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diy solar

Which of these strings is best for a shadow?


New Member
Jun 7, 2024
Willits, California
I have 16 panels that I can arrange on a single large array. There are several tree shadows that are present in the Winter during the morning until 11AM. The panels are facing south, and the shadows pass from the left to the right, with some shadows only touching the right.

Given this, which of these two patterns is better for 2 strings of 8 panels each?


In your case the best you have is top left and top middle. The more parallel sets you can get, the better the results.

This could also be a good case for miniinverters on each panel.

In my series panels on my RV, any shade on any panel kills the entire string. So, a lot of energy would be lost even with the two I recommended. If you could go 2S8P, this could be best for shading, but could result in somethick wires.
In your case the best you have is top left and top middle. The more parallel sets you can get, the better the results.

This could also be a good case for miniinverters on each panel.

In my series panels on my RV, any shade on any panel kills the entire string. So, a lot of energy would be lost even with the two I recommended. If you could go 2S8P, this could be best for shading, but could result in somethick wires.
Ah, I didn't explain well, there were just two options there, the 2S8P in two rows or 2S8P in two 'squares'. Then the other two pictures were visualizing the shadows are various times.

Since any amount of shade on any panels kills it then I guess more bunched together is better.
Just two options there, the 2S8P in two rows or 2S8P in two 'squares'. Then the other two pictures were visualizing the shadows are various times.
This is a link that shows how much shading killed production with my panels.
Something like you describe seems perfect for a microinverter to each panel if that is possible.

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diy solar