diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: 6000xp charging

    Where is the monitoring page?
  • Post in thread: BMS active balancer becomes unbalancer as cells age

    good point! Never thought of that understood. So bottom balancing would be am idea or not?
  • Post in thread: DIY Battery via Smart shunt to inverter integration (Solis etc)

    My 3rd esp32 is the same.
  • Post in thread: 6000xp charging

    That looks good. The obvious answer is that in order to charge faster, you need to remove loads. Not sure why you are missing 4400 watts from PV, tho in my experience my ratio is about the same at 10:30 am Is this a new system? Added PV? At noon and on an abnormally sunny and clear day I...
  • Post in thread: Renogy 50A Dual Input MPPT ongoing charging problem

    I have been down the same road you have. For a time I was using Renogy batteries, Renogy inverter/charger, Renogy Core One, Renogy bluetooth adapters and Renogy Solar panels. Lets see here. The solar panels are great, Never had a failure or issue in 3 years and counting. The inverter worked...
  • Post in thread: EG4 6000XP without battery

    Have you tries small loads? like 500 watts? I am interested in this.
  • Post in thread: 1 48V 100AH battery to 1 EG4 6000XP Inverter

    So keep in mind, even with the reduced currents, you would still want to wire it with 1 awg or 1/0 on the battery. This is so you do not need to buy wire twice or run into trouble in the future after expansion or forgetting about not upgrading the wire.
  • Post in thread: EG4 6000xp manual is pretty lacking.... I could use some help.

    It probably;y was waiting for a gain of 10% SOC before going back to normal. This way it wont be triggered every 5 minutes on a cloudy day.
  • Post in thread: 6000XP AC (Grid) charge setting not behaving as expected?

    Yes, this happens EVERY time you are AC charging. no matter how. (with the 6000xp anyway.)
  • Post in thread: EG4 6000xp setup questions

    I am in the group. I have verified my beta firmware and I still do not have the power tab.
  • Post in thread: Help…error code 14

    Renogy is not second.... They suck horribly. They dont build anything at all. They send low bid offers to the shittiest of china manufactures and have them build something.
  • Post in thread: Continuing DIY or give up DIY to buy already assembled battery?

    Yes, 16 series cells. There is a lot of shorthand around here. Feel free to ask, just as you did.
  • Post in thread: Prime Day sales 2024

    it was $110 last week
  • Post in thread: Help, EG4 6000XP will not turn on

    I really wonder why it didnt!?
  • Post in thread: New breaker panel. Where is the ground neutral bond?

    Yes, I added a ground bar and checked continuity. I did not scrape paint tho I tested against a removed knockouts hole. All seemed fine.
  • Post in thread: EG4 18K resets on AC load

  • Post in thread: The Great Reset. Globalist Scumbags. Things that don't fit somewhere else.

    Isnt that fun! I mean , thats next level gaslighting or something extra fancy!
  • Post in thread: Lifepo4 voltage drop recently

    We need all the info you can give us to help you. From the little info you wrote my response is: Of course the voltage will drop. Voltage in relation to SOC could be a calibration issue. Is this a DIY battery? Is this a server rack battery? What model is your BMS? What wattage is a...
  • Post in thread: DIY Battery via Smart shunt to inverter integration (Solis etc)

    Must be on the same network name. I would try an Ethernet connected computer. Phones have a hard time with ip addresses in my experience. Are you trying on a phone?
  • Post in thread: Help…error code 14

    How so? If you understand how each of them do what they do, there is NO discussion.
  • Post in thread: Help! 60V per panel??

    This could be a factor for sure!
  • Post in thread: few questions about solar power....

    Nicely put!
  • Post in thread: JK BMS has failed, Better recommendation?

    It may have had a stroke and lost its memory from the vacation. Chirping is just it letting you know something isnt right. No idea why its acting like that. Its a great BMS
  • Post in thread: new user here with a temperature question

    I have the same graph in SA I do not have a battery temp sensor connected to SA. NONE I do not have smart batteries. I am wondering where this info is coming from for you and for me !?! Mine is less ghastly tho. But I guess its worth mentioning that ambient temps of install location were...
  • Post in thread: Why do I want to add more solar panels when I don't need them?

    Love the way you put that!! Now i need more panels.
  • Post in thread: Incompetence from Signature Solar & Solar Sovereign

    60% at least
  • Post in thread: DIY Battery via Smart shunt to inverter integration (Solis etc)

    No, nothing special in the URL. Are you sure your esp32 is connected to wifi? It was never terribly clear to me that mine was connected when I was using the esp32 access point. I didnt know until i looked in the router logs
  • Post in thread: Victron shunt malfunction?

