizing about having a energy efficient air conditioner for van life, anyone seen any concepts in tech news or anything?

    The rodeos are all V6s but hardly overpowered so what youre saying makes sense. I think it was 1994 model that dropped the GM V6 and went to their own SOHC 6VD1 powerplant.
  • Post in thread: Pictures: Look What a Few Punishing Minutes of Baseball-Sized Hail Did to Massive Nebraska Solar Farm

    Your obvious dishonesty =/= my ignorance. Youre so full of shit you need a laxative just to talk. Your argument started as this: "None existed.. it was a hoax in an attempt for Trump to hang on to power." Now its both are doing it? And of course plenty of personal insults to deflect from...
  • Post in thread: Gas generators to be banned in USA

    Okay wise guy how many buttons does it take?
  • Post in thread: This man while holding a USA Govt job got paid by a Foreign Govt

    Many highly qualified people were involved in the failure analysis of WTC7. Hundreds of professionals who hold degrees in respective fields. Real people youll have to confront with accusations of conspiracy to commit mass murder. Whats your basis for doubting their professional findings? Youve...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    This is where murphygirl fesses up that she has to pay real men to repair her car for her. I bet you call AAA to have them come out and change your tire for you.
  • Post in thread: Anyway to block by language characters?

    Does he have pictures? Damn I hate spam. Show me more.
  • Post in thread: I suspect a Mouse is going to give the conservatives a beat down.

    That author is a joke. Shes in a guardian article criticizing this: --------------- "And in July in Iowa, teaching concepts that could lead to “discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of that individual’s race or sex” were prohibited." --------------...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    What do the REAL experts have to say about it though? (Picks up the batphone, calls the Howard Stern show... "Hello, is Hank the Angry Dwarf there?)
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    READ YOUR OWN LIPS: "of less concern, is that such a bacteria could possibly multiply on the planet. Theoretically it might be possible." I will ask you again. If it took 50,000 years for voyager to completely exit the solar system (by your own definitions) and it crashed on another planet...
  • Post in thread: changing world

    Wow, you really seem to have a lot of hate and contempt for people you dont even know, and seem to be imaginary caricatures based upon stereotypes. While all the while holding yourself ultimately superior to those around you. I dont dispute people might make poor decisions but after all what...

diy solar

diy solar