diy solar

diy solar

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  • Planning to reduce electric bill by solar push, no feed back to grid. Daylight hours only.

    Here's my thoughts, I have a swamp cooler to cool my home (mobile home), it uses 222 watts when running on low, 120 volt, 440 watts on high. Fridge uses 125 watts when it kicks on, 4.24 KWH in 48 hours time, no big deal. I want to purchase 2x 100 watt panels, and a 600 watt, grid tie inverter...
  • 4 -3.2 volt batteries, how can i wire the 4 in parrellel first,then in series,

    if i run in parralel first i raise amp hours, or just wire in series to get my 12 volts and not worry about it, power out emergency only
  • how to charge diy batteries in series,when in 1 pack

    ok,lets say im building packs from 18650 cells,, so i reverse one to get 12 volts,now when i charge what happens to the 2 thats reversed,ill have a neg on the pos end, will this work, i see a lot of packs built in things like this, especially laptop batteries, and medical stuff
  • Power out put pf panel compared to inverter

    ok,hyper thetical question, lets say i have a 200 watt panel. and a 400 watt micro inverter, 220 volt out put, line 1 and line 2 with neutral. all other aside from loss, sun,ect, does a micro inverter put out 200 watts per line if i am only putting 200 watts, will my inverter put out 200 watts...
  • Does panel voltage have to match inverter voltage

    ok,lets hope i can explain this right,cant find an answer yet, I want a grid tie inverter to try and lower electric bill,cant get caught if it runs backwards. I was thinking of a 12 volt bank,and a 12 volt inverter., My panels would be 2x240 watt,open c volt, 37.2 volts, amps-pmax-7.8 then have...
  • adding batteries,lifepo4

    heres what i have, 4---3.2 volt in series to make 12 volts, but they, but hey are only 25a hours each, so i wanted o add a 3.2 volt, 45 ah battery in paralell to the last battry to up the ahours, any problem doing it like this

diy solar

diy solar