diy solar

diy solar


Batvette, funny I think the same about some here, they are not republican's they are MAGA,
the republicans I know respect the rule of law. we build our platform on it. and we are wondering
how we got here, but we know the way back, we've been here before(tea party).

the drama of the right has turned everyone else left 🤪

I just hope it happens soon, before we lose all the real republican to the democrats, wouldn't
that be ironic, democrat's being the party of the constitution law&order :oops: 🤪
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mr clinton got in trouble for getting a blow jobs in his office, while mr trump
got in trouble for paying off a hooker, and I'm the democrat. 🤪

this is the voice and face of MAGA, and I'm the democrat. 🤪

each of these have fought for our constitution and law&order, but are they now democrats also?. 🤪
so far we have just been turned into RINO's, would be sad if your line came true.

IMO MAGA is all about smoke & mirrors.
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what we learned from the tea party and all the crackheads, just say NO

Bob, I get it, My bad(this topic has value to me).
So lets hear your list of Trumps policies either past or proposed which are polarized with Republican values, and then explain how Joe Bidens policies on the same issues more closely match the GOP platform.

This is where we reveal youre either lying or deranged.
Wiki is a leftist cesspool. I have over 1000 edits there until I was topic banned for opposing the cabal in a civil, by the rules way. No doubt Tommy trusts it as a source.
I recently compared the Trump and Biden articles and its so obviously biased its infuriating.

Trump article, 100% negative. Not one positive point.

Biden article, 100% positive. Guy never did anything wrong.
Wiki is a leftist cesspool. I have over 1000 edits there until I was topic banned for opposing the cabal in a civil, by the rules way. No doubt Tommy trusts it as a source.
I recently compared the Trump and Biden articles and its so obviously biased its infuriating.

Trump article, 100% negative. Not one positive point.

Biden article, 100% positive. Guy never did anything wrong.

The thing about lefties is they are flies on the wall until someone else does something.

They essentially cease to exist if there are not other people around to do things and for them to bother and attempt to manipulate.

Tommy, Thanks for that list ..... now, everyone know who to primary ..... although several on the list of current representatives are already on their way out.
They are mostly the ones that side with the Democrats every chance they get and have never seen a war they didn't like.

Actually, now that I look closer at that list .... like most things Wikipedia .... it's not very accurate. For instance it lists Thomas Massie as a RINO ..... He is a long way from being a RINO and closer to being a libertarian.
Theyre gonna stack that list. leftist wiki wants to divide republicans. Like Tommy is doing. These democrats are like spies in wartime. Pretending to be one of us to take us down. Pretending the reason is because theyre better republicans than we are.


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Here is what stupid ass republicans do …..just make show after show. Waste time and when done suck thumb and count their money. Satisfied over and over with their show. Why ppl lost faith in Law and Order.

At the most they will screw up Trumps chance to beat Biden and get a democrat replacement that he can’t beat.

Trump can’t beat this guy .
Meet America’s version of Trudeau

Left - Right …. they are all in it for their own bank account. This guy will beat Trump. Women voters will be so moist - and repeat Bill Clinton type vote for him.
So lets hear your list of Trumps policies either past or proposed which are polarized with Republican values
Batvette, it seems you missed the point, mr trump with the help of mr miller and mr sessions couldn't
fix the problem that is causing major problems even now. only congress can fix that and only congress can
pay for it.

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Biden won't survive another term. Whatever they gas him up on is starting not to work anymore.

When my dad had alzheimers, anti-depressants would make him seem lucid and he would be tolerable for some of the day but eventually the brain decay gets so bad they just don't have any effect anymore.

Also where is Kamala?
Batvette, it seems you missed the point, mr trump with the help of mr miller and mr sessions couldn't
fix the problem that is causing major problems even now. only congress can fix that and only congress can
pay for it.

I didnt miss the point youre deflecting from answering the question. Nikki Haley cant "solve the problem" either. The problem you cite doesnt need fixing by congress. Joe Biden merely has to rescind his sweeping executive order of Feb 2, 2021. (More evidence youre a democrat. Shifting responsibility for Bidens self created mess onto congress)

Answer the question. How is a vote for anyone but Trump a better choice to forward the republican policy platform? How does your vote for Joe Biden (via nikki haley) help republicans?

