diy solar

diy solar


You are ignorant because Obama built those cages and separated children. Trump was continuing their policy. But the Left turned it on him.
Biden just lets them walk in
I know none of you trump lovers are going to accept it but:
The meme was posted to the Facebook page Vintage Political Memes. The page is an extension of Being Libertarian LLC, a group that caters to "minarchists, classical liberals, anarchists, independents, Objectivists, capitalists, and right/left-leaning libertarians," according to its website.

The "cages" which were simply fenced in areas were to hold temporarily illegals both adults and children. NO SEPERATION of children from parents was done.

The picture that the right wing uses as their "proof" was taken during a spike in unaccompanied minors crossing the southern border of the country.
Biden's pull out of combat zones was akin to Byrd and Biden’s planned pull out of South Vietnam and leaving ppl - arms …where his actions allowed ppl to be murdered-slaughtered and weapons confiscated just like Afghanistan. Biden is a friggin disgrace to USA and his 50+ years in paid to play politics is a reason to enact term limits with over sights as laid out by deceased Ross Perot.

Pitiful. Anyone that supported Biden is a traitor. Again with all the illegals voting will we see 81million + 11 million for total of 92 million biden voters in 2024? Why are the left so nervous?

You need to calm down and get your news from a variety of sources and not just from 5th grade drop out on social media.
D71, is that spelled with a Q?

View attachment 196530

Never said Obuma didn’t deport ppl. Charge up your hover round. More sunshine. Look at it yourself and ask how many of those deported escaped communist countries like Venezuela would have voted republican. There you go..

Now look at Biden and remember his racial comments in 2020:

Biden is reported losing record of black and hispanic voters to Trump in multiple news sources. So if Biden gets selected with 92 million votes will it be legit?
You need to calm down and get your news from a variety of sources and not just from 5th grade drop out on social media.
I was alive and watched it live read it in news papers. Were you even born?
During his campaign, Trump told us EXACTLY what his priorities were going to be ..... when he got into office, those things actually were his priorities.
Did he say stupid stuff .... yes .... Did anyone actually believe it when he said he was going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it ....
I know a lot of people who believed it.
He learned a LOT from his first term. He now knows a LOT more about picking people for his cabinet. The same actors who came at him in his first term will do it again, but he knows how to fight them now .... It's pretty amazing actually the amount of things he accomplished in spite of non stop attacks from VERY powerful places .... Oh, and those same people would be attacking ANYONE in the presidency who was trying to accomplish the things Trump was trying to accomplish. They didn't just do it because he was Trump.
When he says they are really attacking us .... he is exactly right.
You give yourself way too much credit Bob. We're not attacking you, we're laughing at you.
I'm not trying to single you out .... it's just the others on this thread with TDS have demonstrated clearly that they can't be reasoned with .... They are the trolls .... so far, I don't see you as a troll.
I know none of you trump lovers are going to accept it but:
I am dumbfounded by your 1984 newspeak?
The ONLY reason conservatives point out that Obama built and used those cages, is because the MSM called Trump EVIL for years for using them.
There is no hope...
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D71, with the net I think I could answer question.

can see a trump appeal.

View attachment 196538

Hahaha the ppl fleeing Venezuela and Cuba were running from failed communism during Obuma admin.

The ppl Obuma sent back were most likely fleeing communist. The last thing ppl fleeing communist as refugees are going to do is vote democrat. It is proven

Probably - Why Biden left all those South Vietnamese anti-communist to be slaughtered by North Vietnam Army and Viet Cong. The ppl killed in South Vietnam if rescued would of voted for Republicans. Biden didn’t want Rooftop Koreans like defended their property during Rodney King Riots. Korea was the military action before Vietnam for the children that never learned history from Obama’s education system.

So are you trolling or what? Do you have a brown dog?

Bob is best post starter here and gets a kudos. Bob drags you guys out every time. Hahahaha hahaha moths to the flame.

