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diy solar

Fangpusun makes counterfeit Victron, Outback & others

Victron did go after them quite hard a while back when they were selling them with Victron written on them. Ebay etc was flooded with them a few years ago now not so much. Fangpusun has been mentioned on the forum before, and it was pointed out then that they are nothing but fakers and scammers. What is inside the box varies from item to item (really). It's often not even an attempt to clone the original product beyond the shell.
Looks like making fakes is their whole business model
I doubt if Victron has copyright or Trademark protected the color blue. Making the case look the same is not something that is legally actionable. Using the Victron brand name or any of their Trademark names would give Victron standing to sue. It is hard to imagine any customer who would actually buy a Victron product, buying one of these instead.

BlueSolar and SmartSolar are undoubtedly Trademark protected names which is why you don't see them printed on the enclosure.
Physical design can be copyright and trademarked. Try selling a Mickey Mouse blow up toy, even if you call it sassy the cow, you aren't going to have a lot of enjoyment as Disney sues the crap out of you. I think it's a case of Victron hammered Fanpusun down enough to the point where it wasn't worth the expense of chasing any further more than it not being possible to continue the course of action.
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I doubt if Victron has copyright or Trademark protected the color blue. Making the case look the same is not something that is legally actionable. Using the Victron brand name or any of their Trademark names would give Victron standing to sue. It is hard to imagine any customer who would actually buy a Victron product, buying one of these instead.

BlueSolar and SmartSolar are undoubtedly Trademark protected names which is why you don't see them printed on the enclosure.
Physical designs ("look & feel") can be patented. That's what design patents are for. In this case, it may not be worth Victron's time/$ to go after them again.
Physical designs ("look & feel") can be patented. That's what design patents are for. In this case, it may not be worth Victron's time/$ to go after them again.
Also one of the most difficult lawsuits to prevail in. Basically all Victron has, it the same location of connectors, shape and color of the enclosure. That is not much to work with. I seriously doubt if Victron has a design patent on their enclosure shape (what would be the point).

That would be like going after a cell phone maker because their product is rectangular, thin and has an LED/touchscreen on one side just like yours.
That would be like going after a cell phone maker because their product is rectangular, thin and has an LED/touchscreen on one side just like yours.

What about rounded corners, and Chicklet shaped icons?
I would be willing to try one of these units just to test them out but the cheap price is kind of set off by shipping cost because you cant find them state side anymore like on amazon , etc
I would be willing to try one of these units just to test them out but the cheap price is kind of set off by shipping cost because you cant find them state side anymore like on amazon , etc
Probably would be better to not reward a company who's entire goal is to copy someone else's products.. if nobody bought their stuff then they would cease to exist.
Probably would be better to not reward a company who's entire goal is to copy someone else's products.. if nobody bought their stuff then they would cease to exist.
I agree , but almost all of these products are made in China , and their goal has been and will be to copy / steal trade make items. even the name brand stuff is made in China...
Drop a nuke on them. I despise people that lack the drive to create their own widget and simply copy one that someone else created.
That is actually the Chinese culture and they are not shameful about it anymore than we are shameful about creating a successful business.

One must understand their culture to understand what's going on. They're actually doing it to spaceX now! They are attempting to copy Musk's Falcon and Dragon. (check out youtube video)

The Chinese do not view copying the works of others as a dishonorable thing, in fact, pretty much just the opposite.. Their culture views it as a success story.
The irony of all this, the Chinese consumer is very very discerning and critical. I retired from an auto OEM, and to sell in China, required higher quality than the typical US consumer. They even have service lifts in the showroom to show off the pretty underside too. A spot of rust on a bolt head, forget it.
That is actually the Chinese culture and they are not shameful about it anymore than we are shameful about creating a successful business.

One must understand their culture to understand what's going on. They're actually doing it to spaceX now! They are attempting to copy Musk's Falcon and Dragon. (check out youtube video)

The Chinese do not view copying the works of others as a dishonorable thing, in fact, pretty much just the opposite.. Their culture views it as a success story.
Then why are so many copies such utter crap?

Also, why did you dig up this old thread ;)
Then why are so many copies such utter crap?
I think its because they're made to look the same but inside is maybe a lower quality to facilitate profit? Just a guess.

Also, why did you dig up this old thread ;)
I didn't go searching for it or anything.. I think it was in the "New Posts" link.. you know, where the website shows all the latest post we haven't seen?

But after scrolling back, I see the time stamps make it look like I dug it up.. I hadn't looked at the time and thought it was a new post.

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