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Who do you think youre fooling?
Batvette, I get it, everyone is out to get you. just remember your the one that's making the
effort to change my party, turn me into something different. IMO that's your problem, not mine.
a number of us have sat back, just waiting for the smoke to clear.
you were able to make my brother stay home on election day, I'll be fucked if I'll let that happen to me.

how long before more of us get the picture, it's all was just whistling a tune :unsure: not getting anything done.

how many times have republicans in congress done their jobs came up with a passible plan, just to have
mr trump or some other knucklehead put a stop to it. and I'm the problem :unsure:

that's just more smoke & mirrors and bait for the gullible.

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how many times have republicans in congress done their jobs came up with a passible plan, just to have
mr trump or some other knucklehead put a stop to it. and I'm the problem :unsure:
You sound really bitter Tommy ..... is the reality setting in that things aren't going to go back to where they were?

You are so bitter that you would rather waste your vote than help get this walking zombie that's running our country into the ground out of office. Not very smart, seems like it's all about feelings.

You don't seem to understand that the real provlem was the the Republicans in congress NEVER did their job ..... They were spineless .... Well, unless they were risking someone else's life with a new war.

They were sitting around on their butts and letting the Marxists take over the country ..... Good riddance to the RINOS .... Hope the America first movement didn't come on the scene too late.
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is the reality setting in that things aren't going to go back to where they were?
Bob, far from it.

They were sitting around on their butts and letting the Marxists take over the country
that's one way to characterize it, this is not the first fad to come alone, not going to be the last IMO.
the last one only toke one election cycle to get it off the main ticket, this one may take two.
the only place all this makes sense is here in our echo chambers, the general is where rubber hits the road.

if it wasn't for the oxygen being sucked out of the republican party, we could put this shit on the democrat's

this would play good here, but in the general?

IMO to win the general you have to run on something, not against everything.

Marxists take over the country
like it is with all jokes, it only works until we see the strings.

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Bob, far from it.

that's one way to characterize it, this is not the first fad to come alone, not going to be the last IMO.
the last one only toke one election cycle to get it off the main ticket, this one may take two.
the only place all this makes sense is here in our echo chambers, the general is where rubber hits the road.

if it wasn't for the oxygen being sucked out of the republican party, we could put this shit on the democrat's
Tommy .... It is the RINOS and the Dems sucking all the oxygen out of the room.

The RINOS sat around and laughed and gave the Dems free reign as they drug the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax out for years. If they had any principal or spine at all, they would have stood up and shoved that crap back into the Dems face .... They have brought about their own demise because people just plain are not going to put up with this corrupt and cowardly behavior.

It wasn't Trump who created the chaos, he merely defended himself from it .... over and over and over and over again.

The RINOS are just pissed that someone won the Republican primary that wasn't coronated by them .... Most of them seem to be incapable of getting over it.

Even Bill Barr gave the Dems a wink and a nod and allowed this corrupt BS ..... at least HE has been smart enough to wake up a little and recognize the greater danger and endorsed Trump.

Better wake up and see who the REAL enemy is ..... Hint .... IT'S NOT TRUMP.

I find it very sad that you and others are proud to be a RINO.
Bob, time will tell, who was on the wrong side of history. J6th 2025

I'll stop back to this topic, to gloat, or kiss ass.
It's pretty simple .... If you aren't on Trump's side ... You are on Biden's side .... You would like to be able to gloat when Biden wins again ..... Shame on you.
Batvette, I get it, everyone is out to get you. just remember your the one that's making the
effort to change my party, turn me into something different. IMO that's your problem, not mine.
a number of us have sat back, just waiting for the smoke to clear.
you were able to make my brother stay home on election day, I'll be fucked if I'll let that happen to me.

how long before more of us get the picture, it's all was just whistling a tune :unsure: not getting anything done.

how many times have republicans in congress done their jobs came up with a passible plan, just to have
mr trump or some other knucklehead put a stop to it. and I'm the problem :unsure:

that's just more smoke & mirrors and bait for the gullible.

View attachment 221795
So you wont tell us why your nikki haley (joe biden) vote in november is a rational vote for a republican.
Bob, far from it.

that's one way to characterize it, this is not the first fad to come alone, not going to be the last IMO.
the last one only toke one election cycle to get it off the main ticket, this one may take two.
the only place all this makes sense is here in our echo chambers, the general is where rubber hits the road.

if it wasn't for the oxygen being sucked out of the republican party, we could put this shit on the democrat's
View attachment 221821View attachment 221822View attachment 221823

this would play good here, but in the general?

IMO to win the general you have to run on something, not against everything.

like it is with all jokes, it only works until we see the strings.

Sucking the oxygen out of Mitch McConnell? FU!
Batvette, I get it, everyone is out to get you. just remember your the one that's making the
effort to change my party, turn me into something different. IMO that's your problem, not mine.
a number of us have sat back, just waiting for the smoke to clear.
you were able to make my brother stay home on election day, I'll be fucked if I'll let that happen to me.

how long before more of us get the picture, it's all was just whistling a tune :unsure: not getting anything done.

how many times have republicans in congress done their jobs came up with a passible plan, just to have
mr trump or some other knucklehead put a stop to it. and I'm the problem :unsure:

that's just more smoke & mirrors and bait for the gullible.

