Is Anyone currently using 1 or more SPF Growatt 5000 ES, or know anyone (that can be contacted for comments) that is already using this system that works the way it is advertised to work? What I mean is, it is connected to their house and it powers the complete house with just PV power during a...
I finally got it drawn up. Here is the PV ground mount the way I plan to set it up 2@6s2p and 1@3s2p. The only way I can think to get AC to the GW "AC in" is to add 2 new panels. One to be a new main 200A panel and the other to be a solar production panel only and change my original main house...
I have 4 Growatt SPF 5000 ES inverters, 30 - 395W panels and 30Kwh of LiFe 48V batteries. At first when I start up my system 1 of my 4 inverters would not start up with PV power as it should . They all do start up when the inverter is turned on and seem to work correctly. After about 3 week I...
Has anyone had success (or failures) updating the firmware version on a Growatt SPF 5000 ES (US model from Signature Solar). I have 4 - 5k Inverters ,they have been working for about 2 months now. They are supposed to start up when PV power is turned on to them. At first 3 of my 4 inverters...
Don't most people that want an off grid converter that is grid tied because they want PV first then battery then grid then generator. Doesn't that cover all the bases. Power no matter what. I'm in the planning process and ready to purchase 30 -395 watt panels. 2 x 6s2p and 1 x 3s2p. Each of the...