diy solar

diy solar


Bob, that does seem to represent the scope of the problem. number of people showing up at our
southern door step.
Why do all those ppl want to come here?

Don’t they know all the bad things said about here? Didn’t the liberals warn them before they started their trip? It is horrible here ask any liberal. 😁😳

Why do so many ppl want to come here. I feel they will take away more then they will offer. Hmmmmm if we go into the negative all the time is that a good practice?

Maybe it is time to halt intake and change immigration laws? Again why would they want to come here.

Ppl coming here need to be Americans. Willing to integrate and become one with the system here. Work.

What I see with lot of immigrants they try to make here there and they often succeed so why come here? Hand outs? We need to stop hand outs.
Why do all those ppl want to come here?
D71, our street are paved with gold. :ROFLMAO:

What I see with lot of immigrants they try to make here there and they often succeed so why come here?
D71, IMO to find that answer you have to look behind them(what they came from).
you have a much bigger world view then I could ever imagine, I should be asking you that question.
It is horrible here ask any liberal. 😁😳
I just had my eyes opened today, IMO life could not be better(putting up 6 panels this weekend),
everything worked out better then I could have ever thought, but there is 2 Americas living next to
each other, over 60 life couldn't be better, under 40 thing take on a different view and without collage
it can be dreadful.

worth a look
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Bob, that's one area I would avoid like the plague.
they beat us up in 2020 because we lost the kids.

View attachment 222155
Many of the kids were rented in their home countries! Over 6,000 documented cases in 2019 alone according to CBP.

AND the laptop proved joe bidens corruption on several fronts and that he told a bald faced lie at the debates. Censoring that info influenced the election
D71, our street are paved with gold. :ROFLMAO:

D71, IMO to find that answer you have to look behind them(what they came from).
you have a much bigger world view then I could ever imagine, I should be asking you that question.

I just had my eyes opened today, IMO life could not be better(putting up 6 panels this weekend),
everything worked out better then I could have ever thought, but there is 2 Americas living next to
each other, over 60 life couldn't be better, under 40 thing take on a different view and without collage
it can be dreadful.

worth a look
Is there a point here. Not a question. You sound like a liberal.
Bob, that's one area I would avoid like the plague.
they beat us up in 2020 because we lost the kids.

View attachment 222155
Look up that stupid broad that immeraed her toddler in the rio grande (most polluted river in the US, 6 million gallons of raw sewage a day released by nuevo laredo.) kid dies of of some disease after being released from detention 3 weeks later. She claims its because a cold was passed to her child in detention. Yet the first symptom was an earache!
We are not responsible for their stupid behavior with children.
AOC trotted her in front of congress as proof of trumps cruelty yet withhekd the part about being apprehended in a river full of raw sewage and dead animals.
She sued for $60 million, it was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount and of course she stayed with her windfall.
Fuck her, fuck AOC, and fuck democrats.
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Is there a point here. Not a question. You sound like a liberal.
Batvette, if you want an echo chamber don't quote me.

as Bob has pointed out, my stick is apposing views, he would call it argumentative, eristic, or I'm a idiot.

you personally are outside my sights, but your ideas and posts are fair game IMO.

It was fucking rigged.
we go to war with the FBI
we go to war with the DOJ
we go to war with the News media
we go to war with the social media
we go to war with Hollywood
we go to war with professional sports
hard to play victim when you go to war, your best to just bring bigger guns.
"or I'm a dick"---> a laptop may not cut it. 🤪

I'm sure we all think we are the biggest bear in the room, poke at your own risk, my guess it's DOJ.

grant started the DOJ, not sure I'd poke him.
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Batvette, if you want an echo chamber don't quote me.

as Bob has pointed out, my stick is apposing views, he would call it argumentative, eristic, or I'm a idiot.


we go to war with the FBI
we go to war with the DOJ
we go to war with the News media
we go to war with the social media
we go to war with Hollywood
we go to war with professional sports
hard to play victim when you go to war, your best to just bring bigger guns.
"or I'm a dick"---> a laptop may not cut it. 🤪

I'm sure we all think we are the biggest bear in the room, poke at your own risk, my guess it's DOJ.

grant started the DOJ, not sure I'd poke him.
View attachment 222206
Go to war with each other, because of going to war, to continue keeping the masses divided.....
Deep breaths Tommy, look at things from all sides, keep an open mind and think critically.
Many of the kids were rented in their home countries! Over 6,000 documented cases in 2019 alone according to CBP.

