diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Sooo... its 12F outside, my power is out until tomorrow night...

    Isn't that the country that believes it's citizens can defend themselves from Polar Bears with rocks, sticks, and proper pronouns?
  • Post in thread: What was your worse DIY solar mistake ever?

    But there are so many! I let the smoke out so often the EPA has an air quality station in my back yard.
  • Post in thread: What are the actual FINES for unpermitted solar installations?

    Gender reassignment surgery and forced consumption of Taylor Swift music.
  • Post in thread: Solar and the Economy Your Thoughts??? Or anything else on your mind!

    Local random poster on FB group: Any idea when the power will be back on? Other random poster: Drunk driver hit a power pole. Utility Co is working on it. Me sipping hot coffee: Again? When did that happen?
  • Post in thread: When is the best time to start a solar project?

    Always plan a system to commission on Dec 21 in the northern hemisphere. No where to go but up after that.
  • Post in thread: Food Security Through Modern Chemistry- Hydroponics

    There are a few other threads discussing this mildly off-topic topic. But I suppose the same type of people that want to be energy independent might want some food security as well. We haven't seen nationwide or global energy shortages nearly as profound as the empty shelves of early 2020 (you...
  • Post in thread: View with skepticism - Youtube claimant to run his house and charge Teslas

    I have heard of these inverters with a cannabis port.
  • Post in thread: Chinese Balloon

    Nothing to see here. It was a naturally occurring balloon, built by bats, in a wet-market, in Wuhan. The best thing about being a conspiracy theorist, is not developing strange giant blood clots and myocarditis.
  • Post in thread: Dishwasher Off-Grid 2024

    I let the dog do the hard part. A little rinse and back in the cupboard.😉
  • Post in thread: What are the actual FINES for unpermitted solar installations?

    If you can't piss off the front porch the neighbors are too close.😉
  • Post in thread: Inflation Reduction Act may be Unconstitutional - Take your Credits ASAP

    Some morons think ultra-maga is an insult. The rest of us buy the t-shirt.
  • Post in thread: My Hammer Collection.

    From top to bottom: Tapper, Precision hammer, Stay down dammit, You wanna play?
  • Post in thread: Solar and the Economy Your Thoughts??? Or anything else on your mind!

    Opinions? Balloon of questionable origin detonates EMP. Although localized to a 500 mile radius, it begins a cascade failure of the entire US grid. Within 24 hours all store shelves and gas stations are empty. Most people wait for the Gov to come help. The powers that be are unable to do a...
  • Post in thread: Has Richard from Signature Solar Left The Company?

    Yeah, those guys just don't understand how great complete overarching totalitarian federal power would be.
  • Post in thread: Mounting/moving heavy wall-mounted batteries

    Invite the guys over for beer and pizza.
  • Post in thread: SHOW ME YOUR MEGAWATTS!

    I was doing some system maintenance today and noticed one on my charge controllers shows 3316 kWh. That's 3.3 MEGAWATTS! I installed that one with 2kw of panels in August of 2021. As I built and maintained powerplants that output gigawatt/hours in a past life, I am simultaneously unimpressed...
  • Post in thread: Prepping for impending grid outage

    I suppose the most effective preparation for any such event would be to completely disconnect from the grid. Most equipment failure will be caused by v/m energy from the power lines. I believe the E1 pulse is most damaging to disconnected equipment but is relatively short range compared to E2...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    It It doesnt seem particularly homicidal to me. More indicative of an irreconcilable divide worsening daily. I doubt the national divorce will be particularly peaceful.
  • Post in thread: One Hundred Thousand!

    I try to hamper AI with erroneous misinformation and bad advice. Sure, a few noobs may be electrocuted, but it's a small price to pay to avoid Skynet.
  • Post in thread: Commifornia (California), no more than 20KWh of Tesla modules's comrades

    I occasionally look for unanswered posts to try to breath life into something interesting. I should have left yours in the dead letter box. Lesson learned. Seek therapy.
  • Post in thread: All Electric Tractor

    Agreed. And if you have followed any of the right-to -repair legal issues, JD is throwing all of their lawyers against the farmers. Nothing good can come from this.
  • Post in thread: Inflation Reduction Act may be Unconstitutional - Take your Credits ASAP

    Debt/GDP dictates the only way out of this is massive inflation. Make the dollar worth(less) and the debt is sustainable. Why is no one suspicious that there isn't, and has never been, a plan by anyone to pay it back?
  • Post in thread: Conspiracy Theory ..... or True?

    I don't have any conspiracy theories. They have all been proven true.🤷‍♂️
  • Post in thread: Commifornia (California), no more than 20KWh of Tesla modules's comrades

    YOUR red square is around all types in the other types category. I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is. Do you need a hug?
  • Post in thread: how long until DIY solar is dead? -- states are beginning to require microinverters

    If you're off-grid and not interested in getting a "check" from the bureaucrats, you may employ alternative roofing/ and or rain diversion materials for given areas of your property. "No, those are not solar panels. I do not answer questions without my attorney present. Get off my property."
  • Post in thread: Solar and the Economy Your Thoughts??? Or anything else on your mind!