View attachment 221795
Im sure all you dummycrabs are all broken up that there isnt free health care for all the illegals! Youre using CNN and now WaPo for sources? Democrat! A goddamn, motherfucking, liberal, butt sniffing, commie pinko, democrat! Probably got a portrait of Che Guevara or Chairman Mao on the wall! And I bet you torture puppies too!
It's pretty simple .... If you aren't on Trump's side ... You are on Biden's side .... You would like to be able to gloat when Biden wins again ..... Shame on you.
Seen his ilk. He will say "I dont like Biden, but hes better than Trump!"
Cant believe the dishonesty of these democrat pretenders. Misquote everything Trump says. Make up shit about him. Cant just let their party run on their candidates strengths. Just throw their personal integrity in the toilet for the sake of their party.
Look what the deep state did to Nixon. Theyre doing it to Trump too.
Seen his ilk. He will say "I dont like Biden, but hes better than Trump!"
Cant believe the dishonesty of these democrat pretenders. Misquote everything Trump says. Make up shit about him. Cant just let their party run on their candidates strengths. Just throw their personal integrity in the toilet for the sake of their party.
Look what the deep state did to Nixon. Theyre doing it to Trump too.

It's just weird to me that anyone would ever be like "yay big government" unless you're "in the club".
It's just weird to me that anyone would ever be like "yay big government" unless you're "in the club".
shit I worked for the government for a grand total of 24 years between military and civilian time and I do not trust them any further than I can throw any of you. Big Government is the end of freedom in every way shape and form.

congress and senate should be working on laws concerning importation, exportation, and the general defense. everything is a bastarization of what the original intent was.

Everything else should be up to the states.. you want mild altering drugs to be legal... fine in your state, when your state fails and the rest of us pick up the pieces, we should not do it with cash handouts to the failed state, we should do it by arresting all of the former elected officials of that state, and then putting them on trial and run that state as a protectorate with no say in anything for 10-20 years. at the end of that time frame the people in that state will wise up a little bit about who they freaking vote for.
Tommy .... It is the RINOS and the Dems sucking all the oxygen out of the room.

The RINOS sat around and laughed and gave the Dems free reign as they drug the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax out for years. If they had any principal or spine at all, they would have stood up and shoved that crap back into the Dems face .... They have brought about their own demise because people just plain are not going to put up with this corrupt and cowardly behavior.

It wasn't Trump who created the chaos, he merely defended himself from it .... over and over and over and over again.

The RINOS are just pissed that someone won the Republican primary that wasn't coronated by them .... Most of them seem to be incapable of getting over it.

Even Bill Barr gave the Dems a wink and a nod and allowed this corrupt BS ..... at least HE has been smart enough to wake up a little and recognize the greater danger and endorsed Trump.

Better wake up and see who the REAL enemy is ..... Hint .... IT'S NOT TRUMP.

I find it very sad that you and others are proud to be a RINO.

The guy is not a rino, he is a democrat whackadoodle who posts here just to spin folks up. put him on ignore and your blood pressure will go down.
So you wont tell us why your nikki haley (joe biden) vote in november is a rational vote for a republican.
Batvette, only because you asked.

you would have to be in a very deep hole for a long time to not know biden and trump are the same thing.
it may be harder to see with mr trump because he has not played at public service like biden and biden's
brain has turned to jello with age and with ms rice pulling the strings so his backwards thinking is not a issue,
just do a quick search of biden's older recording, he is what we have always called a Dixiecrat(stop&frisk&crimebill)
think george wallace, what made them slide into the past is the tool the republican's created mr grant(DOJ),
mr roosevelt(FBI) which got turned on the democrat's in the 60's/70's, this is also mr trump's first encounter
with the DOJ, rightly or wrongly new york enacted laws that made it a crime to discriminately limit home
rentals because of race mr trump felt this was wrong and spent two years fighting the DOJ and NY, while
in the end he did come around, his george wallace thinking became visible to us.

one other way to spot a Dixiecrat they pick and chose what laws they are willing to follow.
if the DOJ or FBI is on your case chances are good your a democrat.

this was his next encounter with the DOJ

then this

and I'm the problem 🤪

rational vote for a republican
if 20 million of us with TDS write in vote Nikki, and with a trump leading the RNC we could have a path to class action court case
voter disenfranchised, either way we send the Dixiecrat back to the democrat's
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Tommy, You've gone so far off the rails now that I no longer think there is any chance of lurkers buy into your way of thinking.
bob. I get that, I'll go back to lurking until quoted.
Tommy .... I think most of us have gone thru significant changes in our political thinking as we age.

It is a lot like the saying .... if you aren't liberal when you are young you don't have a heart and if you aren't conservative when you are old you don't have a brain.

I actually voted for Carter in his first term .... No way for the 2nd. I got sucked into his fix the root cause way of thinking and also didn't like Ford at all.

