diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Thanks,Dad, For Teaching Me to DIY Stuff

    My dad was useless and thankfully my mother divorced him when I was around 4 so I was luckily brought up mainly by my grandparents. My grandfather was a driver/mechanic during the north Africa campaign in WWII. After the war ended he returned home and became a heavy plant engineer at the local...
  • Post in thread: Europe has too much solar?

    I grew up in Wales decided to take up welding as a hobby so I could get a tan.
  • Post in thread: my third up in smoke story, technically its my second timeline wise.. but who is counting?

    I gave up alcohol years ago but never really bothered to do things drunk, jazz cabbage on the other hand caused many a "Up in Smoke due to Smoke" moment and eventually gave that up also, my only vice now is cigarettes and coffee and I generally know when I've had too much coffee because...
  • Post in thread: Did I have a weird dream about Will adding a 'dislike' button?

    Who said this?
  • Post in thread: Beware of the APEXIUM BOX Connectors

    I'm failing to see the need for a battery quick disconnect personally, you can't really go wrong with a lug and bolt (carful with your washers folks) how much longer does it really take to undo a bolt. People might comment on torque but if you don't have a torque wrench just tighten it till your...
  • Post in thread: EG4 18Kpv fried PV input

    Have to agree with wpns those are uninsulated ferrules and look to be way too big for the wire gauge aswell as being crimped with the wrong die.
  • Post in thread: Incompetence from Signature Solar & Solar Sovereign

    I've been thinking this for two months now (Thai monsoon season) it apparently ends in august for me. Good job I dug new drainage channels before hand, even though we were told it was el nino better to be prepared and all. Now after a silly amount of flooding we've been told el nino is over and...
  • Post in thread: Europe has too much solar?

    Too much solar but very little sunshine from my experience
  • Post in thread: EG4 18Kpv fried PV input

    It's why I have a combiner board even though I only have 2s1p my luck is awful so I over prepare
  • Post in thread: few questions about solar power....

    Thanks alot! So in other words a glutton for cheap unreliable components, maybe LFP should scare. Corporal sorry but your using a solar setup minus the AC charger and inverter that I pretty much use to water my garden, learning is fair enough but I doubt your saving any electricity in reality...
  • Post in thread: EG4 18Kpv fried PV input

    Just for reference here's a quickly done, poorly executed cable done with the correct size ferrule and crimping die
  • Post in thread: Question About Preventing Grid Backfeed

    Back feed hahaha I'm wondering how will mine ever know
  • Post in thread: my third up in smoke story, technically its my second timeline wise.. but who is counting?

    Japan is funny in that way, a good shop tends to be one in the whole county with a 80+year old man who will only do one skill eg rewind motors/transformers and will likely be too busy with jobs from NASA, nuclear power stations or some other extremely important application to rewind your genset...
  • Post in thread: Fedex is NOT getting a Christmas card this year (Sig Solar order destroyed)

    As a westerner now living in the east I think it's down to responsibility, so much is insured for us in the west that we don't tend to worry anymore "ops my bad, don't worry insurance will cover it" must get said how my times a day? Not saying it's not the same for people here in Asia but many...
  • Post in thread: Beware of the APEXIUM BOX Connectors

    I tell many people "that's not going to work" and they still need to find out for themselves it's some form of primal learning instinct. Also you can't blame alcohol for making stupid decisions I haven't drunk a drop in almost 7 years and I still make terrible decisions regularly. I used to...
  • Post in thread: Coffee Maker

    I'll just leave this here.
  • Post in thread: What was your most interesting recent non solar project?

    Built myself a energy monitor for the house distribution panel looks a bit like a bukkake party with the solder mask but better safe than sorry with the humidity here. First time reprogramming modbus addresses so I could use identical products on the same UART left expansion available incase I...
  • Post in thread: DIY budget shore power charger

    For a fraction more $125 why not just get a 15amp victron smart battery charger? Do away with the hassle and time of DIY and have something that's reliable when your in the middle of nowhere without parts for something you've mcgyvered.
  • Post in thread: my third up in smoke story, technically its my second timeline wise.. but who is counting?

