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diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Best Sol-Ark 15 Battery?

    I agree. I think a rule to spread them out is short sighted, and doesn't acknowledge that a complex setup with more wiring is more of a risk than the denser pack. Poorly planned mitigation does more harm than good.
  • Post in thread: 1000v multi port connector

    Awesome. Less splicing. Less problems in the future. Good luck with your wire pull.
  • Post in thread: Charging with Sol-Ark 15k question

    Very similar to what we see. Again, if you drew an imaginary line from 90 to 100 it would be a more normal looking curve. My best guess is that Pytes doesn't attempt to report the range of 90-100 super accurately. At least in this firmware version. With the voltage curves of this battery...
  • Post in thread: Why are there micro and string inverters instead of just wiring PV from the panels to the main inverter?

    I agree. I wasn't cheer leading for micro-inverters. Just trying to explain the basics, and state that they work well for shading, without getting lost in details. I don't use micro-inverters myself, but I know they have a use case.
  • Post in thread: Federal Tax Credit Question regarding possible solar shed

    My opinion would differ just because the language currently says it would not include roof trusses, etc. even if they support solar panels. So why would roof trusses that cover batteries be in a completely different category. I love open interpretations, I personally don't see it being that broad.
  • Post in thread: Mystery used Sol-Ark 12K Full Failure (Fixed itself)

    That is a good point. I don't think it ever says off due to TOU, but it could not charge or discharge due to those settings. If I recall correctly, on mine the power button was lit when it said off on the screen. One other thing I thought of, is to check basics like grid settings. There are...
  • Post in thread: REC Panel Pricing

    NAZ solar has: REC420AA-PURE-R $246 each, says free shipping. Anyone ever had success with them? Would be buying the pallet of 33. Need 28. Hi Mike, You have very good points. I am a picky person so I am after, wind loading, good temperature performance, and I have some REC now and really...
  • Post in thread: The new "My Sol-Ark" App and Migration to AWS is happening very soon.

    Hi, I agree the daily detail missing is not a deal breaker, but I would encourage you to check the rest carefully as well. For example, my PV production nearly matches load, instead of actual. The main dashboard does not match the "equipment" tab figures. Under Equipment, E-total is nearly...
  • Post in thread: Do PWM controllers/dimmers cause EMI noise? Alternatives?

    Hi pekka8, In all but the best LED lights, they use PWM to run normally. There are very few modern bulbs that don't, and most have quite a bit of flicker from the PWM. And I have only looked into the 120v stuff. It's unfortunate the tech went this way, but it's what sells I guess.
  • Post in thread: My Sol-Ark App has been disappointing.... The forum post link above has a lot of information. I would say it is the main thread on this. Carlos from Sol-Ark has responded as well, but there has been too...
  • Post in thread: The new "My Sol-Ark" App and Migration to AWS is happening very soon.

    I offered to consult. Could use a trip to Texas. If they are still letting people work from home instead of a all hands on deck command center at this point, then... well. Changes must be made.
  • Post in thread: Phase 1 Complete. Sol-Ark 15k, 30kW Pytes, 2kW Array

    Hi Rodney, I set them according to a pytes/sol-ark integration guide I found. After setting all the voltages manually like explained in several Sol-Ark videos (in case the BMS loses coms I gueses), then I selected BMS Lithium Battery and left it at 00. That made the coms work fine, but greyed...
  • Post in thread: Looping two panels from inverter

    Hi Jim, You may have to break that question down a bit. Basically ask it in smaller parts. Lot's of smart people here, but that is a very big combo question!
  • Post in thread: Charging with Sol-Ark 15k question

    I'm not seeing any amperage drop on mine when at 90%. It just stays there a long time and soaks up amps. See the graph shows 4kW going to battery from about 13:00 to 17:20, then I even bumped up up charge wattage to about 8kW. It still charged for another 30-40 minutes at "90%" before it went...
  • Post in thread: New construction

    We didn't seem to have a problem. But how are you determining they showed selling power? Just the HM readings on the LCD? I'm just going by memory, but when I called sol-ark about it, it seems the readings on those will depend on the mode you have it set up in. Just a heads up. May be worth...
  • Post in thread: Charging with Sol-Ark 15k question

    Similar here, but it took a long time to pass 90%, then it started to throttle down amps at 94-95%.
  • Post in thread: Charging with Sol-Ark 15k question

    Steady state at about 53.7v full charge. Sound about right on the Pytes 48100r? Weird that the BMS temp reports as 20.9F. It is over 50F in the garage at all times. Battery temp stays accurate, but "BMS" temp reports low. Is your BMS temp reporting correctly Rodney?
  • Post in thread: New construction

