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diy solar

Lv6548 clothes dryer shutdown


New Member
Jun 20, 2022
Great Bend, Kansas
I have 2 Lv6548s running my house in SUB mode. With the new demand charges from 2-7pm I added a timer to switch to SBU during this time. I've discovered that while in battery mode the dryer won't run whether you start it in utility or battery mode it will shut off after a minute or two in battery mode.
What shuts off, the dryer or the inverters? 13KW ought to be enough to run a clothes dryer, but what other loads do you have running at that time?
Sounds like the battery (BMS) is shutting off, from the motor startup.
Do you have a small capacity battery?
I have lead acid bank 5kwh I built it as just a ups system until I can get lipo4s to cycle with. The system is setup with the inverters feeding a sub panel that supplys the whole house.
I get no flickering/dimming when you start it or the heat pump. The dryer just shuts off but the timer keeps ticking (like you opened the dryer door)
How old is the dryer?
Does it have a 3 or 4 prong cord?
Do your inverters provide a N/G bond in battery mode?
My peak with dryer and HP running is 8kw. 500w-2000W normal/base loads. Pulling 1900W solar in. N-G bond is static in the panel before the inverters with screw removed from inverters. Battery 52.4V

Idk it just ran a full cycle without hesitation 3 wire dryer

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