diy solar

diy solar


Bob, I would agree if there was a way that didn't require us to tear down everything we've spent decades on building.
mr trump was able to tap the Anarchist underbelly that has been stuck in closets for a very long time and he and his
chums pointed them at our heart J6th. which way he points them next is anybody's guess, but you can be sure shit
will burn
, the sad part is there are a large number of us just waiting to strike the match.

all this drama mr trump has given this country started in 2015, there are a number of us thinking 2025 could see the
end of it, rewriting history to fit a myopic view is not a way forwards.
example: mr trump got us SCOTUS working for us, when it was paul that kept it out of obama's hands for two years.

Trump years IMO
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Tommy .... You still aren't willing to see it .... Trump supporters are NOT Anarchists ..... They are regular everyday mostly middle class people that are fed up. They are WE THE PEOPLE.


The definition above in no way describes Trump supporters .... They want to restore social norms .... They ARE the authority, not some silly ruling class who sees the people as a bunch of mongrels.
The RINOS have over played their hand and risked the future of our country in the process. They need to scuttle back into their holes and quit corrupting all our institutions.
Bob, a little too soon to be writing our obituary

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Wishful thinking ..... RINOS are going extinct .... Everyone has seen their corruption on full display. Trump even controls the RNC now .... Thanks to you RINOS.

Shoulda just left well enough alone and you would be alive to fight another day.
Wishful thinking ..... RINOS are going extinct
Bob, I get that, you have a much better crystal ball then me.

our hope is with this loss trump and his gang will do the right thing, start a MAGA party
and stop sucking the oxygen out of the republican party ,IMO there is a market for it.

Trump even controls the RNC now
wouldn't that be ironic if that gave us a path into courts(class action lawsuit).
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Bob, I get that, you have a much better crystal ball then me.

our hope is with this loss trump and his gang will do the right thing, start a MAGA party
and stop sucking the oxygen out of the republican party ,IMO there is a market for it.
Not going to happen ..... If the RINOS had just left him alone, he would have served one or 2 terms and moved on .... Now, he has taken the heart of the Republican party. The Republican party is now the party of the middle class .... too bad for the country club types.
The only way to beat him is to put him in jail or kill him .... Do you think the RINOS are going to give that a go next?

You RINOS should at the very least have learned your lesson after failing to make the Russia, Russia, Russia conspiracy stick .... but no, they keep figuring out new ways to make him a martyr .... and every time increasing his power.
The only way to beat him is to put him in jail or kill him .... Do you think the RINOS are going to give that a go next?
Bob, all that drama is not our way

IMO mr trump is just an old man like you or I that didn't get checked for ticks.

may seem like comedy but some of us have a mental acrobatic ability
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I think he accurately represents the thinking of a lot of RINOS ..... Gotta defeat their way of thinking .... it's destroying the country.

You can't defeat liberals. They have schizoid thought processes.

You take them to task, patiently show them where they are wrong, where they are right and why. You point out that 90% of their grievances and concerns are just shit they made up in their heads.

They come around and seem to do better.

You go away for a week and they literally relapse into saying the same stupid shit again.

They are not logic-based people. They just want to feel important. When you spend time arguung withthem they think they matter and will begin to acquiesce to your points because your attention alone is what's making them feel better.

Once you withdraw this attention, they relapse into the attention-getting behavior.
That shitball general milley put a hold on the NG too.

I think they were afraid Trump was going to TRY use the National Guard to ARREST THEM.

Hahaha nawww they - democrats planned J6 with a take over to do the outcome that it ended with for a show. They listened to republicians organize a protest then blended in to bastard it up. It worked like champ.

Our special forces and cia work together in foreign countries to do the same.

The ones - democrat rino that knew were not scared on J6. Go back look at film footage from inside capitol. Some were terrified.

The chinese don’t do debt forgiveness took over port in sri lanke and lands there. Ppl revolted. You read it here. Did press media tell you? Look like something here? Snicker….

My brain hurts trying to talk to ppl at times….. 😁😎 think got tumor …..full retard level coming up.

Chain of events ppl must know things like history and be able to time line while skimming these things Events are all related Average person doesn’t want to know or think. They might get brain tumor and become retarded.


Some ppl are dumb asf by choice.
You can't defeat liberals. They have schizoid thought processes.

