diy solar

diy solar


While this whole thing with Trump is corruption beyond imagination, you are not going to fix anything by political process. That time has long passed.
The only way to resist is at our level, by saying a big fat FU to their mandates. Become ungovernable as much as you can and form parallel society.
I think a good question to ask democrats parroting this "convicted felon" line would be this.
OJ Simpson was found NOT guilty in a jury trial for the murders of Ron Goldman and the mother of his children, Nicole Brown Simpson.
By a jury of people, some with their own agendas, others under public pressure because they knew if a guilty plea came down Los Angeles would be burned to the ground.

That being said can one person who knows about that case seriously argue that OJ Simpson did not commit those crimes? Who did then?

So Donald Trump was convicted by a jury and court which had a strong bias against him. Does this mean that its a fact he committed those or any other crimes?

If its a yes, argue OJs innocence. Go ahead.
While this whole thing with Trump is corruption beyond imagination, you are not going to fix anything by political process. That time has long passed.
The only way to resist is at our level, by saying a big fat FU to their mandates. Become ungovernable as much as you can and form parallel society.
As true as that may be remember that even the hippies of the 60s found the only way ro affect meaningful change is to infiltrate the establishment and work quietly within the system. Of course Im talking out both sides of my mouth but I also realize they dug up anything they could on jan 6 participants and anyone talking civil war is probably still in jail now. How do you organize and conduct resistance and revolution when the enemy has the power and will prosecute legal protests? At what point does the sensible thing to do involve chaos and even violence?

The media refused to pay any attention to the Zuckerbucks story and 99% continue the meme that the election was free and fair, despite obvious evidence it wasnt.

Its probable that the US and its grand experiment with democracy is already finished.

Many of us will take the cues of DJT and, to use a phrase, "will not go quietly."
Does this mean that its a fact he committed those or any other crimes?
Batvette, wasn't this a paper trail charge? wasn't there physical evidence?
the same could be said for the civil NY case($400million), they had physical evidence.

unlike the OJ case where the glove may or may not have fit, they had mr trump's signature on
the checks IMO.

sure seems like someone is blowing smoke up our ass
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Its probable that the US and its grand experiment with democracy is already finished.
Batvette, if we fail to embrace innovation or shun technology chances are we'll become
like Mexico in a few short years(30yrs).
(like Mexico= our people climbing under other's fences(Canada?) for better Opportunities)
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I can't and won't accept this.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” - Edmund Burke

“Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.” - Charles E. Weller

It's not about attorneys, it's about you and me and others holding our elected officials accountable

The amount of NRA sticker cowards who participated in the covid charade was a wake up call to me.
The amount of people who think Republican means you support Israel and Democrat means you support Palestine is nearly 100%.

If one thinks either of the above is true then you're not the guy who would have crossed the Potomac in bare feet in the name of freedom.
Dont be so sure. It wont be politicians or people whose names you are familiar with.
The most dangerous people are those with nothing to lose and they often make the war heroes we know in history.
A lot of people arent going to sit back and watch this continuous slide. It must be done with no obvious violence, and in no ways that are prosecutable crimes. It might be as simple as recruiting talented hackers. It might take co opting a sympathetic allied country that has much to lose with our demise.
Just dont think that GOP house and senate figures are the best we got. Even though near me, I dont think Darryl Issa is spineless.
The enemy is democrats. I havent met too many that would take the average republican in a pillow fight, let alone a firefight or any kind of asymetrical warfare.
I know republicans that load brass all saturday, shoot a thousand rounds on sunday, and can pick off fleas on a dogs ass at 200yds. And thats when theyre in a happy mood. That kind of person is rare in California. In flyover states theyre the norm.
Anyway I have faith in predictions that the dems thoroughly misjudged the results of their efforts and people are going to vote in record numbers to right the wrongs done to President Donald John Trump.

And on that lets not forget who his uncle John Trump was. One of the greatest minds of the 20th century.

Critics constantly claim Trump is stupid. Genetics are what they are. It just shows how uninformed they are and mislead by the media. Read this mans bio and tell me how his nephew cant be brilliant or do the right thing when leading the country.

Joe Biden says son Hunter is the smartest guy hes met.
Believe him.

If it has to be done without obvious violence, then what good are NRA members who can kill someone from 200 yards?

A lot of people will sit back and watch the slide. We need only look at those who complied with the jab mandates to know that.

It's also important to understand that women play a large role in ushering on communism and they have children out of wedlock and both them and their offspring become the states most ardent defenders.

