diy solar

diy solar

Lost an hour of production today.

I could stand the hour lost but it screws up my routine. Today I overloaded my 3kW AIO by using the microwave at the same time as I was heating up the HW tank for my shower (Tank draws 2000w and MW ~1700w). Normally this is not a problem because it takes 2 hours to warm the 30 gallon tank so I turn it on when the sun is hitting all the panels at 9am in the morning. That means it is done by 11am and my lunch can be made at noon without a problem.

Well today it was a problem. since the sun did not hit all the panels til 10am (DST) and it was still pulling the 2000w when I decide to grab a lunch at noon. Seconds after putting my sandwich in the MW, and pressing the 30 second timer button, Fwap down it goes. The AIO starts beeping like mad that I killed it. Had to power everything down to reset it.

DST is a hazard to solar power!
<Not Humor>
For you Victron ESS folks, I have three scheduled charge intervals that cover the whole day right now.
Not using plain ESS mode at all, don't like the 3% sawtooth on my batteries when at the min SoC level, before the day gets going.

Of course, the charge interval for my daily production has to shift by an hour now. And I went the wrong way at first. Stupid DST...
Must suck to be team blue.
I think the blue shots have been wearing off, must be time to buy more Victron gear... :)

I'm still figuring out all of the deep engineering decisions that Victron made that I don't agree with.
You've got to really use the gear for a while to pickup on things like the 3% sawtooth, that are barely documented.

Back on topic: My WWV "atomic clock" picked up the DST change last night (including the Victron Cerbo GX).
All of our phones and computers did of course.
Which left me to be the guy who goes to every microwave, oven, old-fashioned clock, and watch in the house.
DST is a hazard to solar power!
Could get worse - they're talking about making it permanent!
And wouldn't that be a big mistake? If anything just get rid of it and stay on ST year-round.
Show some respect for the sun - at noon it's at its highest. This is an astronomical fact, not subject to meddling by human law-makers. A universal truth (I'm a gardener too)
Daylight savings is back to costing an me hour of decent production.

Yesterday, 5.5 kW of my solar was in the shade until noon but today it's in the shade until 1PM. Just burns me everytime this happens.
Nah, they just made the sun arrive at work an hour late, moving that hour's production to the afternoon. You'll have it back by the sun's quitting time at sundown. B-)
But now you get an extra hour of afternoon/evening production!

Woooosh ;)
Why so serious?
Because one form of nerd humor is to take a joke literally and deadpan extend it one or a few steps further. Sometimes it gets progressively more hilarious the farther you go. Eentually it usually runs into the ground, so you have to pick a good stopping point. (Go short if you're working with someone who's into it so you can ping pong back and forth, letting them contribute their talent.)

(It also gives plausible deniability when someone doesn't recognize it was a joke and responds literally. Good redundancy engineering, generating a win/win for the nerd.)

diy solar

diy solar