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  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    OK there’s a lot there but I’ll just say for the moment that no I have never made any changes to this battery. I just got the app yesterday that would’ve allowed me to do that and I told the person that I didn’t think I even wanted to use it because I thought I might accidentally hit something…
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Yes, that is all probably very accurate. Except the rover was showing the voltage from the battery I guess, it wasn’t charging “as well” I am a total newbie here with lithium. I am learning so much very quickly, and I really appreciate your words because I think I just learned a whole lot more...
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    This is on solar
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Thank you Mister Sandles‼️
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Just to clarify, so I know I understand completely what I’ve been told. That once the battery has reached full 14.6 v , And then has rested long enough for it to get below 14.2v it is then safe to use it unconditionally?
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Yes, the top charge was 60+ amps and then it gradually went down my chargers green light went on. I kept letting it go and go and go. It was 1:30 in the morning, and I was bagged and decided to shut it down not knowing how detrimental that little extra bit would be until now.
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Sorry, 14.4 V, not 14.6
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    I will post another screenshot showing the parameters of that charge last night
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    I’ll let y’all know if this worked out and solved my very obvious voltage issue. Thank you absolutely everybody who helped I really have appreciated every word everybody said, and no argument here on the constructive criticism I use it all for the best‼️ Cheers 🧇🍻🍻🍻🍻
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    This isn’t when I shut the charger off but it’s the last screenshot I took where it shows the parameters.
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Good morning everyone Late last night or early this morning however you want to look at it, I plugged in the 60 amp charger again. After about 2 hours I reached 14.4 v, and reached this milestone in charge on this battery. Hoping this corrected the issue of lower voltage than normal for my...
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Then I wasn’t pleased realizing what I’m about to see and hit the reset button now for the last five or so hours the only thing that was drawing off the battery was my 60 W furnace in my RV. And I’m in Canada and it’s very cold up here lol.
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    By the way, I’m waiting for everything to settle down. I’m not putting any load on it for an hour.🤣
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Sorry about the voice text typos I didn’t catch it before I sent it. The battery is LIFEPO4 280 amp power. I’ve been very happy with it until I’ve noticed this voltage drop. I typically charge it from 30% up to 80% . I’m not getting much support from the manufacturer.
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    So charging this finally to 14.4 V and the green light coming on the 60 amp charger last night/early this morning didn’t reset this battery’s issues. Is this a warranty issue that I need to deal with with Alberta lithium which are not playing ball with me on this at all no help no support...
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    I don’t know why people think I think that. Lol I never thought that I understand how the voltage drops after a charge. I’ve actually been charging batteries for years just not lithium.
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    But I’m so damn appreciative of all you dudes so much you’re awesome thank you
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Oh and the reason you’re seeing 118 W on the pics is because I forgot to plug in my 100 watt freezer after charging up last night so it was just the furnace running but then I got up and plugged in the freezer and then took the screenshots, so it’s not like that was the wattage running all night...
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Sorry, I thought that was a yes or no answer. Am I missing something? My question isn’t about additional charging. It’s about when can I start discharging it after 14.4? My understanding from a previous discussion was discharging, can commence after it has rested to less than >14.2v? I just...
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Well, it probably tapered for about 45 minutes. I could be high on that number.
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Ok so I don’t have it correct?
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    This was bedtime last night with just a 60 W furnace on it until you can see the screenshots previously. I went to bed at 1:30 or so so in six hours or so this is what’s happened to this 280 amp power battery.
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    The voltage drop that I am referring to is like at 47% I’m showing 12.92 v And all the way up and down the scale seems to be getting worse.
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Are these balanced enough for moving forward with power? Or is there some trick? I need to pull off on the BMS and the app?
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Great stuff thank you very much‼️
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Well, if you ever need to know, anything about domestic structural engineering, like high-end custom homes, you know who you can call.
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    For example, last night after charging it, I noticed a fairly big difference among the four cells…. I started using it probably at 13.9 V however when I woke up and looked at it, they were completely balanced zeros across-the-board. Do you still think there’s a problem with the balancing of the...
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    I’m burning out this is my last question I just need the answer to it please thank you
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    But I am not seeing 14. Anything volts wouldn’t that be solar charger controller issue?
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Is there some kind of a cycle I need to do every few months or once a month to keep the voltage from doing this?
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    I figured as much after my conversation with Mister Sandles‼️
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    ‼️‼️‼️‼️ A W E S O M E ‼️‼️‼️‼️
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    I am using a cell phone app via Bluetooth to monitor. I take screenshots from the day. I got the battery that shows the drop. With a 20+ amp current do you still believe I have solar panel issues? And it’s on the plug-in 60 amp charger at least once a week or so. Or more.
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Burning fuel on days that sunny doesn’t make sense to me. Not when I can get 23 A of solar.
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    And most days are incredibly sunny
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Mister Sandals Sorry for the mistake on the spelling however, I get it you’re a pilot correct? ALS I’m on it.
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Or is that ILS?
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Thanks for your help. Wattmatters I got my answer by turning on the power and things are balancing out quickly. Enjoy your evening and thank you again bye now.
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    The 60 amp charger I never see it go over 13.9 maybe 14 V near the end however, after running a cycle on the generator 60 amp charger hasn’t seem to fix this issue.
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Yes, I realized my mistake, but it was too late
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    But it’s all better now, right?
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Yeah, the voltage stopped increasing said it was taking current though. But according to voltmeters it wasn’t, does that make sense?
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    I’m just noticing “Solar Wizard” stated to “hit reset soc at the point of 14.4” ‼️ I didn’t do this. Does this mean there is still hope for clairvoyance‼️
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Why does my Bluetooth app tell me I’m at 100% then?
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Those cells usually balance out to decimal 000 or 001
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    With 20+ A solar or with the 60 amp 115 V charger makes no difference. Should I keep it charging even though my Bluetooth app says 100% but is still showing 60A current going in? Is that what this is?
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    It was the beginning of winter and no time to really mess around. I just wanted to hook it up. Did all the crimp myself pretty good with basic electrical don’t know everything at all but the minimal basics I have a fairly good understanding of.
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Oh, so it’s not about percentage or amp hours it’s about “volts” 100% only.?
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    Wow, I think this has been very helpful. I hope this works have I damaged my battery by not charging it up fully for the last five months since I had it?

diy solar

diy solar