diy solar

diy solar

Charging batteries at night from the grid


New Member
Jan 27, 2023
London, UK
I have an Axpert Max 11kw of grid inverter connected to a 50kwh battery bank. I have solar assistant up and running. In the UK winter I do not get enough power from Solar to charge the batteries so I use cheap off peak electricity from the grid. Currently I have to wait till midnight then tell solar assistant to charge the batteries. Does anyone know how I could automate this?
The beta version of solar assistant has automation features in it. I believe you can schedule it to do things like trigger stuff off and on. If not, you could use Home Assistant in conjunction with solar assistant, and use a scheduled automation in Home Assistant to trigger the charging through solar assistant.
Thanks for replying.
I’m on the beta version but SA have not enabled automation for the Axpert Max yet.
I’ll take a look at home assistant and see if I can get that to work.
Here is where you'll want to start, basically you'll have two MQTT brokers and you'll create a "bridge" from HA to SA allowing SA to pass it's data onto HA. From there if SA can toggle settings in your inverter those settings will most likely be exposed to HA and then you can create the schedule-based automation in HA to toggle the setting you desire at whatever time interval you wish.

Here is what the automations in SA look like, they seem to be exactly what you're looking for based on the description and would reduce the compelxity of using HA.


diy solar

diy solar