diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Half price electric cars

    Sure they will. Count the number of electronics devices in your possession now that are over 10 years old. Now go price any 60s muscle car on ebay motors. You lost the internet today.
  • Post in thread: Gasoline cars 60 TIMES more likely to catch fire.

    How much of the institutes funding is from the oil industry? Can you document this with proof? So far its just you ranting. The wiki article didnt say a thing about it.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Explain what the benefit is to allowing all these illegals and security risks into America please do stay on topic. You know they're closing New York schools and sending kids home to make room to house illegals in schools believe that.
  • Post in thread: LOCK HIM UP!

    Thats rich. Saying that the man youre trying to lock up because youre afraid he might win the next election is a threat to democracy. Do you not see the optics of this shit?
  • Post in thread: Need wire help

    If its 12v or less, not nearly over its power limits, and the insulation isnt rotten, I wouldnt have a problem using that inside as long as youve got some kind of circuit protection. The fact its speaker wire doesnt solely condemn it. I have some high quality scosche 12 awg speaker wire Ive had...
  • Post in thread: Renogy inverter/charger not working on shore

    Does that GC3 have control over the BMS (through app or serial port or usb?) Or are all settings only by factory? Just wondering what the BMS is looking for to reset after cell or pack undervoltage. There are both time and voltage requirements. If youve been in contact with BB I guess I would...
  • Post in thread: You might want to pay attention this time...

    He likes to be abusive, I was just speaking his language so he could understand. Hes typically one of the most full of shit posters here because his intent is pure trolling. Look at his initial post: "Seems to me the democrats want to spend too much money and the republicans are going to...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Perhaps "science" is in a bit over its head if it thinks we can or even should attempt to control it with things cooked up in petri dishes? If the death toll keeps rising maybe its the inevitable truth? Not every attempt to develop a vaccine will have such a cut and dry success such as polio...
  • Post in thread: Fields of unused EVs in China

    Good find. My city is putting up these huge block sized housing developments everywhere, with minimal parking to accompany them. Yet people moving in still have cars. Our city is built partly upon huge mountains, its simply not practical to commute by bicycle, yet all over the city theyre...
  • Post in thread: Flooded EVs catching Fire?

    Praise him? For what? I have seen it on twitter, they have to resort to lies and outrageous stupidity. Example, he lowered inflation "over the last 10 months".
  • Post in thread: Fields of unused EVs in China

    Typical lefty, in the face of disastrous public policy he fully supports forcing hardships on others, he mocks them. Pathetic and useless.
  • Post in thread: JBD BMS not balancing?

    Ok thanks for that it was off because I saw a thread in here last year advising that I will try it for awhile.
  • Post in thread: Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

    Dr. Gal Luft is co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (IAGS), a Washington-based think tank dedicated to energy security. He is also a senior adviser to the United States Energy Security Council, a cabinet-level governmental advisory committee focused on reducing...
  • Post in thread: back in the day

    Im that guy. My second car was a 79 firebird formula. Came with a 305 with just 150hp. I put headers and a holley 780 on it and disconnected all the smog, still was slow but got about 30% less mpg. So I said screw this and put nitrous on it. Now we are talking, it did add a lot of horsepower...
  • Post in thread: LOCK HIM UP!

    Really now. How were claims "proven false"? The election was corrupted. Rigged.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    If you say someone is lying, at the minimum you must identify what you believe is a lie. He wont do so. He has no credibility. He himself admitted that he knows about Zuckerbergs grant program. When confronted with the details of what the money was spent on, he simply says its all a lie. The...
  • Post in thread: battery depletion

    I dont see how they could be worse than the US made ones of 20 years ago for over discharge tolerance. I went thru 4 optimas in 2 years in my C4 corvette in the late 90s. Two yellows, a red, a blue. The official Optima dealer flat out refused to warranty any of them. Theyd put it on a charger...
  • Post in thread: 2020 POLL: What BMS are you using in your system? (UPDATED)

    Can you elaborate? Should any BMS expect to survive a short circuit? What did you do? Or are you claiming a defect in the board caused your cells to short circuit?
  • Post in thread: I am always fantasizing about having a energy efficient air conditioner for van life, anyone seen any concepts in tech news or anything?

    Saw an attractive low profile one today on amazon for $1100. No reviews. Link: That would likely fit through the sunroof of my odyssey. I aint gonna touch it. Support? Warranty? Returns?
  • Post in thread: Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

    Youre saying that Californias energy production is reliant on Russian petroleum, and the war in Ukraine is why California sent messages to not charge EVs. Comedy.
  • Post in thread: Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

    You have completely missed the point. Any politician in DC could easily be imprisoned if you investigated and dogged them like they have Donald Trump and have a hostile media magnify every misstep. If you apply every federal code literally to Trump in this case I suppose hes guilty on some of...
  • Post in thread: Helicopter rotor blades to build wind turbine? I have 4 rotor blades from a Bell helicopter.

    They had a Sears outlet store near me before they shut down, in a big warehouse that had like 30ft ceilings. In it was an enormous slow ceiling fan must have been 25ft tip to tip. I guess they were having a blow out sale!
  • Post in thread: LOCK HIM UP!

    Not one single gun was found on anyone in the capital building, and there is no evidence that those bombs had anything to do with Donald Trump or Republicans. Try harder, youre not reaching enough. Furthermore FBI stated long ago they found no evidence of any organized plot to overthrow the...
  • Post in thread: Cell compression: zip ties and lexan?

