diy solar

diy solar


Tommy not sure of what part you missed but Biden was not allowed to even have those documents. Why is that not registering? To quote Joe “ come on man’’.
D71, I can't see that old dude carrying boxes of anything in or out of the Whitehouse, their is always a scapegoat.
as long as you cover their backs, yours will be fine. mr trump needs this understanding

back to ms clinton's fall guy
the FBI states that Justin Cooper, a senior aide to Clinton, "did recall two instances where he destroyed Clinton's old mobile phone devices by breaking them in half or hitting them with a hammer."

While Comey said there was "no doubt that the work-related emails were removed electronically from the email system," the FBI could not conclude whether they had been intentionally deleted or had been lost when servers were switched out.

because her scapegoat never turned on her

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D71, I can't see that old dude carrying boxes of anything in or out of the Whitehouse, their is always a scapegoat.
as long as you cover their backs, yours will be fine. mr trump needs this understanding
View attachment 219701
REPORTED Joe carried it in - STOLEN SECRET files over his 50+ years in public office as a Congressman VP and up.

The democrats always accuse and charge ppl of the things they have done and are guilty of doing. It makes anything carried out against them look at surface value as revenge. Republicans are dumb asf…… often make laws that are later used on them. Stupid.

Shssss I don’t like Trump…he is lesser of evils to me. He also had time to do several of the things he did not do: unseal JFK files all of them no redactions …..unseal 9-11, unseal everything. There should be no secrets sealed for 60 plus years from American ppl. WTF. Do you realize we most likely will be dead and gone before this stuff is shown to us? The younger generation don’t give a fuck. Why they keep it sealed.
I laugh at ppl that blame Pence……when Trump could have declared martial law over China Covid and BLM Antifa Communist. We have laws against both. Communism is illegal in the USA.

Trump Biden and ALL the rest have seen it…..for most secrets. If they cover it up then they are guilty. Hell Biden released more about JFK case files than Trump.

I do my best to be honest and not tribal. That is difficult. I hate Biden for what he allowed. I hate Bush 2 more then anyone besides Wilson as Presidents. The Federal Reserve was worse thing done to undermine Citizens. Bush 2 was always listening to his ear piece when giving speeches….. most likely his daddy was talking to him with his ear piece. Sort of like Biden has someone talking to him.
when Trump could have declared martial law over China Covid and BLM Antifa Communist. We have laws against both. Communism is illegal in the USA.
D71, that's one of the clues I have that mr trump is still a democrat, covid comes about, he sends welfare checks.
a republican would have sent A10's to take out china's scuds, nothing gets US economy moving like a war.

looking over the hur report now
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Watch this video while you are at it. I don’t like Trump but I hate communist and their bs. What they are doing is old USSR …. They are showing their communist red colors. Red is for communist.

The judge’s daughter has made a fortune which means she and he were politically motivated. His donations to biden meant the judge should have recused himself. His gag orders were violation to which liberal judges spoke out against.

The opposite effect is happening Trump was given around $300 million over this. Hahaha one of Trumps donors is in over $100 million over this. So… This is the unusual rich crowd that normally aren’t phased by things like us giving Trump money. Plus the word…for givers were the small donations from supporters….common folks. Merchan was chosen as a judicial hit man. Merchan has failed.

Shssssss hur and bidens

“Come on man”

I remember seeing short video clips when that happened, but never knew the story behind it.

I'm curious if his actions resulted in any change? Did people in the area stand up to support him?

I don't know about it back when it happened, but now yes.

It is seen in the same way "don't tread on me" and the "come and take it" flags.

In the "right wing wacko" circles it is quite popular. We are getting close to reasonable men are going to be pushed to do unreasonable things.
In the "right wing wacko" circles it is quite popular. We are getting close to reasonable men are going to be pushed to do unreasonable things.
fpgt72, as we have seen some groups of us men/girls, can be talked into doing unreasonable things, from just
a feeling put in their heads.


fpgt72, as we have seen some groups of us men/girls, can be talked into doing unreasonable things, from just
a feeling put in their heads.

View attachment 219872

You need to take it understanding the source. You also need to understand the "other" people in the crowd that pushed for "bad things".

Nothing in the incident you linked is as it appears. And we know enough about the current group to know bending the truth is not beyond them.

We also know just how other events got reported on. Odd I don't remember any J6 people burning flags.



We also know just how other events got reported on. Odd I don't remember any J6 people burning flags.
fpgt72, also a feeling?

You also need to understand the "other" people in the crowd that pushed for "bad things".
fpgt72, I'm sure my kids are sick to death hearing me say "stick your head in the toilet, and you'll get shit in your ears"
but I can see it working with the line above.

I'm sure some can even have a feeling of invincibility by rapping themselves in the USA flag
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fpgt72, as we have seen some groups of us men/girls, can be talked into doing unreasonable things, from just
a feeling put in their heads.

View attachment 219872

What does it mean From your videos?

Trump didn’t tell them to break the law. Your other video is basically the democrats mad because Trump would not ceed the election to Biden.
They were mad that Trump did not stick to their script……get that “Their Script.”

The crazy shamen got out of jail because they with held evidence they Congress had video evidence that was denied in court. He was wrongfully imprisoned and punished. Someone needs to go to prison for that. The exposure of that wrong is what triggered Tucker being fired ……Schumer got on tv and was bleeping and calling for Fox to throttle Tucker over showing the shamen videos. Tucker only went through a portion of it.

Did Ray Epps finally go to jail. Did the BLM guy claiming to be a reporter go to jail. Both were instigating and both had got slaps on the wrist. Was the police that instigated the violence ever punished? No? Most of police were caught lying from Tucker video exposures.
Nothing was done except Tucker was finally fired which worked out for him. The blahing bleeping by Schumer was the real call to Fox to can Tucker…. How can you not know that?