    Hi, I'll try to explain it as I understand it, not using the manual as a reference. Limited to home means you can power your panel connected to the LOAD input, but also supply some of the power to the panel in front of the device. That could look like this. Meter --> Main Panel --> Sol-Ark...
  • Post in thread: Utilize existing solar array with high PV Voltage…

    Hi Zanydroid, Doesn't this link agree with you 100%? I don't get why google's top results say one thing, and people argue about this but rarely go to the source of the information. Am I reading this wrong? I wonder why there would be an argument about this when the IRS says clearly: The...
  • Post in thread: SolArk 15k Questions

    Personally I would lean toward some type of shelter too. If you look up the IP rating charts it will give you a better idea of what IP65 is. There are differences in the amount of water and pressure used. The 6 is for "solids" I believe. I have seen them installed outside though. If...
  • Post in thread: Storing heat in bricks

    If stats are to be believed (50/50 shot there...) the air source are getting much closer to the ground source. Still not quite there for sub -20F environments but very good progress. Now that I have the ground loop I would definitely replace the water source heat pump, but if I was building...
  • Post in thread: "When solar power leaves you feeling burned"

    Hi Tulex, I would really recommend just referencing the IRS info. You can claim it once on a given system. Saying you can only claim it once as an absolute statement gives many the wrong impression.
  • Post in thread: REC Panel Pricing

    Sounds good. Thank you hwy17. I have only ever purchased from a somewhat local Greentech, and Practical Preppers. Both were good, but I have little other experience. I was able to beat the first quote up a little on price, so I'll likely go with it. My current REC panels are built well...
  • Post in thread: Any interconnect regrets?

    Hi good people. As I am about to embark on a pile of paperwork... Does anyone have regrets that they did and interconnect or sell agreement with their power company? Does it remove any freedoms you have with your system. Did they change something a year or two in that made it not worth...
  • Post in thread: New construction

    Awesome. Glad you got it rolling. Limited to home is an interesting mode. I ended up using limited to load and powered the whole main panel. I still have an off-peak panel that is just entirely unrelated to the whole setup.
  • Post in thread: Sol-Ark 12K peaks in Battery Charge Graph

    I see. Do your graphs show load as well? It's very hard to tell what is going on without seeing what each color on the graph means (the edit may have removed them). If you go to the equipment tab, and look at the battery and inverter charts there, you can see more detail.
  • Post in thread: The new "My Sol-Ark" App and Migration to AWS is happening very soon.

    Just a check in here? Does anyone have accurate reporting yet in the new sol-ark monitoring tool? My PV production figure still roughly matches load instead of being a true number. The data under the "Equipment" tab is generally more accurate, with the exception of the "E-Year" number that is...
  • Post in thread: Sol-Ark 12K peaks in Battery Charge Graph

    Hi Manolito, The inverter draw (the amount the Sol-Ark 12k uses by itself even without loads) will not show up in those numbers either. In the bottom snapshot, your inverter is using 44 watts for example. The numbers you posted seem to add up, minus the expected inverter usage of around 60...
  • Post in thread: Well pump set up

    Happy Thanksgiving to you too. I have a well that is 400+ feet away and do run it on my new solar system from the house. You said you didn't want to run it from the house, but I do know that some good wire is a lot cheaper and easier than another set of panels, inverter, and a battery setup...
  • Post in thread: Grounding

    Hi. You may have to go back to basics and not assume anything. For example, if you or your friend have a meter you could check that you have the voltage you expect on your inverter terminals. Be careful and only do that if you know what you are doing of course. That would be my...
  • Post in thread: FYI - Wholesale quote from a vendor

    Hi Islandbill, Always fun to look at options. I am not convinced that it would work out. With the amount of competition at the moment with solar, if there was a huge margin on a pallet of panels a current vendor would undercut it and make slightly less than that amount. Shipping, tariffs...
  • Post in thread: Is it just me?

    No. 10 amp would not work. Breakers are wire sizes have to be carefully planned, and you can't exceed certain percentages. For example, you can't run a breaker at 100% of the rating. Changing the breaker out gives you no benefit anyways. It does not change how much power an appliance demands.
  • Post in thread: Storing heat in bricks

    Hi. Some interesting ideas in here. I like that people are poking at the edges. Some things are viable, and some are not, but it never hurts to do the thought experiment or even some testing. That's how we find new ideas. Geothermal (ground source) was mentioned in a negative light above...
  • Post in thread: 14.4kW array online this morning

    Zwy, that's the exact potential scenario I am trying to avoid at one of my solar projects. I wonder if we could make it work by using cement and not sinking the posts as far. Tough to do in frost climates though as we have to get to a certain depth to avoid problems. And if I solve the post...
  • Post in thread: few questions about solar power....