There's also the fact that the political parties have gone thru radical change themselves. JFK would be considered a far right nut case in todays politics .... I mean really .... try to convince people that it's not about what the country can do for you?

When Trump was only a business man, he, as pretty much all business people, realized he had to cater to who ever had political power in order to benefit his business .... or at least not tick them off to the extent they would come after him.
Now that his focus in on being the president of the united states, his focus has shifted to doing the best thing for the country ... and he is pretty good at seeing what is good and what is bad for the country.

Today, the Democrat party has gone full on Marxist / Globalist. There used to be liberals and conservatives in both parties .... Those days are gone.

The country club Republicans have been totally impotent at countering the direction the Dems are trying to take the country ..... Hence, the need for a different kind of Republican party and a different kind of President to get things back on track.

I guess what I'm getting at is .... The world, and the world of politics has changed dramatically in the last decade .... If you have stayed in the same place, that's not going to work ...... Maybe you need to stop and re-assess what is required to pull our country back from the brink .... more of the SAMO SAMO isn't going to cut it.
more of the SAMO SAMO isn't going to cut it.
Bob, the whistle stays the same, just the tune changes Capture637.PNG

Bob, take a second to hear mr bush's message, IMO that a republican talking, then wallace, then mr trump which two match?
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Bob, the whistle stays the same, just the tune changes View attachment 222106

Cmon Tommy .... You keep going way out into left field.

Are you OK with the millions of illegals that have flooded across our border since Biden took office. They just had to jump thru all kinds of hoops to track down a bunch of them that were planning terrorist attacks ..... How many more of the illegals and illegal got aways do you think might have nefarious intent?

There could be a whole thread about illegals and how they are negatively impacting our country .... Sure would be nice to go back to the way it was when Trump was President.
Are you OK with the millions of illegals that have flooded across our border since Biden took office.
Bob, no, but with current obstructionist(MAGA) in congress we are screwed.
real republican's in congress came up with a bipartisan(F word) passible plan to help, mr trump put a stop to it.

I'm not a child, I get why mr trump would do that, how it benefits him, I don't see it benefitting us


checking what happened to it now

closing entry points seems like the right move.

wouldn't this be a better headline, play better in the general IMO
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Batvette, only because you asked.

you would have to be in a very deep hole for a long time to not know biden and trump are the same thing.
it may be harder to see with mr trump because he has not played at public service like biden and biden's
brain has turned to jello with age and with ms rice pulling the strings so his backwards thinking is not a issue,
just do a quick search of biden's older recording, he is what we have always called a Dixiecrat(stop&frisk&crimebill)
think george wallace, what made them slide into the past is the tool the republican's created mr grant(DOJ),
mr roosevelt(FBI) which got turned on the democrat's in the 60's/70's, this is also mr trump's first encounter
with the DOJ, rightly or wrongly new york enacted laws that made it a crime to discriminately limit home
rentals because of race mr trump felt this was wrong and spent two years fighting the DOJ and NY, while
in the end he did come around, his george wallace thinking became visible to us.

one other way to spot a Dixiecrat they pick and chose what laws they are willing to follow.
if the DOJ or FBI is on your case chances are good your a democrat.

this was his next encounter with the DOJ
View attachment 222031

then this
View attachment 222047

and I'm the problem 🤪
View attachment 222028

if 20 million of us with TDS write in vote Nikki, and with a trump leading the RNC we could have a path to class action court case
voter disenfranchised, either way we send the Dixiecrat back to the democrat's
Biden and Trump the same yeah right we can tell by the way MSM and permenent washington have been so fair to Trump.
Biden 47 years in Washington Trump 0 when he started. Oh theyre the same tho. Stop insulting us.
Yes youre the problem. The election was RIGGED just as he deecribes why do you think you can pretend it isnt documented? The letter by 51? That didnt happen? Social media didnt conspire with the DOJ to censor info about the laptop? ZUCKERBUCKS corrupted election offices in every swing state. FACT.

HELLO, MCFLY. Polls showed 5% of Biden voters would have changed their vote if the laptop had been fairly reported on. Well within the margins in swing states. Then lets talk zuckerbucks. It was fucking rigged.
HELLO, MCFLY. Polls showed 5% of Biden voters would have changed their vote if the laptop had been fairly reported on.
Batvette, laptop? you got to be pulling my chain, we are dealing with issues that effect people's lives
and your talking laptop. sorry I got nothing. but I do wish you luck with that.
Batvette, laptop? you got to be pulling my chain, we are dealing with issues that effect people's lives
and your talking laptop. sorry I got nothing. but I do wish you luck with that.
Tommy, It's hard to keep up with all the things you are misinformed about ..... The truth of the laptop and it's contents were suppressed prior to the last election ...... did you see the picture I posted of the 51 intelligence agents that were complicit?
It's very likely the truth would have changed the outcome of the election ..... are you aware at all of the amount of evidence the FBI withheld for years that was on that laptop?

As to the border .... just go look at the numbers to find the answer to who had an effective border policy.

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