    My brother gives it to his epileptic Boston Terrier not sure how well it works for the epilepsy but at least it calms the little turd down. Maybe beer would help me decide where to place my next two strings as being sober hasn't helped, original idea was to place it at the start of the driveway...
  • Post in thread: Does anyone have experience with portable a/c?

    Sorry no idea I'm only a diy'er but I tend to do a far better job than the local professionals here. I only know in the last 8 I've fitted for myself and family members the main external unit comes pressurised with a full systems worth of gas/oil so you take the insulated lines flange them fit...
  • Post in thread: how much inverting power would you need to run your whole house 100% of the time

    We have a medium sized farm in Thailand the majority of which has low energy appliances (Panasonic fridges are extremely efficient) though the data below doesn't include our garage(mainly a few lights) and our well pump/boost pump(meter to be fitted soon) we average 20kwh a day I'm hoping I can...
  • Post in thread: Do you have rated insulated tools?

    Veto bags are pretty much this but on steroids, my wife hates me using mine as regularly stuff it with around with 40lbs of tools before going to fix stuff I might need 1 screwdriver and a pair of linesman's for but it's better to be prepared for any eventuality.
  • Post in thread: my third up in smoke story, technically its my second timeline wise.. but who is counting?

    Strangely it was the legalization here that eventually led me to quit. Too much of a good thing and all, I was slowly turning into a vegetable.
  • Post in thread: Solar Panel price Soaring after June 6th?

    News here in SEAsia this morning is many panel factories are shutting down as they forsee a lul in demand, not sure what that will do to the prices here as they are almost sickening low at €63 for a 550w bifacial.
  • Post in thread: EG4 18Kpv fried PV input

    More worrying now is what solar installer doesn't know how push connectors work? It's like those YouTube shorts asking about when their last electricians house burnt down.
  • Post in thread: Thoughts on a mineral oil bath?

    East on the river Mekong it's currently 80% humidity and monsoon season isn't due to finish till august so temps will likely reach 120-130°f if it's anything like last year as well as stupid humidity. Texas is lucky you just get high humidity during the night and then it tapers off as the day...
  • Post in thread: how much inverting power would you need to run your whole house 100% of the time

    I'm not confused I use 20kwh a day and a peak of 4kw give or take in an all electric home but on the other hand a freezing cold winter here is 65°f that's when my wife and every other local starts to resemble an Eskimo, so any power hungry heating is non existent here, even cars/trucks don't...
  • Post in thread: how much inverting power would you need to run your whole house 100% of the time

    Doesn't seem too far fetched but considering I've seen Americans on the forum who literally exceed half my monthly consumption in a day maybe I've lost all reality of an average load. What's more entertaining to me as far as usage is Thailand are pushing EV cards while many in the country can...
  • Post in thread: EG4 18Kpv fried PV input

    To be truthful I do use the lever type wago alot on the house but only in very low current applications where I know that the item I'm connecting will likely need to be removed and I can do so live without having downtime on the circuit(mainly small 5v/12v psu's for smart home stuff) anything...
  • Post in thread: Ethernet over powerline

    Completely the wrong area of Thailand for me but since I know where you lived I went and took a look, GHI is almost identical but your intensity is greater. PV out is 1776kwh for you and 1523kwh for me so 15% less if my math is correct. So what we can take from this is I have way to much time...
  • Post in thread: few questions about solar power....

    Stop buying the cheapest stuff available, it's junk. We live in Asia reasonable quality items are still a fraction of the price compared to the west. Many westerners think Chinese goods are trash and your likely buying goods even the Chinese think are trash. Buy yourself an aneng clamp meter...
  • Post in thread: Incompetence from Signature Solar & Solar Sovereign

    Sounds like drug dealer marketing practices, sell high quality product at reduced prices untill you're addicted then increase the prices and lower the quality as time passes.
  • Post in thread: Do you have rated insulated tools?

    I've spent silly amounts on 1000v insulated tools over the year's from screwdrivers to socket sets, now i live in a country where they just wrap all their tools in insulation tape.
  • Post in thread: Did I have a weird dream about Will adding a 'dislike' button?