You take them to task, patiently show them where they are wrong, where they are right and why. You point out that 90% of their grievances and concerns are just shit they made up in their heads.

They come around and seem to do better.

You go away for a week and they literally relapse into saying the same stupid shit again.

They are not logic-based people. They just want to feel important. When you spend time arguung withthem they think they matter and will begin to acquiesce to your points because your attention alone is what's making them feel better.

Once you withdraw this attention, they relapse into the attention-getting behavior.
Are you saying liberals are females? Do these jeans make my ass look fat?
You can't defeat liberals. They have schizoid thought processes.

You take them to task, patiently show them where they are wrong, where they are right and why. You point out that 90% of their grievances and concerns are just shit they made up in their heads.

They come around and seem to do better.

You go away for a week and they literally relapse into saying the same stupid shit again.

They are not logic-based people. They just want to feel important. When you spend time arguung withthem they think they matter and will begin to acquiesce to your points because your attention alone is what's making them feel better.

Once you withdraw this attention, they relapse into the attention-getting behavior.
I agree .... I don't think we are going to change Tommy's perspective ..... It's about lurkers ..... don't want them to be sucked into his way of thinking.
don't want them to be sucked into his way of thinking.
Bob, it's more about echo chambers, and what comes from them.

this made prefect sense to these people, because they came from an echo chamber.

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The FBI is trying to prevent people from getting a security clearance if you vocalized support for Trump.

Yeah, the date on this is a couple years old .... but, first I have seen of this.

Bob, it's more about echo chambers, and what comes from them.

this made prefect sense to these people, because they came from an echo chamber.

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We've already covered J6 from every possible angle ..... I don't think there's any chance we have an echo chamber here .... I'm not totally sure whether or not people are being provoked by undercover agents.

I just watched a clip of Paul Ryan .... I used to like him, but somewhere along the line he lost his way.
I thought it was downright cowardly the way he left congress .... Now he wants to snipe at people from the background and is on Fox News board of directors .... didn't know that. He wants to have control without the scrutiny. Probably one of the reasons Fox is going down hill.
He is not, however, a RINO.
He does have TDS.
Even he bashes the recent made up convictions and realizes it is dangerous to twist the justice system to that degree.
We've already covered J6 from every possible angle ..... I don't think there's any chance we have an echo chamber here .... I'm not totally sure whether or not people are being provoked by undercover agents.

I just watched a clip of Paul Ryan .... I used to like him, but somewhere along the line he lost his way.
I thought it was downright cowardly the way he left congress .... Now he wants to snipe at people from the background and is on Fox News board of directors .... didn't know that. He wants to have control without the scrutiny. Probably one of the reasons Fox is going down hill.
He is not, however, a RINO.
He does have TDS.
Even he bashes the recent made up convictions and realizes it is dangerous to twist the justice system to that degree.
He doesn’t want to be held accountable and prosecuted.





Will Biden pardon his son. 😎☑️😳👀😁‼️
View attachment 219080 Where did you get your undergrad and grad degree from. Me: University of Texas, Austin

Dude I do not know you from any other stranger, but the minute somebody starts their premise with the above, I know that they think they are above everyone else unless their school, family name, zip code whatever is higher...Your a democrat, you quack like one.... and you went to a liberal university.

Quack...Quack... hello duck!
Batvette, while I can't argue the stupid part, but your still are not getting it, there never was a working
plan to secure our southern boarder with a wall, that was just smoke & mirrors and bait for the gullible.

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but your still not getting it, there never was any proof the 2020 election was a fraud, just a feeling
put in our heads. that was just smoke & mirrors and bait for the gullible.

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while I'm not calling anyone a fish, because some had names we all can recall like ms Babbitt but the
march on the capital J6th, that was just smoke & mirrors and bait for the gullible.

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while I get you are far smarter then I, but if mr trump can release a taped phone call of him
begging for votes to get him elected , wouldn't he release a taped of him getting Putin to release
an american they are holding. if not that was just smoke & mirrors and bait for the gullible.

good luck with that, I just got to ask, what did republicans get out of all the above, other then a few dead,
a few in jail, lighter wallets, a few black eyes.. :unsure: and a 90 year old democrat in office :fp2

while I'm not very smart, if your thinking we should do it again.
The democrat pretending to be a republican still wont answer the question and attacks the GOP candidate again.

Who do you think youre fooling?

diy solar

diy solar