Is your name Reginald Denny

They tried to murder, Denny but they got off light at trial. Denny had permanent brain damage. Attacked because he was white. Same Pattern of not being prosecuted carried over to blm antifa for 7+ months in 2020.
So are you trolling or what? Do you have a brown dog?
D71, I sorry I don't get the reference.

my GF just moved out, took the dog and the toilet seat, I get it, is was a nice seat.
one of them padded ones

Trolling?, I try too not incite, I try to be considerate to others, I try to understand opposing views.

if two members think I'm a troll, I would be a troll.
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D71, I sorry I don't get the reference.

my GF just moved out, took the dog and the toilet seat, I get it, is was a nice seat.
one of them padded ones

Trolling?, I try too not incite, I try to be considerate to others, I try to understand opposing views.

if two members think I'm a troll, I would be a troll.

Sorry about your GF ..... That can impact a person in a way that will spill out into other areas.

If you are willing to have a discussion and NOT trying to incite others into anger .... you are NOT a troll ... compare that with the others who are trolls, and there is a very significant difference.
Obama’s education system
D71, I get it cost 200 million over 18 state to start pre-school for only 33,000 kids in underperforming
school districts, but not sure it's something to dog him on.

or was it Race to the Top, that one cost 4 billion (and only gave us battlebots)

was both of them done by mr Duncan?

Obama was one of the most forgettable admirations, bush, not so much, Clinton, not so much.
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D71, I get it cost 200 million over 18 state to start pre-school for only 33,000 kids in underperforming
school districts, but not sure it's something to dog him on.

or was it Race to the Top, that one cost 4 billion (and only gave us battlebots)

was both of them done by mr Duncan?
Obuma reward via the laundry and realize an education is expensive. Tax payer monies at work.

Obuma reward via the laundry and realize an education is expensive. Tax payer monies at work.
D71, I did know that the obuma's got their wealth form books deals, they may even have made some on the movie.
seems like the American way to me at first glance.
the other parts I'm going to have to do some digging.

would all the book Neil Armstrong did would also be on tax payers time? yes or no could help my search.

below is my notes.
A week before the deal was announced, one high-ranking publisher at another house who had been involved in negotiations said that he thought the two books would fetch a total of $30 million. But many in the business, including scouts monitoring the auction, said they think the $65 million figure is accurate.

Michelle Obama’s book is more of a gamble. Many insiders said that, despite her popularity as first lady and the notoriety she achieved in the just-closed presidential election, it’s harder to make an educated guess about how well her book could sell, out of the gate or in backlist.

In addition to not discussing the advance, PRH has released little to no information about the books themselves. As of press time, standard details usually included in acquisition announcements—publication date, the imprint publishing the book—had not been shared. Insiders tracking the books said it was thought that the titles would be released in fall 2018 and that Crown will be handling them, since Crown is the PRH division that published Barack Obama’s earlier books. Other lingering unknowns: who will edit the books and, most crucially, what they are about. (Sources said Obama’s book is not “merely” a memoir.)

Still other insiders said that fathoming the math is impossible, since the sum PRH paid is itself so far from the norm. As one foreign rights associate put it: “We’re all so blown away by the numbers on this deal that the sky’s the limit, right?” She went on, “I’ve rarely seen seven-figure deals abroad, but these numbers are new to the game.”

Another American scout, who also admitted he never predicted the books would sell for as much as they did in the U.S., guessed that PRH might be able to make as much as $25 million through foreign deals: “I would think that £10 million in the U.K. is crazy—but maybe not. Germany and Holland and Brazil will be the other big territories, I think. Seven or eight million in Germany and Brazil? Two million in Holland? Four million in China?”

In the end, it seems, paying $65 million for these books might not have been such a bad idea.
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D71, I did know that the obuma's got their wealth form books deals, they may even have made some on the movie.
seems like the American way to me at first glance.
the other parts I'm going to have to do some digging.

would all the book Neil Armstrong did would also be on tax payers time? yes or no could help my search.

below is my notes.
A week before the deal was announced, one high-ranking publisher at another house who had been involved in negotiations said that he thought the two books would fetch a total of $30 million. But many in the business, including scouts monitoring the auction, said they think the $65 million figure is accurate.