Even never trumpers realize you must vote for the republican nominee or its 4 more years of democrat lead destruction. DJT is the nominee. Working against him is working for democrats.
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"Trump has pleaded not guilty to the charges and decried the case as a “witch hunt,” baselessly claiming that New York prosecutors had been working with the Biden administration to indict him in the midst of his reelection campaign."

Theres no frikkin way a republican would parrot this deceptive strawman argument. Democrats at every level of government are attempting to interfere with the 2024 election abusing their power in the legal system, to get Joe Biden reelected. Insisting the presidents fingerprints be on it is a lame and useless point but typical of democrats who have no problem insulting our intelligence that we would buy such cover for their dishonesty. Even never trumpers are admitting this was a sham trial. Because as republicans they are used to democrat tactics.
Just like your lame argument it was the jury that convicted him, or that we need to prove the jury was all democrat for them to be typically biased manhatten residents.

Youre a democrat and an especially dishonest one.
So, is government working as it should when the Democrats vote as a block ... no matter what .... and then RINO's break ranks and vote with the block of Dems?
We can be assured that unlike 2020 the number of anti trump rinos that will back joe biden will be very, very small. In 2020 they took a chance and probably had no idea how destructive Bidens policies would be or how frail he would become. The last 3.5 years have shown them the fallacy of voting for the lesser of two evils over party platform.
I didnt miss the point youre deflecting from answering the question
Batvette, when you watched the video I posted of mr trump campaigning for our votes
what did you think of his line Mexico is going to pay for our security at the southern boarder?
me I thought blowing smoke up my ass, like any thinking republican would think.

watch this video from mr trump campaigning for our votes now.
me I thought blowing smoke up my ass, like any thinking republican would think.

and if not, doesn't that mean mr trump is holding mr Gershkovich hostage until we get him elected?
that's an american citizen we are talking about.

sucking the oxygen out of the republican party with bull shit has to stop. IMO
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Batvette, when you watched the video I posted of mr trump campaigning for our votes
what did you think of his line Mexico is going to pay for our security at the southern boarder?
me I thought blowing smoke up my ass, like any thinking republican would think.

watch this video from mr trump campaigning for our votes now.
me I thought blowing smoke up my ass, like any thinking republican would think.

and if not, doesn't that mean mr trump is holding mr Gershkovich hostage until we get him elected?
that's an american citizen we are talking about.

sucking the oxygen out of the republican party with bull shit has to stop. IMO
Interesting that I keep pinning you down with rational points of why its absurd you could actually be a republican given your arguments, and all you do is keep changing the subject with stupid shit attacking the nominee of your alleged party.

Youre not a republican. You couldnt be more transparant. Youre just another democrat activist trying to divide the GOP.

Why dont you answer the question?

How does your vote putting Joe Biden in office for four more years advance the Republican platform?

You refuse to answer that and all similar questions because there is no answer that isnt stupid.

"The GOP can only be saved if we get rid of Trump."

What else would democrats say when faced with a juggernaut like Trump after decades of wimpy spineless republicans?

Go troll another board. Nobody is buying your schtick.
Batvette, when you watched the video I posted of mr trump campaigning for our votes
what did you think of his line Mexico is going to pay for our security at the southern boarder?
me I thought blowing smoke up my ass, like any thinking republican would think.

watch this video from mr trump campaigning for our votes now.
me I thought blowing smoke up my ass, like any thinking republican would think.

and if not, doesn't that mean mr trump is holding mr Gershkovich hostage until we get him elected?
that's an american citizen we are talking about.

sucking the oxygen out of the republican party with bull shit has to stop. IMO
As for your stupid point about Trump and Mexico, he tried. He got Mexico to cooperate in many ways. If democrats had stood in solidarity its possible Mexico could have contributed financially.

Trumps failure to get Mexico to pay in no way should compel a republican to instead support Joe Biden and his willful refusal to enforce immigration law and flood our country with potential democrat voters.