The Shamen even got shsss Elon Musk to supposedly put up some money to get him freed and comments on Twitter. Which also exposed a lot of things the Govt had done.

Now Biden and DoJ doesn’t want this released on Biden because it might cause election interference and be used by AI? That is horse shit. They don’t want the truth exposed yet Trump is mud dragged….by the democrats. GTFOH. Seriously think why they don’t want this out.
This was posted by ABC yesterday and sadly dishonest democrats will cover for him.


They were mad that Trump did not stick to their script……get that “Their Script.”
D71, “Their Script.” is peaceful transfer of power?

is that what we seen J6th 2020?



mr trump had a opportunity to do the right thing, keep it peaceful
see 0:14 of video below. "I'll be with you he said"
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What does it mean From your videos?

Trump didn’t tell them to break the law. Your other video is basically the democrats mad because Trump would not ceed the election to Biden.
They were mad that Trump did not stick to their script……get that “Their Script.”

The crazy shamen got out of jail because they with held evidence they Congress had video evidence that was denied in court. He was wrongfully imprisoned and punished. Someone needs to go to prison for that. The exposure of that wrong is what triggered Tucker being fired ……Schumer got on tv and was bleeping and calling for Fox to throttle Tucker over showing the shamen videos. Tucker only went through a portion of it.

Did Ray Epps finally go to jail. Did the BLM guy claiming to be a reporter go to jail. Both were instigating and both had got slaps on the wrist. Was the police that instigated the violence ever punished? No? Most of police were caught lying from Tucker video exposures.
Nothing was done except Tucker was finally fired which worked out for him. The blahing bleeping by Schumer was the real call to Fox to can Tucker…. How can you not know that?

The Shamen even got shsss Elon Musk to supposedly put up some money to get him freed and comments on Twitter. Which also exposed a lot of things the Govt had done.

Now Biden and DoJ doesn’t want this released on Biden because it might cause election interference and be used by AI? That is horse shit. They don’t want the truth exposed yet Trump is mud dragged….by the democrats. GTFOH. Seriously think why they don’t want this out.
This was posted by ABC yesterday and sadly dishonest democrats will cover for him.

View attachment 219912


Tommy has circled back to his first love .... J6.
Klystron, that's one way to read it, some may see it as falsifying business records, as stormy found out NDAs
will never put her in criminal court, but could find you in civil court(cost her money).

Klystron, I'm not saying mr Reid(words) or ms clinton(bleachbit/hammer) are smarter then mr trump or even a better criminal(maybe).

but as we have seen time and time with politician, it's not the crime they did, it's the coverup(tape recordings, signed checks).

PS: I have no proof, but if I was a betting man, I'd bet this was all planed out, each of these cases as a money making deal.
who could think that way?
View attachment 219579

if you were a democrat wanting the right to finance your political career who would you
talk to?

View attachment 219579

but, but tommy mr trump is no longer a democrat! right, list every US president that sent
welfare checks to each and every person in the US. my guess all would be democrats
Falsifying business records was a misdemeanor whose statute of limitations had long past. Trying to magnify it under federal election laws as election interference to a felony was far outside the scope of jurisdiction and the judge even excluded the testimony of federal election officials which would have proven that moot.
In every way this was a bogus case.
Tommy has circled back to his first love .... J6.
Bob, was a bridge too far for me, and 20 million like me IMO. (time will tell)
it's going to come down to our short term memory(4 short years).

as mr trump said, winning is easy, but you get a better picture of a man's character
when they lose

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Bob, was a bridge too far for me, and 20 million like me IMO. (time will tell)
I sure would of love to seen the real unaltered election results from 2020.

Ppl should have done a real insurrection.
Bob, was a bridge too far for me, and 20 million like me IMO. (time will tell)
The rioters were prosecuted and jailed.
Dont pretend that soils the reputation of Trump or republicans in general. Im sure there are 20 million democrats who would like to execute all republicans merely for party affiliation.

We dont care.

Its obvious Jan. 6 is being used to intimidate republicans from ever speaking out in an organized way against democrat corruption in future elections. Democrat facism hard at work as usual.
I sure would of love to seen the real unaltered election results from 2020.

Ppl should have done a real insurrection.
IMO youll never prove fraud because it was rigged beforehand and after the fact they conspired for a complete coverup.
D71, “Their Script.” is peaceful transfer of power?

is that what we seen J6th 2020?

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View attachment 219921

mr trump had a opportunity to do the right thing, keep it peaceful
see 0:14 of video below. "I'll be with you he said"
OMG he told them to march to the capital!
At what point did he encourage or even suggest violence?
Are you sane?
Ppl should have done a real insurrection.
D71, we are going to get a second chance.(just not at the capital, there's going to be 20k national guard there)
At what point did he encourage or even suggest violence?
Batvette, when he blow smoke up their asses, said he was marching with them, did he?

Are you sane?
far from it, but I was not there, how many there on J6th were sane?
now watch this.

are these people sane? but I do envy them, I can't climb a wall any longer :cry:

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I watched the video. He said march to the capital. What is the problem with that? I questioned your sanity because youve offered that as a "gotcha" moment but theres no there there. Why not offer the video where he says "peacefully and patriotically"?

And Ive seen the real footage of 1/6, the film that shows the crowds were largely peaceful, and capital police opened the doors for people as if they were on a tour, and things only got ugly when the police fired gas grenades into the crowd and started shooting people IN THE FACE with rubber bullets.

diy solar

diy solar