    Hi Corp, that's because it is a fairly basic UPS. Most UPS systems are. Just the very high end always runs power through the battery. Most you can "hot swap" batteries like you described since it only uses the battery when power loss is detected on the UPS's power input (where the UPS plugs...
  • Post in thread: The new "My Sol-Ark" App and Migration to AWS is happening very soon.

    I'll be generous and throw in the first consult/conversation for free :) Dave: What work are you avoiding by attempting the fixes you are attempting now? Company under consult: Nothing. We are trying to fix it! Dave: Do you have priority customers that are working? Company under consult...
  • Post in thread: 20 ft Shipping Container Solar Array Mount

    I probably should have went bi-facial, but I did not. Those are REC pure 400aa panels. 400 watts even. They have been awesome. Yesterday when it was around 15F here, I got near or over the 2000 watt rating for 2 hours straight. High of about 2150. No complaints. They are off the container...
  • Post in thread: REC Panel Pricing

    Thank you all for the input. They have a 7% off summer sale ending tomorrow, so this may be when I finally buy the pallet. The only slight issue is that they have 420watt instead of 430s. So my array would be 280watts smaller... Sad days indeed.
  • Post in thread: 26KW Solar and Sol-Ark 15K Evaluation/Grid Sell Limit

    Hi Rob, Interesting real world info. I have a 15k but have not fully paneled up yet. I was guessing PV sell would be limited to the 16k it said under the online "system work mode" settings. In my initial read, it seems you have the option to add another inverter, or deal with the clipping. I...
  • Post in thread: When on-grid, does the Sol-Ark 15k support >15kW?

    Hi axum, You can set exactly how much you want to be drawn from batteries. Can be up to the inverter max, or less. Then grid will fill in the gap. If it's sunny out, you have the extra few kW as well as you have seen. I have never even had to think about it really. Only had it a few months...
  • Post in thread: The new "My Sol-Ark" App and Migration to AWS is happening very soon.

    Hi SolarFlares, Are you looking at energy generation under "Day". If you flip back through the days until say June 1. You will probably see nothing. Unless you are one of the lucky ones. I can see some aggregate data, but not the day detail. Dave
  • Post in thread: Solar output goes down on sunny vs overcast days as displayed on Sol-Ark 5K? Need advice

    Hi Dhalbmaier, You may have to break your problem down into pieces and take a look at it. There are ways to check with half the panels at a time, etc. to determine if there is a problem with each half. Before you do that though, check the simple stuff. For example, are your batteries full...
  • Post in thread: "Hive mind" help with designing phase 2

    Hi forum friends. I have set a goal for myself to install a robust solar system. I have phase one (see link) of that system complete. Looking forward to phase 2, pick apart this plan and see what I could improve please! Ideally keep in mind what you would do different, or what your ideal...
  • Post in thread: Solar output goes down on sunny vs overcast days as displayed on Sol-Ark 5K? Need advice

    Just an idea here. Is it possible to check if the array is wired backwards? Meaning the + and - of the solar input is swapped? There are solder points just above the MPPT inputs. If you are confident with a mulit-meter, you could check the reading at the terminals and make sure it shows a...
  • Post in thread: Charging with Sol-Ark 15k question

    Hi all, Anyone have experience with similar equipment that can chime in and let me know if this is normal? I have a sol-ark 15k and 30kWh of Pytes 48100r batteries. Previously I was running my battery down to about 40%, then getting whatever sun I get, but since I have bumped up the low-end of...
  • Post in thread: Solar off grid cost

    I have some REC 400aa panels. They are great so far. Would be a good idea to make sure they work well with your inverter. Especially if you want to maximize the input. Some panels amperage or VOC will not work well since you have max voltage and amperage ratings on the inverter.
  • Post in thread: FYI - Wholesale quote from a vendor

    Yes. I agree about the lack of choice. It was not easy to find panels that fit the specs for my controller and allow a long wire run to the array. The challenges of island life. I know the struggle somewhat. Have spend a fair amount of time living on one, and just getting things over, and...
  • Post in thread: My flickering LED problem is finally solved

    I have what you may consider a strange idea, but I'll throw it out there anyways. Instead of fighting the problem as "I need an inverter to work with this certain type of bulb" you could change out your LED bulb to CFL or something else that may not flicker. There is not as big of a difference...
  • Post in thread: Off grid incinerating toilets. Who uses one?

    For another data point. At an off-grid cabin, we used a poly septic tank. Around 2000 gal I believe, and we just have it pumped occasionally. Has been about once every 3 years, and that is without a drain field. Would be different if we lived there. Another potential option though if your...
  • Post in thread: Is it just me?

    Hi. There is this smart guy @timselectric that may be able to let you know with more clarity than I can. If he has time that is.

diy solar

diy solar