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diy solar

Eighteen 200 watt Renogy solar panels shot to heck?


New Member
May 31, 2021
I freely admit, I did not do my homework when I had these panels installed on my metal roof, and it has cost me dearly. Thought I did my research, but that was not the case. Originally, they were installed down pretty close to the roof itself. Then, I had some spacers made from 2" aluminum tubing. I plugged a few of them into an Ecoflow River Pro around 3 PM yesterday, and got readings of about 85 to 95 watts each. I'm thinking about just having them removed completely and putting a few rolling racks together. More control over the heat issue and much less chance of vandalism if things do in fact get bad.

My question is, if I get them off the roof and away from the excessive heat, do y'all think they might still have a useful life, just at a reduced output level, or will they continue to further degrade since the damage is already done?

Thanks in advance.
I wouldn't call that damage, if I'm understanding you right. 100w panels putting out 85w in the real world is perfectly reasonable.

Edit: Woops, brain farted that you're getting 85w out of 200w panels, not 100w panels. Still completely reasonable, my 1640w array maxes out around 850w right now.
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Is there a load on the system for all 4000 watts of panels like an empty battery or air conditioners running?


40%-45% output may not be unusual since this is the winter prior to the equinox, and the farther north you are and the orientation of the panels.

I would check that in a solar calculator like in my signature block or on PV watts. That will tell you truth data for production.

I am in Arizona, ideal for solar, and my 10 Kw roof mounted panels produce between 5 kW and 6 kW, so farther north could be worst.

IMO, the "rolling racks" should be an expansion option. I do use 1200 watts (12 panels) of portable panels for my RV and wind can be an issue. Because I angle towards and orient those into the sun 3 times a day, the production can reach 100 watts per panel.
Im in Wisconsin in an unusually "not as cold" winter. My panels have been at about 85 percent since the 3rd week of feb. My angle is at 42 degrees My 3600 watt array is getting 15-21 kw on a typical good day. I think my angle is actually perfect for where the sun is right now and less ideal in the summer. Just a thought. If your solar panels are at 22 degrees right now, perhaps that is some of the reason?
I freely admit, I did not do my homework when I had these panels installed on my metal roof, and it has cost me dearly. Thought I did my research, but that was not the case. Originally, they were installed down pretty close to the roof itself. Then, I had some spacers made from 2" aluminum tubing. I plugged a few of them into an Ecoflow River Pro around 3 PM yesterday, and got readings of about 85 to 95 watts each. I'm thinking about just having them removed completely and putting a few rolling racks together. More control over the heat issue and much less chance of vandalism if things do in fact get bad.

My question is, if I get them off the roof and away from the excessive heat, do y'all think they might still have a useful life, just at a reduced output level, or will they continue to further degrade since the damage is already done?

Thanks in advance.
Your location in your signature would be helpful. What direction are they facing and what is the tilt angle? I'm in Pennsylvania and by 3 PM my production is dropping off sharply. How much of a load did the panels have on them? They only produce what can be pulled from them.
Is there a load on the system for all 4000 watts of panels like an empty battery or air conditioners running?


40%-45% output may not be unusual since this is the winter prior to the equinox, and the farther north you are and the orientation of the panels.

I would check that in a solar calculator like in my signature block or on PV watts. That will tell you truth data for production.

I am in Arizona, ideal for solar, and my 10 Kw roof mounted panels produce between 5 kW and 6 kW, so farther north could be worst.

IMO, the "rolling racks" should be an expansion option. I do use 1200 watts (12 panels) of portable panels for my RV and wind can be an issue. Because I angle towards and orient those into the sun 3 times a day, the production can reach 100 watts per panel.
I'm in eastern North Carolina. I tested these panels when they arrived new and got between 165 and 180 watts output. Had not thought about ut still being in the winter season. Thanks.

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diy solar