Michelle Obama’s book is more of a gamble. Many insiders said that, despite her popularity as first lady and the notoriety she achieved in the just-closed presidential election, it’s harder to make an educated guess about how well her book could sell, out of the gate or in backlist.

In addition to not discussing the advance, PRH has released little to no information about the books themselves. As of press time, standard details usually included in acquisition announcements—publication date, the imprint publishing the book—had not been shared. Insiders tracking the books said it was thought that the titles would be released in fall 2018 and that Crown will be handling them, since Crown is the PRH division that published Barack Obama’s earlier books. Other lingering unknowns: who will edit the books and, most crucially, what they are about. (Sources said Obama’s book is not “merely” a memoir.)

Still other insiders said that fathoming the math is impossible, since the sum PRH paid is itself so far from the norm. As one foreign rights associate put it: “We’re all so blown away by the numbers on this deal that the sky’s the limit, right?” She went on, “I’ve rarely seen seven-figure deals abroad, but these numbers are new to the game.”

Another American scout, who also admitted he never predicted the books would sell for as much as they did in the U.S., guessed that PRH might be able to make as much as $25 million through foreign deals: “I would think that £10 million in the U.K. is crazy—but maybe not. Germany and Holland and Brazil will be the other big territories, I think. Seven or eight million in Germany and Brazil? Two million in Holland? Four million in China?”

In the end, it seems, paying $65 million for these books might not have been such a bad idea.
All has to do is be honest 🤣😀

interesting concept first lady beauty contest.

my vote

this one always reminded me of my grandmother, she would always smank in the back of the head when needed. (her lose is left)

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I think this COMMON CORE was a billionS dollar deal and way to pay…. Laundry to Obuma. Follow the money.
Maxwell’s father as in Epstein gf dad had owned McGraw-Hill earlier time lines Penguin paid Obuma. Gates was in pay stream too. Hmmmm not sure total cost is listed…. We paid a lot of money for that book deal push. With no immunities thanks to get trump probably see Obuma get charged for a lot of things. No statute of limitations for murder charges…. Obama knew about Fauci with Covid…. Told him to knock it off then …. Let him go back to it… imagine nobel peace prize winner Obuma- drone striking Americans as a starter. Fast furiius ppl killed now mexico suing our gun makers over Obuma and Holder…. Yeap going to be ppl hauled into court left and right in jan 2025. 🤣😀 Fast Furious was left over Bush 2. Obama did lot of rebranding too. Mitt Romney care bought both. Bush had No Child left behind became common core.
Common Core Education Cost $80 billion dollars in this claim.

Big business use to put them on payroll after office for favors…. Why I liked: Ross Perot recommendations where He wanted to restrict the hell out of the politicians from profiting before during or after office.


Fact checkers are full of shit then have to read in:

‘’’’Our rating: ..False​

Ghislaine Maxwell’s father, Robert Maxwell, has been dead for more than 20 years. He entered into a joint venture with McGraw Hill in 1989, but the company became sole owner of that venture in 1993, and it told USA TODAY it has no current ties to the Maxwell family.
McGraw Hill ended association with Maxwell in 1990s
A spokesperson for McGraw Hill, an American publishing company best known for its educational textbooks, told USA TODAY the claim is false”’’’ USA TODAY

They always like to tell partial truths based on some narrative they knew was not true. Robert Maxwell did have an interest and ownership in McGraw Hill. To which they admit at USA today …. They always fool ppl into thinking none of it was true.