    If you use a pair of pliers and leverage them against the head, opposite the toothed side for final tighten, you would be surprised how much tension you can develop on the big ties. Technically, at least 175 lbs. 3 rows ought to do it.
  • Post in thread: Building Battery Box for my 24v, 200ah Lifepo4 Battery Bank

    Dont buy acrylic (plexi brand name) for use in any of these projects. Spend a few more bucks and use polycarbonite (aka lexan), it has literally 100x the strength against breakage, and doesnt crack when you drill it. Plexi is very fragile. Lexan is what they make race car windshields from. Its...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Oh thats real convincing evidence considering hospitals work hand in glove with pharmaceutical companies who were being paid a fortune by the govt to develop novel therapies, but couldnt make a dime off ivermectin because the patents had expired. You people act as if hospitals and...
  • Post in thread: Half price electric cars

    I dont share your bizarre belief that EVs will be the first electronics devices immune to obsolecense due to technology advances and reliability issues due to heat, corrosion, vibration, and lack of repairability. But keep the faith, bro, just dont promote the govt mandating ownership based...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Typical democrat. Hes been caught doing this repeatedly. Whatever he accuses other people of doing, he is actually doing himself. How can I be changing words? Did I put quotation marks around anything? I dont think so. Thus I summarized his position, as worthless and lowbrow as it is. Hes just...
  • Post in thread: Best residential plug for 12v in house? (vs 120v)

    AKA bullet connectors. AKA trailer plugs. Been using em for years. The chinese ones (all of them now) are sketchy, even if the leads are 10 or 12 awg dont trust em for more than about 15a continuous. Always make the female side the positive on the supply side. I bought a 12v freezer from...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Show us one single example of a post promoting Epstein. All youve done is proven yourself incapable of progressive discourse, and a propensity for introducing irrelevent issues intent on slandering those with opposing views. Is this where youre going to claim Trump is a divisive force in...
  • Post in thread: Half price electric cars

    The best management in the corporate world cannot sell a product that has limited demand due to practicality issues, is so costly to produce theyre losing money on them, and face a number of safety issues that arent easily solved. The actual quality of the product is not really the problem.
  • Post in thread: The Great Reset

    Murphyfullofshitguy would argue its a conspiracy theory because he voted for and continues to support the very puppets and actors implementing it. Hes like a Nazi defending Hitler, saying he isnt really a bad guy, or you just dont understand him. Any moment he will turn to arguing you only...
  • Post in thread: Biden

    Oh would YOU cut with the goddamn bullshit about how great you think the economy is and suggesting I am making things up when I provided a credible source that explained that it sucks? Which you didnt seem to get a damn thing out of except something you could cherry pick to support your...
  • Post in thread: Biden

    Nobody is arguing that it isnt, whats your point? How does all this mean that when Joe Biden brings it up, he isnt simply deflecting from answering valid criticisms about his policies? He certainly cannot take any credit for this status, and it can be argued that if he and his ilk stayed in...
  • Post in thread: Cell compression: zip ties and lexan?

    My feelings exactly. Corners... Well if I do what I thought about oversizing the end pieces then slotting them, there wont be any pressure crushing the corners. I also considered, using 4 zip ties for each row, so that at each corner the head is at a right angle. Would have to be anal about...
  • Post in thread: DC Fridge or AC fridge with inverter?

    Works for me. I dont even know what the argument is about.
  • Post in thread: I think this is by far the most convenient way to travel but does not include long distances

    This was my 7th and last motorcycle it was perfection in its time.
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Trump hasnt been convicted of any crime yet.
  • Post in thread: Pictures: Look What a Few Punishing Minutes of Baseball-Sized Hail Did to Massive Nebraska Solar Farm

    This has absolutely no relevence to zuckerbucks rigging 2020. Stop patronizing us. Youre full of shit. First you question my links. Then you equate it (falsely) to what conservatives did. You cant even get your argument straight. Were the links fabricated lies or was it okay because the other...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    He would like us to forget that he argued for days that zinc doesnt help, then later posted recommending zinc pills. This is the person who wished we were dead. I can only conclude he is here to troll and disrupt any progressive discourse.
  • Post in thread: Biden

    Caitlyns cousin? Brucinda.
  • Post in thread: What is the next big Battery breakthrough you are waiting for?

    Going back two more movies, did I recently read somewhere that they have developed transparant aluminum? I believe I did. Anyway in the late 80s before such things were popular i attended a trekkie convention and james doohan was the keynote speaker, his monologue went about 90 minutes and was...
  • Post in thread: Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

    No. Having a brain means its just useleas to bring up a junior rank service member when discussing what a president can do with classified material. A little common sense is in order, we dont know what was in those documents. Why would he do this? Anyone positing he would sell them to foreign...
  • Post in thread: LOCK HIM UP!

    Oh what a surprise, Smurphy is lying. Again. Complete fabrication.
  • Post in thread: Biden

    Lolz at the suggestion youre some pillar of unbiased objectivity, then claiming theres no evidence of criminal activity by Biden. Not only did Joe commit the same classified docs offenses theyve filed charges on Trump for, but theres a laundry list of evidence of his familys influence peddling...

diy solar

diy solar