    Trump is High Plains Drifter. Nobody wants him as a neighbor, but he is good at what he does. His primary skill is that he can't be bought by politicians. He is not extraordinary in any other sense, but it is a superpower, nevertheless. So thus Ben Franklin becomes a prophet. Those who would...
  • Post in thread: Chinese Balloon

    Nothing about this balloon story makes any sense. I suspect it is a distraction from what's in the other hand.
  • Post in thread: Cheap Horizontal Wind Turbine/MPPT 1 Year Results

    Lol. I liked watching it spin the first couple of days. To preface I try to see things the way they are and avoid confirmation bias. Just reporting real long-term data. You can make your own decisions from there. No kool-aid dispenser here. The why: When I bought it in 2019 or 2020, I believed...
  • Post in thread: All Electric Tractor

  • Post in thread: Trump

    Trump Derangement Syndrome is the end result of Trumpophobia. One cannot use logic or reason to convince these poor souls of their irrationality. Similar to arachnophobes, they have no control over their jumping onto chairs and screaming like little girls at the first mention of Bad Orange Man.
  • Post in thread: Is it possible to protect your Solar System against EMP?

    Said govt is seeming unaware of this.
  • Post in thread: Prepping for impending grid outage

    I expect no less from a coastal Californian. 🤣
  • Post in thread: Looking for Chinglish to English translator.

    This is your owners manual.
  • Post in thread: How much do your panels produce when it is overcast and raining?

    My panels only have 2 modes of efficiency. Can make coffee at 5am. Need more Gas for Genny.
  • Post in thread: Cheap Horizontal Wind Turbine/MPPT 1 Year Results

    Fitting day for the 1 year anniversary of the MPPT test. The goal of said test was to determine with lazy scientific methodology if there was an advantage to allowing the turbine to gain inertia without the constant load of the 24v applied voltage but rather to let the charge controller...
  • Post in thread: Prepping for impending grid outage

    There are a few threads on CME/EMP you can search. Some find the subject worth discussing. Some prefer ignorance; it is bliss.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    The new slogan from the San Francisco board of tourism. FREE SHIT! THE SIDEWALK NEAREST YOU!
  • Post in thread: Robotic Lawn Mower

    Urban legend states the reason they put those safety handles on push mowers, is because some guy tried to trim his hedges with one. They call him Lefty now. Sorry for the tangent Oz. Back to your regularly scheduled program.
  • Post in thread: Found Catalog where I bought my Y2K system

    I spent my solar money on a VCR.
  • Post in thread: SHOW ME YOUR MEGAWATTS!

    Someone has to have 1.21 Gigawatts.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    I think Ray Epps and the other 200 undercover fibs incited a lot more people than a speech did.
  • Post in thread: Solar and the Economy Your Thoughts??? Or anything else on your mind!

    Correction: There are 11 million children who get free lunches. NOT the same. These children would be better off if their parents knew how to plant a garden, no? Easy to show the receipts that you have donated all of your income above poverty level to help the starving waifs. If you're going to...
  • Post in thread: Prepping for impending grid outage

    Perfect example of normalcy bias. Store shelves get bare during every winter storm and hurricane. Nothing ground to a halt during 2020; the shelves were empty because of panic buying not real shortages. Unfortunately, the DOD disagrees with "we will get by".
  • Post in thread: Trump

    I am beginning to wonder whether I'm talking to MSNBC or an AI in training.
  • Post in thread: Sooo... its 12F outside, my power is out until tomorrow night...

    Personally, I hope it continues to meander until @Supervstech starts to complain about the heat or the complete magnetic pole reversal kills the internet for good. Whichever comes first.
  • Post in thread: Does Solar Pay for Itself? Is it worth it?

    Buy more Lipos before the WEF realizes that cargo ships burn 5000 gallons of diesel per hour.
  • Post in thread: Inflation Reduction Act may be Unconstitutional - Take your Credits ASAP

    The thousands of years to extract the minerals from the earth for those EVil batteries not withstanding, of course. We could dig more holes for lithium and cobalt and... but the same folks that want EVs don't want more holes in the ground because they will disturb the nesting grounds of the...
  • Post in thread: Why is everyone ignoring Vivek Ramasamy, clearly the best candidate.

    He says nearly all the right things to me. A few things I don't agree with, which i can't iterate ATM. Will he actually do them? Will the deep state take him out?Anybodies guess. Some things about him that bother me: He claims he has never been political, but the video of young him and Pete...
  • Post in thread: Cheap Horizontal Wind Turbine/MPPT 1 Year Results

    This one belongs to one of my clients. It is approximately the same swept area. I re-engineered the CC for it after their previous solar contractor thought one of the phase wires was a neutral and bonded it to the system. Smoked everything. The mast is 3" sch 40 pipe embedded in 64 cu ft of...
  • Post in thread: Prepping for impending grid outage

    That will all be solved as Cali raises the minimum wage to $75 per hour. It'll all be fine.

diy solar

diy solar