You just proved yourself as a fraud.
As for your stupid point about Trump and Mexico
Batvette, while I can't argue the stupid part, but your still are not getting it, there never was a working
plan to secure our southern boarder with a wall, that was just smoke & mirrors and bait for the gullible.


but your still not getting it, there never was any proof the 2020 election was a fraud, just a feeling
put in our heads. that was just smoke & mirrors and bait for the gullible.


while I'm not calling anyone a fish, because some had names we all can recall like ms Babbitt but the
march on the capital J6th, that was just smoke & mirrors and bait for the gullible.


while I get you are far smarter then I, but if mr trump can release a taped phone call of him
begging for votes to get him elected , wouldn't he release a taped of him getting Putin to release
an american they are holding. if not that was just smoke & mirrors and bait for the gullible.

We can be assured that unlike 2020 the number of anti trump rinos that will back joe biden will be very, very small.
good luck with that, I just got to ask, what did republicans get out of all the above, other then a few dead,
a few in jail, lighter wallets, a few black eyes.. :unsure: and a 90 year old democrat in office :fp2

while I'm not very smart, if your thinking we should do it again.
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it would serve me right if you came back with "ok smartass what's your plan"

hint. one word "DISENFRANCHISED"

working on a flag


We can be assured that unlike 2020 the number of anti trump rinos that will back joe biden will be very, very small.
if you are correct we not need a plan B, but IMO you should always have one.

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The rnc



Now we know why stop the steal was such a brown stain do nothing but complain corn hole event. Bend over…... They love you. Spell R-U-N.
The controversy is the fact that fbi and capital police antagonize the crowd with flash bangs etc to get them to get rowdy.

It was a typical fbi setup
Bob, some of us feel it's temporary, this fad will pass.

may end up being our battle cry in 2025.

time will tell which of us are on the wrong side of history(J6th 2025)
Tommy, If you are telling the truth .... I think I am finally understanding where you are coming from .... and it's not good.

From the minute Trump won the Republican primary the first time, the RINO's have been determined to destroy him.

The problem is that in the process of trying to destroy Trump, they are destroying the country.
If the RINO's had just let things run their course with Trump, he would have never gained the amount of power that he has now.

By being willing to side with the Democrats to get Trump any way possible, the RINO's have corrupted the DOJ, the FBI, the rule of law, turned the FBI and CIA against the people, and the CIA was even willing to start a pandemic and kill millions of people to GET TRUMP.

The people were already ticked off at the RINO's because they were sitting on their duff and letting the cultural Marxists take over so many institutions including education. When the people see the Marxists and pedophiles coming for our kids and the RINO's doing nothing about it .... They are getting ticked off.
The Tea Party movement should have given the RINO's a big enough clue to wake them up, but it didn't.

You like to envision Trump supporters as a bunch of far right rabble rousers that are destroying the Republican party .... The reality is that the people are fed up. Many don't even like Trump, but they aren't going to continue to support a bunch of milk toast old money country club republicans who are letting the Marxists take over and who are sponsoring endless wars that sacrifice the patriotic.

The Marxists destroyed many institutions, and now the Rinos have corrupted the rest. Congratulation, it's going to be a miracle if the country can survive this.

The people who vote are more and more awake every day now ..... Tommy, you need to wake up and get on the side of the people.
The people who vote are more and more awake every day now ..... Tommy, you need to wake up and get on the side of the people.
Bob, I would agree if there was a way that didn't require us to tear down everything we've spent decades on building.
mr trump was able to tap the Anarchist underbelly that has been stuck in closets for a very long time and he and his
chums pointed them at our heart J6th. which way he points them next is anybody's guess, but you can be sure shit
will burn
, the sad part is there are a large number of us just waiting to strike the match.

all this drama mr trump has given this country started in 2015, there are a number of us thinking 2025 could see the
end of it, rewriting history to fit a myopic view is not a way forward. IMO
example: mr trump got us SCOTUS working for us, when it was paul that kept it out of obama's hands for two years.

and now me and paul are the bad guy. 🤪

Trump years IMO

sorry grizzzman but bob asked.
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diy solar

diy solar