Sorry, I just don't see a hidden group getting ready to "stand up". 😬
If it has to be done without obvious violence, then what good are NRA members who can kill someone from 200 yards?

A lot of people will sit back and watch the slide. We need only look at those who complied with the jab mandates to know that.

It's also important to understand that women play a large role in ushering on communism and they have children out of wedlock and both them and their offspring become the states most ardent defenders.

Sorry, I just don't see a hidden group getting ready to "stand up". 😬
I think you mean they have generational damage and cognitive dissonance. Caution: Ppl will be upset with you like they are with me.

It only takes 1% of hardcore motivated ppl to cause a revolution. Everybody is waiting on the 1% to save them. The ppl that will try will be disenfranchised aka like 6 jan ppl. Shown to world on tv as criminals and everyone would look at them as criminal. If someone was lead in revolution to restore order in 2020 then upon Trump getting back in - he would have had them locked up. Law and Order. Revolution never works out well for ppl involved. Trump wanted other ppl to break the law and make sacrifices while he remained pristine. Trump - himself would not cross the rubicon. 😁 That was one of the biggest things ppl that were appointed by Trump found once there.
Only way Trump could have failed at appointing bad ppl over and over = time after time again. They didn’t want to fall on a sword for him and be - betrayed by Trump. The swamp: Trump never went in to drain the swamp - Trump is part of the swamp. Again professional FAKE wrestling at work. Reagan was an actor too.

There are videos of Trump toasting everyone after 2016 ….. he was not prepared to be the President.

As for Bill Barr …. he was over Ruby Ridge….he even offered to defend the sniper that Killed Weaver’s wife. Isn’t it strange how democrats later appointed ppl like janet reno, william holder, and Loretta Lynch. Ppl can’t be that dumb? Yes they can and will take it as a challenge if asked directly.

Trump courted and deep throated everyone except his voters that got him elected. Jews make up ~2% of population here of which 85% vote democrat no matter what. So why does all politicial parties care so much about their support. I’ll let the trump base figure it out. With Antisemitism laws popping up in places like Florida it is time for Trump to be charged as Antisemite. Cut some more of his pecker off. 😁😎🙈

You got a point they have tried to tribal divide republican for Israel and Democrat for arab. I don’t like none of those 4. Let ppl figure that number out.
Rooting for that charge antisemitism charge then ppl might finally understand the 1st amendment has been breeched. Most ppl are dumb asf and cheer their own ignorant demise. Locked in tribal vs thinking modes. . Trump the Antisemite convicted….he has been charged over and over as Antisemite by the 2%. Even called Hitler. Let them drum up that charge and post it next. Trump lives in Florida they need to get him. Go 2% …… hahaha imagine someone worried over the 2% that did not get him elected in 2016 neither did the black vote. But….. 😁👀😎
you all are mental contortionist.
mildly amused. happy you only represent a small minority of this country.
peace to you and your families
unlike the OJ case where the glove may or may not have fit, they had mr trump's signature on
the checks IMO.

I'm sure that you have signed NDAs in your past based on your stated work experience in this forum, as have I. Sometimes, those NDAs come with remuneration either in the form of money, contracts, or other incentive to enter into the agreement. This is not illegal.

The stretch is the claim that motivation is the crime - in this case, wanting the NDA to keep voters from finding out the information. But if you agree with that, then you must also agree that it was a crime to misrepresent the laptop computer for the same reasons, or for Clinton to finance the Russia hoax and for Schiff to push it for years. There are many more examples.

Harry Reid famously lied repeatedly about Romney and income taxes and even admitted it later. When asked about those lies after the election he admitted having knowingly done so and said "Well we won didn't we?"

Why is all of that election interference different from what Trump did, and why wasn't any of it prosecuted?
While this whole thing with Trump is corruption beyond imagination, you are not going to fix anything by political process. That time has long passed.
The only way to resist is at our level, by saying a big fat FU to their mandates. Become ungovernable as much as you can and form parallel society.
The stretch is the claim that motivation is the crime
Klystron, that's one way to read it, some may see it as falsifying business records, as stormy found out NDAs
will never put her in criminal court, but could find you in civil court(cost her money).

Why is all of that election interference different from what Trump did, and why wasn't any of it prosecuted?
Klystron, I'm not saying mr Reid(words) or ms clinton(bleachbit/hammer) are smarter then mr trump or even a better criminal(maybe).

but as we have seen time and time with politician, it's not the crime they did, it's the coverup(tape recordings, signed checks).

