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diy solar

Solar Assistant Default Login and Boot From USB SSD Issue


New Member
Sep 24, 2022
Hi All

I feel like i should be able to find this online, but i am coming up empty.

I have a Raspberry Pi 3 setup to boot from USB SSD instead of an SD card.
I also have the Pi plugged into my inverter, EG4 6000ex and two lifepower 4 batteries, also via USB.

My issue is that if i have the inverter plugged in when i power on the PI, it simply never starts...
If i unplug the Inverter it boots fine.
The batteries being plugged in via USB doesn't seem to matter.

I'm trying to figure out how to debug this... But i cannot even figure out what the login is to the terminal on Solar Assistant...

Any help appreciated
Sorry, solved half of my own problem. You have to set the password under Configuration > System > Localization
Still trying to figure out why it won't boot if inverter is plugged in.

Oddly, i also noticed that if i plug in a USB keyboard, it does at least start to boot, but then hangs.
Thats not really an issue as i don't intend to leave a keyboard plugged in.
I'm thinking about trying a USB power blocker... Wondering if power from the inverter is keeping the pi alive enough that it prevents boot....
I've got a Pi3 attached to a 6000ex and six EG4 LifePower4 batteries. It's been working fine for me. I have a regular 15a outlet wired to my inverter which provides power to the Pi along with a small UPS to keep it running. From what I understand, there may not be a terminal interface on SA. According to the website, video output is unavailable on a Pi, but there for an Orange Pi. I haven't tested this.

diy solar

diy solar