diy solar

diy solar

Solis rai-3k-48es-5g inverter

May 27, 2024
24160 France
I am new to this site and I was wondering if anyone has come across the faults I keep getting on my system. Nearly every day I receive a notice to say that I have had a fault on my system ie. 1030 Ac hardware overcurrent and 1030 grid-intf.
I can have several per day, they last for about 5 minutes and then they are restored with no further action required. Is this normal or should I contact solis.
Up to date I have had about 112 such faults, inverter installed in March.
Many thanks for reading
Terence Heath (France)
What battery is it connected to, is it running Canbus closed loop or is the Solis set to charge to voltage and what are those voltages.

1030 grid-intf is suggesting your local grid has a bad waveform.

What battery is it connected to, is it running Canbus closed loop or is the Solis set to charge to voltage and what are those voltages.

1030 grid-intf is suggesting your local grid has a bad waveform.

I have a pylontech 4.8 battery connected to my inverter. The faults only last for 5 minutes after which no further action is needed. Initially it was the grid-intf fault, but lately it is the AC hardware overcurrent which is showing a fault.
The faults only last for 5 minutes after which no further action is needed
Bonjour et bienvenue...

The 5 minutes is likely the 'lock-out' time of the inverter, having detected an issue.

I have Solises, but not the RAI model. The fault is not "normal".

Whilst it sounds as though it it grid related, as @kommando mentioned, I'd suggest you contact Solis in the first instance. It could be there is a firmware update or they may be able to suggest other tests to narrow down the reason for the failure.

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diy solar