diy solar

diy solar

Never mind.

Ok, we got all caught up on the guberment angle because of the posts.

Technical from here on out, which inverter and mppt are you planning use?
Ahh, I'm sorry. Everyone is just hung up on my government and not comprehending how they are behaving and seems that's the topic for everyone. I am already talking about that constantly with electrician's, upcoming commissioner's, other county inspectors, friends, etc. etc, and I didn't want to go over all of their antics in here too. Because, it makes my blood boil, and I find myself going off on tangents about it because it's so f'ing infuriating and corrupt it's sickening. I'm not going to bow down to these dictating pricks, I'm not going to ask permission for something that was already approved and already there. I'm certainly not going to ask permission from this over reaching prick that doesn't have the right to do what he's doing anyways.... I will bite my nose off to spite my face, because I will stand on principle and principle alone. There is right, and there is wrong. This guy I've found out used to work for DEQ and had an authority over reach problem there also. I'm working on that shitshow, on the side, and while I appreciate everyone's comments, 'easier to work with them than against them', etc., while it's all in good intent, that makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit. I will work against them until my dying day. I will not cower or bend over for them like everyone else does. If more people in this world had a damn backbone and would stand up to tyranny, this world would be such a better place. These people do this crap because no one has the balls to stand up to them. It's absurd. Sigh........... see? Lol. I lose composure.

I decided I'm just going to get an inverter, splice in some wires that they cut, put the fuses back in and hope shit doesn't blow up.
Now we're getting somewhere.
You have 6kw of panels at 325v.
Are you going to install your Eg4 equipment?
I would start with a disconnect at those bare wires and go from there.
And since it was abandon equipment I would go up on the roof and check every connector and screw and make sure it is all tight and hasn't had any water intrusion.

I would then check the cut ends for corrosion and water intrusion. Remedy any of that and you can splice onto the with fresh. Just make sure to use water tight splices for the size wire.

diy solar

diy solar