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    • P
      pekka8 replied to the thread 12V & 24V diy battery.
      Ah okay now got it. So busbars have to be configured for either 4 or 8 strings. And string is always 3.2V. Just learning the stuff.
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      pekka8 reacted to LakeHouse's post in the thread 12V & 24V diy battery with Like Like.
      What voltage were you hoping to see? 4s is 12.8V, 8s is 25.6V. It'll work for anything in that range.
    • P
      pekka8 replied to the thread 12V & 24V diy battery.
      Thanks, lots of useful info, but I don't see the voltage anywhere. Maybe I'm just blind...
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      pekka8 reacted to LakeHouse's post in the thread 12V & 24V diy battery with Like Like.
      No, the JK's for 16s batteries (20S, 24S, etc. models) won't work for 4s or 8s. The voltage isn't high enough. JK's website isn't...
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      pekka8 replied to the thread 12V & 24V diy battery.
      JK's website seems to be listing only 16 cell models so 16S works also? Where do you find this information on the web site?
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      pekka8 reacted to LakeHouse's post in the thread 12V & 24V diy battery with Like Like.
      For your factory-made battery, probably not. For a DIY battery, yes. You can make those 8 cells into two 12V batteries (two sets of 4...
    • P
      I have now a factory made 200Ah 12V battery and Victron 12v inverter charger. My plan is to replace now the battery with diy JK 200A &...
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diy solar

diy solar