AND the laptop proved joe bidens corruption on several fronts and that he told a bald faced lie at the debates. Censoring that info influenced the election
Older ppl know Biden was a liar. He proved it over and over in the past. All politicians lie even Trump.

Obuma taking on support of Biden was a liberal vote grabber. He - Obuma always played it up as he was a puppet master in videos. Think it was Bob that posted a recent one.

Biden is creepy asf. I have to think that liberals for obuma backed account of his Biden endorsement. He never really left his basement to campaign. Yet he spent money like crazy ~2x-3x then Trump. Where did that campaign money go? Who did they buy to steal it. I watched live vote counts change. In weird ways to Biden then again GA election for senators. These are on videos too. “

I don’t think Biden won 2020 fair and square. If he did would not be doing what Biden is doing right now. He would just beat Trump again no problem. Right?

to continue keeping the masses divided
Divided we fall
42OhmsPA, from just a glance at the cast of characters DNC, RNC, talking heads, corporations and candidates
this seems like a very big topic, too big for here in a trump topic(one of the characters).
should have it's own topic.


has potential to be a rabbit hole, just right for chit chat zone

But it was only fantasy
The wall was too high, as you can see
No matter how he tried, he could not break free
And the worms ate into his brain
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MTG ..... Hates the RINOS .... but realizes the greater good requires we vote for them.


I’m not Tommy but why should illegals NOT vote? They get all the other benefits and even more of a USA citizen. Right? Someone pass the constitution so can clean some shit off of it to wipe my own ass on it too. Immigration Laws was changed by a select group of ppl but no one ever blames them because they are always the victims. They have permanent victimhood …. They got prayer taken out of public schools too. Replaced it with holocaust training.

So yes illegals should vote. Every country for that matter should vote in our elections. Ppl like BongDong in his or her or unknown gender…. perfect country should vote here too. Fuck it.
I’m not Tommy but why should illegals NOT vote? They get all the other benefits and even more of a USA citizen. Right? Someone pass the constitution so can clean some shit off of it to wipe my own ass on it too. Immigration Laws was changed by a select group of ppl but no one ever blames them because they are always the victims. They have permanent victimhood …. They got prayer taken out of public schools too. Replaced it with holocaust training.

So yes illegals should vote. Every country for that matter should vote in our elections. Ppl like BongDong in his or her or unknown gender…. perfect country should vote here too. Fuck it.
You OK?
Why sure. Realization is immigrants have more rights and some how more entitlements then ppl that paid into the corrupt system here. Say it is not true. For years ppl south of border have came across to have baby - citizen usa
They then take baby back to mexico and draw all benefits while living there.
Social security cards are cloned and given to illegals so the money put into social security system as funds can not be taken out by illegal worker. Politicians can then steal that money too.

We have a fine system setup and run by criminals.
Tommy .... Do you think Illegals should be voting?
Bob, that's not going to happen.

what's going to happen, we are going to get 5 times more immigration judges on the first day of the next
(real)republican administration(once we send the clown show packing), fema is going to set up temp housing
at the entry points, so we don't need to bus them throughout the country. then we'll get real voter id so
employers know for sure who they are paying. the current clowns want to use these people as cannon fodder
that going to stop. we'll work with congress to fix this, close entry point that get swamped(more then we have judges)

I get people would pay big money to watch the clown show, they just suck at governing, or fixing problems we face.



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diy solar

diy solar