About like saying everything is a lie or not true about bidens based on fbi agent informant being taken down. There is more then enough evidence to proceed with out that former fbi agent - informant. Simple minds are simply easy to play with. Biden is still in World of shit. Biden has book deals and so does his wife Jill the doctor. Wonder if it is tied to Critical Race Theory for Biden book deal laundering. .
View attachment 196601

I think this COMMON CORE was a billionS dollar deal and way to pay…. Laundry to Obuma. Follow the money.
Maxwell’s father as in Epstein gf dad had owned McGraw-Hill earlier time lines Penguin paid Obuma. Gates was in pay stream too. Hmmmm not sure total cost is listed…. We paid a lot of money for that book deal push. With no immunities thanks to get trump probably see Obuma get charged for a lot of things. No statute of limitations for murder charges…. Obama knew about Fauci with Covid…. Told him to knock it off then …. Let him go back to it… imagine nobel peace prize winner Obuma- drone striking Americans as a starter. Fast furiius ppl killed now mexico suing our gun makers over Obuma and Holder…. Yeap going to be ppl hauled into court left and right in jan 2025. 🤣😀 Fast Furious was left over Bush 2. Obama did lot of rebranding too. Mitt Romney care bought both. Bush had No Child left behind became common core.
Common Core Education Cost $80 billion dollars in this claim.

Big business use to put them on payroll after office for favors…. Why I liked: Ross Perot recommendations where He wanted to restrict the hell out of the politicians from profiting before during or after office.

View attachment 196606

Fact checkers are full of shit then have to read in:

‘’’’Our rating: ..False​

Ghislaine Maxwell’s father, Robert Maxwell, has been dead for more than 20 years. He entered into a joint venture with McGraw Hill in 1989, but the company became sole owner of that venture in 1993, and it told USA TODAY it has no current ties to the Maxwell family.
McGraw Hill ended association with Maxwell in 1990s
A spokesperson for McGraw Hill, an American publishing company best known for its educational textbooks, told USA TODAY the claim is false”’’’ USA TODAY

They always like to tell partial truths based on some narrative they knew was not true. Robert Maxwell did have an interest and ownership in McGraw Hill. To which they admit at USA today …. They always fool ppl into thinking none of it was true.

About like saying everything is a lie or not true about bidens based on fbi agent informant being taken down. There is more then enough evidence to proceed with out that former fbi agent - informant. Simple minds are simply easy to play with. Biden is still in World of shit. Biden has book deals and so does his wife Jill the doctor. Wonder if it is tied to Critical Race Theory for Biden book deal laundering. .
Book deals is a way they launder a lot of money. They give them 25. $50 million for their memoirs or some other crap even if they don’t sell a book.
Abuse of veterans is something I can talk about, in 1970's they had something called the GI Bill
which said you help in our wars we'll do some things for you. they kept their word for me.

one of them was paying for collage
1983 I was able to go to school while raising 3 kids on my own, once I got out of school
I got a job in the field I'm currently in.

health care
I don't live in chicago, or even milwaukee so I can't speak to their care, but in 2013 I had a stroke
the VA found the reason for the stroke and did heart surgery to try and correct it, then in 2015 they
installed a computer in me to keep my heart running. every time I went to the VA they would ask
if you've gone hunger in the last month.

D71, I think you can see why I fear no hoverrounds.
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Book deals is a way they launder a lot of money. They give them 25. $50 million for their memoirs or some other crap even if they don’t sell a book.
The Washington Post was owned by Bezos as of 2013… think the WP writer broke that story in 2015. It is my understanding Bezos has been at War with Several Book Companies in the past. Amazon liked to sell books and if memory serves that was their first business. Then they offered digital versions. …. I wish had bought a ton of the Amazon stock when it went public. 🤣😀 Yes I too think that it was a laundry deal such as the Washington Post writer eluded. Bezos was a wealthy man during that time period. I wonder if Gates and Bezos are friends or foes or ??/???

I read Bezos bought Washington Post and it has its’ own zip code now. 🤣😀

Obuma being Obuma BIG RACE CARD he was SAFE.

diy solar

diy solar