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      SunDave replied to the thread Who to buy cells from now?.
      While I agree with the general sentiment, I still think people that are not well versed in this type of purchase should shy away from...
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      SunDave reacted to zephyranthes's post in the thread Who to buy cells from now? with Like Like.
      That’s typical when it comes to Chinese working with Western countries. It’s a customer service thing to have an English name instead of...
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      SunDave replied to the thread Who to buy cells from now?.
      I couldn't get over all the fake names, and no-recourse if the deal goes bad. It's a gamble, with a certain percentage of deals ending...
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      Over enforcement can be problematic as well. For example, someone throws some blame around for a problem (instead of discussing the...
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      SunDave reacted to Brucey's post in the thread Small 24v Victron setup with Like Like.
      Yes the 150s will work on all and autodetect on first power up except 36V which you would have to use victron connect for. Just the...
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      SunDave replied to the thread Small 24v Victron setup.
      I decided to make my life one step easier and order the slightly more expensive victron 150/35 solar charge controller. That way there...
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      I finally wrote Solar Assistant about my TOU time being reset and their response was simple, update my software. I did that and am...
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      SunDave replied to the thread Heat pad.
      Depending on budget, another option would be to use the lithium somewhere else, and use lead acid instead of fighting it. In 10 years...
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      SunDave reacted to JanisD's post in the thread Small 24v Victron setup with Like Like.
      I would suggest 2S4P ( = make 4 strings of 2 panels each, than all 4 strings in parallel ) as in Victron configuration sheet. In this...
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      SunDave reacted to sunshine_eggo's post in the thread Small 24v Victron setup with Like Like.
      They can't be 2S @ 24Voc and yield 90-95Voc. Sounds like they're 4S2P 2S4P would work fine. 2S4P = String 1: two panels in series...
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      SunDave reacted to rodrick's post in the thread Small 24v Victron setup with Like Like.
      Then he needs a combiner box to do it correctly and a good box is more money than the victron 75/15 the only thing is possible wire costs
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      SunDave replied to the thread Small 24v Victron setup.
      Thanks all. I have a combiner box and DC breakers now. A couple more breakers or fuses and I'm all set. I mis-stated some things like...
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      SunDave replied to the thread Small 24v Victron setup.
      removed the drawing. Apparently I'm too tired to work on this now! I just need a way ideally to wire all 8 so that I'm around 50 volts...
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      SunDave replied to the thread Small 24v Victron setup.
      Good to know. Thanks. I don't have that handy since they have been up for 10 years or more, but I can find it when I go there next...
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      Hi. On an off-grid cabin I have 800 watts of solar, and a solar charge controller that doesn't work too well. I am new to Victron...
      • victron.jpg
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      SunDave replied to the thread Heat pad.
      No problem. Or use them somewhere else. Good luck with your cold weather setup. 12 volt batteries come pretty large now. Consider 1...
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      SunDave replied to the thread Heat pad.
      Hi Wilecoyote, I have a small cabin with 800 watts of solar that is in a similar climate. Can be very cold for extended periods. I...
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      SunDave replied to the thread Heat pad.
      You are forgetting about the heating you are proposing. It needs power too. A lot of it. The batteries, and other solar equipment...
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      While solar assistant can be work to set up, and is not perfect. I appreciate having another tool to make changes if needed. So that...
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      SunDave reacted to Will Prowse's post in the thread Free 12V Solar Book For Beginners with Like Like.
      My solar book is now free for everyone. The websites I used to sell this book, "Sellfy" and "Send Owl", never did a good job and I...
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diy solar

diy solar