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diy solar

Pytes V5 console cable wire pin out for connecting to solar assist.


New Member
Sep 13, 2023
Crowley, Texas
The old solar assistant pipes cable works for the 4800 R batteries, but does not work for the V5. Does anybody know how or what wires to re-crimp the end so that I can make it work with my V5 batteries?

I am using a SolArk 15 K and I have 16 pes V5 batteries in closed loop.

Thanks very much for any help.
I was thinking the same and found this post of yours.

I have a Sol-Ark 8K 48 ST
Just 2x Pytes v5 Batteries

So instead of using the inverter option in Solar Assistant, you want to change it to this? The Pylon Tech console?

That is what SA website says to use.

Looks like we need a USB cable with these pin outs..

I don't have a usb cable to RJ45 and it looks like the SHOP on Solar Assistant site does sell something.

I'd make my own but this does include a FTDI chip, which I don't yet know what that is, but I could just get a USB cable and crimp an end on it like those pin outs. I don't know how important the FTDI chip is.
I found a cable that came with one of my inverters/batteries, but I think it was for my EG4, not the Sol-Ark or Pytes.

It is a USB-232 RJ45.

Looks like it might be worth a try.

disconnected SolarAssistant from the inverter in the settings.

Connected up to an available USB port on my SolarAssistant to the 'Console' port on the master battery. It did see the cable, so I changed from using 'Inverter settings' to 'USB PylonTech/Pytes' and saved.

Wasn't able to connect.

I then tried using the 'USB Serial RS232/485' instead

Maybe it doesn't want the CAN cable connected to the inverter at the same time, so removed that and tried again. still not happy. I changed the settings back to the original and connected as they were before.

I'm going to see if I can find a USB cable, cut off the end. Wire and crimp it up to match the diagram from Pytes and try again, but I'm thinking that the FTDI chip is important in this connection.

good luck. share what you figure out too.

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diy solar