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diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Next Project is this the correct way of thinking?

    They may do in the future but Thailand is the wild west and we still use dial meters here, everyone has awful power factors because of the massive amount of poor quality motors being used to power everything from pumps to processing equipment the backfeed is likely low on their priorities.
  • Post in thread: Thoughts on a mineral oil bath?

    Sadly they don't work here, the humidity is that great they just can't keep up even our oversized mini-split's will struggle to keep up in the next few months as the rains continue but the heat rises.
  • Post in thread: Ground rod specifics

    Stakeless testing.
  • Post in thread: EPever Tracer 4210AN and 340W panel not giving more than 40W output?

    Yes sadly this is the issue with recording soc via voltage and is normal for these epever ssc's, the battery does actually absorb the voltage quickly which as v_green explained normal behaviour for this SSC. But at least we know the panel is in fact working correctly. You might be able to alter...
  • Post in thread: The plan so far, thoughts and suggestions please

    That's the thing ATM they are all pretty much the same price $68 be it 375w mono or 550w bifacial or 600w mono that's why I don't know what to get. Yep I lugged two 45lbs panels up a ladder onto my roof on my own but the larger panels I'm looking at now are closer to 60lbs each and I'm most...
  • Post in thread: Ali Express Battery Recommendations

    Or if you fancy a trip in the camper to Tipperary (it's a long way) there's Li-Gen batteries there no idea how good they are or if their pricing is competitive but it's an option.
  • Post in thread: Missing Hithium QR Codes

    Lol after seeing another post on the forum of someone buying from Jenny wu I had to take a look, so the wording is funny on the listing. There's nothing about the batteries being new which they obviously can't be but it does state the qr codes are new even though technically they aren't qr...
  • Post in thread: The plan so far, thoughts and suggestions please

    All around $70
  • Post in thread: ground rod pounder

    Bit it's spherical unless they didn't have a bolt and used some form of threaded ball joint.
  • Post in thread: Extending CT's

    Here's me wondering about how a CT will work if I extend the leads 10ft and I've been wondering for nearly 2 years without testing anything....
  • Post in thread: Help me choose

    I'm sure people will help with the inverter but just wanted to make you aware of: And when typing Jenny wu into search here there's a plethora of threads mainly not great.

diy solar

diy solar