PS: I have no proof, but if I was a betting man, I'd bet this was all planed out, each of these cases as a money making deal.
who could think that way?

if you were a democrat wanting the right to finance your political career who would you
talk to?


but, but tommy mr trump is no longer a democrat! right, list every US president that sent
welfare checks to each and every person in the US. my guess all would be democrats
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that's one way to read it, some may see it as falsifying business records

If that is the case, then we're talking about a misdemeanor beyond the statute of limitations, and therefore not prosecutable. Election interference is where the felony comes into play.
It was simply a matter of stigma. Probably end with appeal but the damage to Trump was and is stigma from the felon conviction in lower court.

Sort of way 2nd - another E Jean Carroll case was rushed before first could be appealed. Stigma and doubling down based off the not yet appeal from previous rendering of E Jean Carroll initial ruling. Called lawfare rail roading and doubling down. They knew Trump would not STFU. The man can’t and won’t stfu.

Cases are often made based on such things.

Once in they can also find from investigation about other things which can be charged outside initial investigation. For instance Hillary Clinton was ordered turn over hard drives that were reported destroyed afterwords. She should have been charged for evidence tampering where if seen before it was a misdemeanor or no charges for a suspected crime but said destroyed potential evidence is now a felon criminal charge. Destroying evidence is a serious crime. Hillary was not charged . Neither was Biden for having classified documents to which he has no defense. Biden did not have authority to take them as senator or VP. Obuma did not declass those documents so…. Double standards.

How is Mayor Adams of NYC weathering his sexual assault charges raised from E Jean Carroll law. Was Former NY Gov Cuomo charged? How goes it for them?

Adam’s case may take years but Trump’s was rushed. Get the fuck out of here.

Maybe you missed all this? Not sure why Trump would urge them to fight it should be compulsory as Statue Limitations should drop it by upper court rule and stated reasons for implementation with law expiration being temporary.

The law makers and billionaire democrat(Linked In owner) that funded this stated it was to get Trump. Then courts sealed billionaire democrat role which is known. So in essence they made and did conspiracy. 😁👀😎 Oh shit.
Neither was Biden for having classified documents to which he has no defense. Biden did not have authority to take them as senator or VP. Obuma did not declass those documents so…. Double standards.
D71, that's not how it was played out on the media(CNN,MSN)
the national archive asked biden for the documents, he said "my bad" you want to come get them or me bring them to you?

the national archive asked mr trump for the documents, he said F-you, I don't got shit, had lawyers write letters saying he don't
have shit, even flooded video data room to hide the documents movements, then national archive had to have the FBI go it the
documents. some would call that shooting yourself in the foot. not Double standards


but he'll get more campaign donations so it's all good.
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D71, that's not how it was played out on the media(CNN,MSN)
the national archive asked biden for the documents, he said "my bad" you want to come get them or me bring them to you?

the national archive asked mr trump for the documents, he said F-you, I don't got shit, had lawyers write letters saying he don't
have shit, even flooded video data room to hide the documents movements, then national archive had to have the FBI go it the
documents. some would call that shooting yourself in the foot. not Double standards

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but he'll get more campaign donations so it's all good.
Tommy not sure of what part you missed but Biden was not allowed to even have those documents. Why is that not registering? To quote Joe “ come on man’’.

😃. Again Tommy biding for Biden it was not allowed at all yet he did . The documents Biden had were stolen never allowed to be in his possession. The person investigating stated “Biden was too old and incompetent to stand trial”. Again how did you miss that. ? .
Btw show me the legal records where Trump said “fuck you “. as claimed in your post. Should be interesting and I want to read it. The news fore told and all stated Trump lawyers were working with them the national archives. Strange but the investigation was begun after investigators left a previous White House visit with Biden. They are all pin point pictures and foia known. Facts are facts. Bs walks.

Every single presidents has taken things in the past and most never complied.

BTW that bitch that was financed by same democrat billionaire out to get Trump from e Jean Carroll case …. She has put her word in to support Trump as she had previously agreed. I bet Haley would give Trump head to be vp.

Since Trump was suppose to have sexually abused Carroll can she draw a dimensional dick pic of his weapon used in said crime. Surely they could compare picture to actual
D71, while I have limited information, not even half of what you have. but I understand
the limits of mr trump's conditional relationships, if the fed government is bring charges
at mr trump they have eye witnesses, tape recordings, hell even drone footage I would think :oops:

so far every case civil/criminal mr trump has faced did not go his way. because of his conditional relationships style. IMO

conditional relationships style= subject to change, because any number of reasons, even looks.

ms clinton never got charged because no one turned on her IMO them democrats stick together like stink on shit.

diy solar

diy solar