diy solar

diy solar

Solar for a school farm


New Member
Jun 7, 2020
Hi All

I am starting to develop a farm for a school in Cornwall, UK. It will be small but will be power to run irrigation for a polytunnel. I have found a pump that is 36v DC and 2.5 amps DC with recommendation for 2 x 60w panels. However, we will also need to use sound equipment for lessons and charging tools etc. The wind equipment needs 140 watts per channel for the speakers and sound desk at 240v. I have never wired a system and sunder whether it is simpler to purchase a kit from Sun Store in the UK or is this something that could be managed.


I am starting to develop a farm for a school in Cornwall, UK. It will be small but will be power to run irrigation for a polytunnel. I have found a pump that is 36v DC and 2.5 amps DC with recommendation for 2 x 60w panels. However, we will also need to use sound equipment for lessons and charging tools etc. The wind equipment needs 140 watts per channel for the speakers and sound desk at 240v. I have never wired a system and sunder whether it is simpler to purchase a kit from Sun Store in the UK or is this something that could be managed.

Yikes! Not wanting to sound rude, but in view of the target users, the "Health and Safety at Work Act" and your lack of experience, I'd strongly suggest that you employ a Part-P qualified sparky to set up any system that drives 240V equipment.

Attempting even to use commercially available off-the-shelf inverters can be fraught with risks unless you have a thorough knowledge of BS7671, grounding, RCBs etc.
As a retired UK electrician I would have to agree with the above, even if you could do a better job than many UK sparks the main issue would be liability.

Kids will be kids and god forbid if something were to go wrong, the full weight of the law would be brought against you, a DIY home install fair enough but a pubic setting especially a school your asking for trouble.
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diy solar

diy solar