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diy solar

EG4 6000xp setup questions

D. Abineri

New Member
Jun 25, 2021
Blacksburg, VA
I have my 6Kxp on the wall and working well but I am having trouble with a couple of issues:

1. I have used the Maintenance Tab to set the the AC Start Charge at 60% SOC and the AC End Charge at 90% SOC. Nevertheless, my diy 48v battery stays at about 90% all the time. I presume that this means my battery is NOT being used to feed the load very much. I would like the battery to take over some of the load when the PV input drops. How do I set this to happen?

2. On the discharge side, I have the Online End of Discharge to 60% SOC. But I cannor set the Discharge Cut-Off to 50% SOC. It just gives the error that The Operation Failed (error code 3). What are the restrictions on these settings, I cannot find them anywhere.

By the way, I have solar assistant working with the 6Kxp but the Power Tab is not opertional yet which is where the Solar Assistant could have controlled the power usage issues above.

Thanks for any advice on these.
I have my 6Kxp on the wall and working well but I am having trouble with a couple of issues:

1. I have used the Maintenance Tab to set the the AC Start Charge at 60% SOC and the AC End Charge at 90% SOC. Nevertheless, my diy 48v battery stays at about 90% all the time. I presume that this means my battery is NOT being used to feed the load very much. I would like the battery to take over some of the load when the PV input drops. How do I set this to happen?

2. On the discharge side, I have the Online End of Discharge to 60% SOC. But I cannor set the Discharge Cut-Off to 50% SOC. It just gives the error that The Operation Failed (error code 3). What are the restrictions on these settings, I cannot find them anywhere.

By the way, I have solar assistant working with the 6Kxp but the Power Tab is not opertional yet which is where the Solar Assistant could have controlled the power usage issues above.

Thanks for any advice on these.

If you'd like to send a DM with your inverter's serial number, I can review the settings to determine what might be causing the issue. Regarding the error, I've observed Solar Assistant occasionally interrupting the monitoring system, which can prevent changes and firmware updates from being made.
If you'd like to send a DM with your inverter's serial number, I can review the settings to determine what might be causing the issue. Regarding the error, I've observed Solar Assistant occasionally interrupting the monitoring system, which can prevent changes and firmware updates from being made.
Thank you for this offer, I am attaching the SN of the inverter.


  • inverter serial.txt
    29 bytes · Views: 9
But I cannor set the Discharge Cut-Off to 50% SOC. It just gives the error that The Operation Failed (error code 3). What are the restrictions on these settings, I cannot find them anywhere.
Discharge Cut-Off at 50% SOC means that inverter output will shut down if battery reaches 50% with no Grid - a power cut basically.
Check the battery warning SOC setting. Highly likely it is set lower than 50% and that is why you're getting Error3.
The inverter enforces Discharge CUTOFF < Battery warning criteria
Discharge Cut-Off at 50% SOC means that inverter output will shut down if battery reaches 50% with no Grid - a power cut basically.
Check the battery warning SOC setting. Highly likely it is set lower than 50% and that is why you're getting Error3.
The inverter enforces Discharge CUTOFF < Battery warning criteria
Thanks, shvm, but I am not seeing a Battery warning criteria? Is there another term being usd for thi setting?
What is the rule being enforced between ON GRID EOD and DISCHARGE CUT-OFF VOLTAGE? I cannot seem to set these where I want?

Thanks for your help.
By the way, I have solar assistant working with the 6Kxp but the Power Tab is not opertional yet which is where the Solar Assistant could have controlled the power usage issues above.
I believe this is coming... If you install the beta version of SA you will have access to this tab. So go beta or just wait a bit...
Yes I do. I'm on SA Beta version 2024-01-23. It gives me all the features that are available in the native EG4 app or monitor.eg4electronics site. It does not give me more settings than the EG4 app/site offers but it's nice to be able to make changes without switching apps.
I am set for BETA and have 2024-01-23 but my Power Tab simply says that they are working on this feature?? How do I get up to what you have? You are using a 6000xp also?
I am set for BETA and have 2024-01-23 but my Power Tab simply says that they are working on this feature?? How do I get up to what you have? You are using a 6000xp also?
This is strange - I am running exactly the same Beta version and also using the 6000XP, but the Power tab is perfectly functional for me. I have no idea why it is working for some of us but not on yours. Strange.
Yes I do. I'm on SA Beta version 2024-01-23. It gives me all the features that are available in the native EG4 app or monitor.eg4electronics site. It does not give me more settings than the EG4 app/site offers but it's nice to be able to make changes without switching apps.
And which inverter have you specified on the Configuration Tab under INVERTER?

And which inverter have you specified on the Configuration Tab under INVERTER?

Luxpower - I followed the instructions on the SA website for adding an EG4 6000XP. It actually redirects you to use the Luxpower guide.
I picked Luxpower on the drop down then entered my 6000XP's serial numbers for wifi dongle and inverter.

Luxpower - I followed the instructions on the SA website for adding an EG4 6000XP. It actually redirects you to use the Luxpower guide.
I picked Luxpower on the drop down then entered my 6000XP's serial numbers for wifi dongle and inverter.

Thanks, I believe that's what I did too. I will go though that again. Do I do anything special to download/activate the Beta version?
This is strange - I am running exactly the same Beta version and also using the 6000XP, but the Power tab is perfectly functional for me. I have no idea why it is working for some of us but not on yours. Strange.
I am in the group. I have verified my beta firmware and I still do not have the power tab.

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diy solar