  • Post in thread: Long run (1400ft) Fiber Optic Cable vs Starlink Internet?

    HDPE is pretty good tbh I wouldn't go with thin wall because of the dirt but it shouldn't get taken out by the critters. As sparky said get some light strong string tie a plastic bag on the end and use a good shop vac on the other end 1400 ft is pretty excessive never tried it at those lengths...
  • Post in thread: Do you have rated insulated tools?

    I'd be curious to know if @Will Prowse 's tool tastes have changed, as time has gone on and his channel has grown, he's obviously started to buy better stuff like the fluke meters and wiha screwdrivers(not that great anymore since they moved manufacturing to Vietnam). The Top brands for me...
  • Post in thread: Yet another 12v vs. 24v

    One thing that no-one has mentioned or just glossed over is why the wire size it's kind of a big deal and that's max discharge current. If your going with a 3kw 12v inverter your going to need 250 amps if your hitting 3kw, if you have a peak draw of say 4kw that's almost 350amp also a 250ah...
  • Post in thread: how much inverting power would you need to run your whole house 100% of the time

    It's all Tesla and byd here mate don't forget we're neighbours with china we get the new technology before you do, cough whole country has had fibre to the home for 10 years or more though they had to because the grifters were stealing all the copper broadband cables days after they were fitted.
  • Post in thread: Fedex is NOT getting a Christmas card this year (Sig Solar order destroyed)

    That looks brutal your heart must have sank when you opened everything up, we tend to record opening every parcel here and surprisingly had very few issues which is strange considering a lot of parcels are delivered similar to this My panels were delivered on the back of a pickup stored...
  • Post in thread: EG4 18Kpv fried PV input

    I think all push in spring loaded terminals require a ferrule only clamp style like the wago 221/222 your allowed to use stranded.
  • Post in thread: EG4 18Kpv fried PV input

    There's a specific tool that looks like a bank of flat headed screwdrivers but that's generally just for removing, if you have the correct wire size and ferrule they should just push in.
  • Post in thread: Thoughts on a mineral oil bath?

    That's the thing my wife will understand it and also understands that once I kick the bucket she will have either maintain it herself or rip it out and not replace. We live in rural Thailand and have more respect for ourselves and the planet to let anyone service anything we own. Service and...
  • Post in thread: how much inverting power would you need to run your whole house 100% of the time

    Cannabis farm using sodium bulbs and he has a few electric chairs as he does eco executions for limestone CF
  • Post in thread: Connecting several hybrid inverters to one battery - Manufacturers position

    Op's 1st post literally said connecting multiple aio's to one battery and that sunsynk apparently told him he cannot, deye is technically sunsynk so I'm inclined to think you have misunderstood the topic and just want to argue with others. OP hasn't made a single post since he started the thread...
  • Post in thread: The plan so far, thoughts and suggestions please

    So it's a complete shambles it seems I was thinking the price wasn't that different compared to DIY but after speaking with the supplier the price kept going up and up. It works out at £2000 per unit not including tax which is crazy for the Asian market so I think I'll scrap that idea and either...
  • Post in thread: Solar Panel price Soaring after June 6th?

    Rice and mangoes are my currency I'm good!
  • Post in thread: EG4 18Kpv fried PV input

    Completely agree with this damn take pictures of everything they touched and post, did they crimp any mc4 plugs?
  • Post in thread: my third up in smoke story, technically its my second timeline wise.. but who is counting?

    Confidence more than likely
  • Post in thread: Sizing a hybrid system for Philippines. I have more info now.

    My area? Nothing no one has panels apart from small solar lights, there was a few large solar farms nearby on ground mounts but the panels mainly faced north so do you think they worried about storms when they placed the Panels in the wrong direction? On a serious note being so close to the...
  • Post in thread: Strange LIFEPO4 battery terminals

    No expert here but my best guess is they're covers to stop swarf falling into the female threads underneath, best bet is to ask the supplier you got the cells from.

diy solar

diy solar