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diy solar

For Europe i am selling Solar BMS Electrodacus and Lifepo4


New Member
May 28, 2020
Hi Guys
I am from The Netherlands I have 2 SBMS just arrived. I dont have any free time this year.

My intention i want to sell somebody in Europe , I preffer Benelux+ West Germany.

I hope this guy has time , smarter then me and use SBMS with batteries and heating space etc.
Then i can consult to him next year when i will start my project :)) Win Win

Ps: I might also sell my LFE cells but first i should be sure the purchaser knows what he is doing.

WhatsApp Image 2020-07-09 at 13.02.08.jpeg
What price are you asking for the SBMS and would you ship to the USA?
I will give away same with my buying cost , i paid shipping and vat but I preffer to not send out of West Europe.
Are they still up for sale?
I'm interested and from the Netherlands
Yes perfect , can you tell me about your project ?

Ps: I am at holiday will be back to Europe at mid August and you can buy it.
Got 2 solar/battery projects.
The first is to add 1 or more solar panels to my van and turn it into a stealth camper.
which will get a lto or lifepo4 battery (would prefer lto since it is better for cold temperatures but more expensive per amp hour)
the second is a solar system for my house with a 3kw lifepo4 battery backup system .

Any ideas where to get cheap lto cells?

And if 1 can get really cheap batteries and panels to make 12kw system with a 64kwh battery but i think the landlord will get a heartattack if he would see that in the garden.
It would be able to deliver 4kw 24 hours a day to the house and/or grid,
Other things I'm thinking about a 20kw battery system with a 10kw 3phase inverter to power my lathe and mill and other 3 phase machines i have

but lets start small with the van. (landlord is renovating the house at a snail's pace (it would take 9 months he said 20 months ago)
Perfect you can have it. I will ask a lot about your experience later. Where do you live ?

I have 2 SBMS0 and 4 DSSR with another 4 without diverting.

You can have 1 SBMS0 and 4 DSSR without diverter.

LTO and cheap sounds like they will never be together. I may help you for Lifepo4 but LTO is out
of my interest.

Tell me which ones you need. Do you think it is rude to share my invoice and import Btw here ?
it's best practise to put as litle personal information on forums as possible.
The information on how much import taxes and fees you had to pay on solar products for importing them to the Netherlands is very interesting.
So i don't think that showing your invoice that shows how much you paid and how much that our instutionalised extortionists (aka the tax office ) with the help of the shipping company put on top of that. (last time I imported something the price was doubled) is rude. But blackout all your personal information just to be safe
i actually think i paid less then expected . i sent you a private message you can see details.
At the moment i am fiddling with 4x 100Ah LiFePo Battery with a Daly BMS and a Victron MPPT with 2x 100 Watt Modules.
I want to get into the SBMS0 if it will replace the Daly BMS
I think SBMS is little to much for small projects.
At web i saw people use SBMS with 40x275W modules and/or 30kWh Lifepo4.
Is this for RV or Boat ?
Neither nor. I am starting to go into the Solar topic. Due to this i start with learning the basics. Buying assets. Assemble the parts at my garden.
I found the SBMS0 on youtube. I am interested in.
I know that i can build large arrays with the Electrodacus. But i want to use it as an BMS for now.
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I was a bit confused about all your questions.

But then i found your requirements at the top posting.
>be sure the purchaser knows what he is doing.

Concerning your questions i think you are not sure about my person.

Anyway. In case you are not willing to sell it to me.
No problem - just let me know.
I will order it direct from Dacian.
Ok that sounds logical.
Please PM me your email adress. I will mail you the list of SBMS and DSSR I have.
Lets discuss which ones you can have. Also i didnt have chance to use mine ( i have warehouse
but no tools or garage so i could not play with them ) so will be nice to learn from your mistakes ,
ideas in the future.
I really like what Dacian is doing and i want to support him.
You can buy from Dacian or me does not matter.
So furthermore whenever he has new products i will try to import into the Europe
and sell without any profit.
Hello all. I sold my second SBMS and now ordering more from Dacian.
I will a few and calculate Vat cost , shipping cost etc and will write down price in Euro here. SBMS , DSSR , Wifi etc etc.

So if anybody in Europe wanna buy i will be able to deliver from Netherlands in a few days.
Hi January second week we will order (2 guys and me total 10-12 sbms , dssr etc. When it arrive to Netherlands a week later i will learn exact cost Then i will write price here.

Sure i can already give ballpark figure but i am
not into making profit or loss so i want to give
more precise price that time.

Sure you can also contact with Dacian and Paypal directly to him and say that you will share shipping with Cem’s order.
Hey @Drokz666 10 SBMS with Wifi are coming 2 of them sold. Many DSSR also coming. Just an update.
When arrived i will take photos and share.

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