    Did you hit the Zero current calibration button accidentally?? :) I have.
  • Post in thread: EG4 18K resets on AC load

    Untested, incomplete, placeholder, ect
  • Post in thread: VRM screen shots. Post them!

    I was pulling in 56 watts for a couple minutes.
  • Post in thread: Renogy Scum!!!!!

    Ok, I am thinking the burning wires affected the output, not the diode. It is my understanding that the diode is only there to prevent your battery from sending power to the panels when the sun isnt shining. I could be wrong.
  • Post in thread: Changing name

    Good sparks or bad sparks? Make good sparky or bad sparky.
  • Post in thread: DIY Battery via Smart shunt to inverter integration (Solis etc)

    It must not be working. In the GUI version Im charging at 50 amps currently. if I put in 20 it stops charging If I put in 2 it stops if i put in 80 it stops. If I populate both setpoints with corresponding values, it stops charging I have tried decimals but it wont save. No clue over here...
  • Post in thread: New Solar Assistant beta 2024-04-05 and stable 2024-01-23 software released

    Im sure its a 6000xp thing. There is no "mode" on the 6000xp, No solar first, battery first, no UPS mode.... Its all set with voltages or SOC. But if you have any battery besides a handful of supported ones, you are forced to use lead acid mode. The SOC percentage in the 5 months I have...
  • Post in thread: What was your worse DIY solar mistake ever?

    Do you mean connecting input and output of bms as the short or connecting v+ to one of the sides?
  • Post in thread: DIY Battery via Smart shunt to inverter integration (Solis etc)

    That may be the issue. It was slow and janky when using it as an AP and adjusting settings. Perhaps it can do only one or the other.
  • Post in thread: Is it common to lose 10 percent to your shunt compared to AIO input?

    I have a victron SCC and an AIMs toroidal based inverter. I was under the impression that switch mode inverters were more efficient. What do you recommend for an efficient setup?
  • Post in thread: 6000XP in off-grid mode?

    There are no selectable modes on the 6000xp. All modes are automatic based on voltage setpoints in settings. To get bypass off, your battery On Grid EOD value must be 3v lower than your current battery voltage, or 10% SOC lower than your battery depending on what you are using.
  • Post in thread: Dishwasher Off-Grid 2024

    Funny you should say this, I just ran an energy audit on mine yesterday, Got almost the same numbers ~1kWh and 2H 10M. What are the chances of this? lol
  • Post in thread: Eg4 6000xp off grid

    The manual is poor but it has what you are looking for. You need a minimum of 120 volts of PV to wake up the charger. Did you set your float voltage? what did you set your charge voltage too?
  • Post in thread: EG4 6000xp manual is pretty lacking.... I could use some help.

    You are so kind. I appreciate that you responded twice in a single day. That says a lot. By the way, This is day 3 for me with the 6000xp. Definitely enjoying it. I noticed someting strange on the 19th. This was the only sunny day out of the 3 that I have had this inverter with solar input. I...
  • Post in thread: New breaker panel. Where is the ground neutral bond?

  • Post in thread: EG4 6000xp EPS overload

    I think the surge threshold characteristics change on grid vs off. For instance, On grid while battery connected, it might switch over at 95%. While on battery with no grid connected (no back up) it may "try harder" and go to 110% On my single Xp, I dont think it likes more than 300 watts...
  • Post in thread: 1st off-grid adventure — need charge controller advice

    Then it would be rated to 300v? Correct? In that picture, how would a person wire that correctly given it has positive and negative clearly marked? I know that dc is directional and having the arc snuffing bits going in the right direction is critical, but how is this intuitive?
  • Post in thread: House burned down

    Right on! But I certainly shy away from pressure contact based fuses and holders. Do you think Im overreacting?
  • Post in thread: Can you hook 2 XP 6000's together like this...?

    That is the best way to make this work. You could By one 6000xp and a hybrid inverter and make the hybrid inverter be the second one. Unfortunately hybrid inverters are even more expensive.
  • Post in thread: Iota DLS-30 died puked
  • Post in thread: Eg4 6000xp off grid

    Also what is the output of your generator and how much of it were you using to charge? How many watts.
  • Post in thread: New breaker panel. Where is the ground neutral bond?

    Thanks for the link!
  • Post in thread: EG4 6000xp Recovery After SOC Discharge Cutoff

    Nice to see ya! Thanks for demonstrating this. When you find out when the rest of the inverter turns off, find out if solar wakes it up with NO grid. In case you want something else to do :)

diy solar

diy solar